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Heroic Journey Research Paper

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What do you think of a hero that is not really know by anyone, lives on the streets and is not a human. I think that the hero is not a hero in the human world but is a hero to a family of cats. This tom cat is a hero to these cats and their owner because of the courage he gained in the belly of the whale. The most important part of the heroic journey is the belly of the whale. This can be seen through what the hero gains physically, mentally, and how these gains help the hero later. One of the best way to show the belly of the whale is through the mental gains from it. One example would be when o'malley is feeling down when he told dutches that he is not a house cat that he belongs on the streets. Then he turns around and ends up saving dutches and the kittens. A example from the hobbit would be when bilbo showed up to help the dwarves get out of the elven kingdom.(chapter 9) This is why I think that the belly of the whale fits so well with the heroic journey. …show more content…
When o’malley started to fight Edgar. He started to use some of his alley cat moves on edgar. After roquefort helped o’malley fight edgar by getting some of o’malley alley cat friends to help him fight edgar. After roquefort got the Duchess and kittens out of the box all the alley cats pushed edgar into the box and they shipped him to timbuktu. A good physical gain from the hobbit is when bilbo starts to use the ring to his advantage by sneaking into the elven kingdom without even being knowdest by the elves.(page 172) I think that the physical gains is a really strong part to the belly of the whale because it really show how much the hero can do to help other

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