Brain follows natural laws
The whole is made up of the sum of it's parts
Biology is the theory of natural selection evolition the adaptive values of structires and behaivors for the survival of a species the survival of the fittest ***
A personals subkective expierence of the world based on personal feelnig or opinions Parts of the mind
⦁ structurism
⦁ The analysis of wundt Functionalism (james) the study of the adaptive purposes that mental processes serve an fmri is going to be viewed through structuralism
empiricism vs nativs empirism believed that the mind is a blak slate where experiences are writtern
Nativism is the idea that certian kinds of knowledge are innate - or preloaded. Empiricism is the idea of imoptrance of learning where are nativism is are we really born that way? How much of the way we are born predesposes dictates the way we are. John B. Watson (IMPORTANT) our mind is a subjective entity. to ivercome the issue behaivor was the main ways psychologists operated gives the stimuli and observes the response
Controverseley throught cognitive revoulition This is stimuli and refine the understanding of the brain and use that to evlauate the response to understand what is happening in the brain.
Ibn al haytham says that evidence does not support the then accepted notion that our eyes emit rays that travel to the objects we see. the scientific method uses objectivity. a set of proced People can see the same thing in very different ways
People are diffucult to studyt because of compelexity variablility reactivity Observe ise one's sesnses to learn about he properties of an event or an oblect how the steps in a measurement of a property defining the property to be measuured finding a way to detect it