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Heroin Usage: Diamorphine

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Pages 4
Jayde Bonnell
2018 March 31
Heroin Usage
Heroin, also known as diamorphine, is a highly addictive analgesic drug derived from morphine ( It is often used illicitly as a narcotic, producing euphoria. The narcotic, during the late 1800's and early 1900's, influenced our nation and citizens immensely. Heroin along with several other analgesic drugs provide individuals with an escape from oppressing environments and a way of coping, however the narcotics lead the individual into a life of addiction. During the Civil War, soldiers were given morphine as a pain reliver and anesthetic. The opiate moved from the battleground into the society of the nation's citizens due to an increase in popularity. Since then millions …show more content…
In the late 1800's Bayer pharmaceutical company began marketing heroin, which is made through the process of boiling diacetylmorphine. Middle class citizens commonly used heroin as a pain reliever, cure for illnesses, and to help calm fussy babies. Several mothers inadvertently killed their children by giving them an over dosage. By the year of 1906, the narcotic heroin was approved by the American Medical Association, for general use ( Heroin was purchased over the counter legally by millions of Americans. Because it was readily available, millions of people began using heroin. The substance was classified as a non-addicting agent and was used to treat morphine addiction.
Several individuals are drawn towards narcotics to help cope with mental disorders, however it causes negative effects on …show more content…
The narcotic provided individuals with the same amount of pain relief as the high dollar medications. Several individuals believed that turning to heroin was the best route, however they began to lead themselves into a life of addiction. The narcotic has been on the rise in the United States for the past couple decades and continues to skyrocket. Because the drug provides the user with immense surges of dopamine, individuals become addicted. For example, Sonny from the short story Sonny's Blues is an individual that was incarcerated because of his heroin usage. He was a young man that had great potential and was working his way up in the music industry, however he began to use heroin. Sonny began using heroin because of the horrific death of his parents and people that he was surrounded by. Heroin gave him the excitement and rush that he was missing in his life. However, the narcotic does not only affect people in stories and books, it also affects individuals today. Sabrina, a young girl that was addicted to heroin states " Drugs equal death. If you do nothing to get out, you end up dying. To be a drug addict is to be imprisoned. In the beginning, you think drugs are your friend (they may seem to help you escape the things or feelings that bother you). But soon, you will find you get up

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