...Special episodeOn April 5, 2007, Fuji Television aired a three hour special of the series set five years after Aya's death and focuses on Haruto Asō, who has now become a doctor at the same hospital Aya was treated in and Ako Ikeuchi, Aya's younger sister who is a nurse in training. Haruto is caring for a 14-year-old female patient, Mizuki, who was bullied in school because of her disease, the same one that Aya had. Because of the bullying at school, Mizuki-chan decides not to receive therapy of any sort that would make her better, because she has lost her will to live. Haruto remembers how Aya fought her illness and lived her life with her disease; therefore, he offers support to his patient. Aya reappears in the episode using a number of flashbacks from the series and in new scenes.[1] [edit]Main cast Erika Sawajiri - Aya Ikeuchi Ryō Nishikido - Haruto Asō (Aya's later love interest) [edit]Other cast Naohito Fujiki - Hiroshi Mizuno (Doctor) Hiroko Yakushimaru - Ikeuchi Shioka Takanori Jinnai - Ikeuchi Mizuo Riko Narumi - Ikeuchi Ako Yuma Sanada - Ikeuchi Hiroki Ai Miyoshi - Ikeuchi Rika Saori Koide - Mari Sugiura (One of Aya's best friends) Kenichi Matsuyama - Yuji Kawamoto (Aya's first love interest) Yuya Endo - Takeda Makoto (Yuji's friend in the Basketball club) Kana Matsumoto - Saki Matsumura Momosuke Mizutani - Kohei Onda Ryo Hashidume - Keita Nakahara Hiroshi Katsuno - Yoshifumi Asō (Haruto's father) Asae Onishi (大西麻恵...
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...MARY POPPINS ANALYSIS Mary Poppins was actually Bert's nanny long ago and there is a special reason she returns to Bert's life. Let's break it down! Bert sings: "Because I was afraid to speak/When I was just a lad/My father gave me nose a tweak/And told me I was bad/ But then one day I learned a word/That saved me achin' nose/The biggest word I ever heard/And this is how it goes, oh/ Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." Bert explicitly says that, when he was young, he was a scared child who was afraid to speak and had an over-bearing father, until he – as a child – learned that magic word. It's a magical word that really only Mary Poppins knows or uses. There is really no way he could have learned it as a kid unless she taught it to him! In the movie Bert works as a one-man band, a sidewalk chalk artist, a super-chipper chimney sweep, and a kite salesman! The movie takes care to show how sucky all the jobs are, but no matter what, he manages to keep a smile on his face. It's as if someone taught him how to find the joy in hard work. Perhaps with a spoonful of sugar?! (Yes. The answer is yes.) In the very beginning, Bert predicts, "Wind's in the East/ Mist coming in/ like something is brewing/ about to begin./Can't put me finger/on what lies in store/ But I feel what's to happen all happened before." It seems vague, but really he's just being coy. It did all happen before, when Mary Poppins was HIS nanny. Bert NEVER questions Mary's magic not when she's flying, not when...
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... By: Bleon Acquainted with the night By: Robert frost I have been one acquainted with the night. I have walked out in rain -- and back in rain. I have out walked the furthest city light. I have looked down the saddest city lane. I have passed by the watchman on his beat and dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain. I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet When far away an interrupted cry Came over houses from another street, But not to call me back or say good-bye; And further still at an unearthly height, A luminary clock against the sky Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right. I have been one acquainted with the night. Analysis The man in this story has walked at night a lot. He’s walked both away and back, probably his home, in the rain. He has walked out in to the city, and past the lights, maybe out of the city, and he’s looked down lonely, dark streets. The man has walked by a watch man, and look at him because he didn’t want to say why he was there, not even with a glance. The man stops because he wants to listen to a voice calling from the other street. He hoped the voice was calling for him. The man looks up at a clock, which probably is the moon, he was not satisfied with the time it showed. He ends by referring to the first line of the poem. I picked this picture for the poem because it connects so well with the poem. In the poem it says the...
