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Heritage Assessment Tool


Submitted By nakitanm
Words 1724
Pages 7
Heritage Tool Assessment
Grand Canyon University
Culture and Cultural Competency in Health Promotion

Heritage Tool Assessment
There are challenges with cultural diversities and competencies in the United States, as we have grown into a melting pot of many different cultures and ethnicities. Nurses make a positive difference in a patient’s life every day by providing high quality healthcare. But now, in the 21st century, nurses are providing that quality within an increasingly multicultural society. Doctor Madeline Leininger, founder of the field of transcultural nursing, says that when providing culturally competent patient care, it must be customized to fit the patient’s own cultural values, beliefs, traditions, practices and lifestyle. ((Leininger, & McFarland, 2006). The heritage assessment tool helped me to identify that families with diverse cultures have different perceptions on wellness and disease. Using this assessment tool, can help the healthcare provider determine how to care for their patient based on their cultural needs, it will also help identify the approach that needs to be made in teaching, health maintenance, health protection and health restoration as the provider can use the results as a baseline for treatment. The basis of this paper is to familiarize myself with the Native American, African American, and Hispanic cultures. The heritage assessment tool helped me to determine the needs of the whole person based on their beliefs and practices.
As I began my exploration of diverse cultures, I decided it would be best to start with my family. I used the heritage assessment tool and I identified my family as being of the Hispanic American culture, with Hispanic American values and traditions. We spoke primarily English in my household, but the adults did speak Spanish to one another when they visited. I grew up with my grandparents as my

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