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...As You Like It Summary How It All Goes Down Sir Rowland de Boys has recently died, leaving behind sons Oliver and Orlando. Since Oliver's the eldest son, he's inherited just about everything. This includes the responsibility of making sure his little bro finishes school and continues to live the kind of lifestyle he's become accustomed to as the son of a nobleman. (By the way, this lifestyle looks like a sixteenth-century version of MTV's Teen Cribs.) Oliver, however, treats his little bro like a servant – he refuses to pay for Orlando's education and never gives the kid any spending money. Also, he tells the local court wrestler it would be a good idea to snap Orlando's neck, but Orlando doesn't know about this. Naturally, Orlando is ticked off that Oliver treats him so badly and he's ready to "mutiny" against his older bro. Instead, he channels all of his pent up anger into a wrestling match, where he beats the court wrestler to a bloody pulp. Orlando's wrestling skillz catch the eye of a local girl named Rosalind, who has her own family drama to worry about. (Ros is the daughter of Duke Senior, who used to rule over the French court but was overthrown by his snaky, backstabbing brother, Duke Frederick. Because Rosalind's dad is living in exile in the Forest of Arden, Rosalind has been crashing at the palace with her BFF/cousin, Celia. Did we mention that Celia is the daughter of snaky, backstabbing Duke Frederick? And you thought your family had issues…) Rosalind...
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...SCENE 1: Dave and Nicole are sitting around a table looking over their analysis essays for their English 113 class. They are overly stressed about their papers because their evil English Professor Ryan Brown had failed everyone who were foolish enough to take his class. Dave and Nicole were stressing over which American Author to write a seven page paper on. NICOLE: Why in the world did you sign up for this class? The only reason I took this class is because there were no other English classes available. DAVE: Well...I thought he’d take it easy on me because he’s engaged to my sister. Apparently, he doesn't care. DAVE: Why do you think he's so hard to get with? Do you think it’s because he's colorblind? NICOLE: No that can't be it...maybe he's just mad because no one showed up for his poem club. DAVE: Yeah...we should've went to that. Anyways do you have any idea on who you are going to write about? NICOLE: I still have no idea. There has to be something that we could do that would at least earn us a few brownie points. DAVE: I know! Why don't we throw a dinner party for him to celebrate his engagement? We could have it at that quaint cottage in the woods. NICOLE: wha...what kind of stupid idea is that? It sounds like a stupid play [DAVE cuts NICOLE off by laughing followed by a glare and a harsh hush]. SCENE 2: While Nicole and Dave discuss their plans for the party, we meet Tobias Von Zitzewitz, a German scientist who is also working on...
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...Anaphoric reference Chapter 3: Presupposition and entailment 1. Types of presupposition 2. Entailments Chapter 4: Cooperation and implicature 1. The cooperative principle 2. Hedges 3. Conversational implicatures 4. Generalized conversational implicatures 5. Scalar implicatures 6. Particularized conversational implicatures 7. Conventional implicatures Chapter 5: Speech acts and events 1. Speech act classification 2. Felicity conditions 3. Speech events Chapter 6: Politeness and interaction 1. Politeness 2. Face wants 3. Say something: off and on record 4. Positive and negative politeness Chapter 7: Conversation and preference structure 1. Conversation analysis 2. Pauses, overlaps, and backchannels Chapter 8: Discourse and culture 1. Discourse analysis Chapter 9: Identification and application Conclusion Bibliography Appendix: Script Introduction: Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or reader). As GeorgeYule (1996) says, ‘Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning’. This paper shows that this type of study involves the interpretation of what people mean in a...
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...godThe House of God Study Guide The House of God by Samuel Shem (c)2014 BookRags, Inc. All rights reserved. Contents The House of God Study Guide 1 Contents 2 Plot Summary 4 Chapter 1 6 Chapter 2 7 Chapter 3 8 Chapter 4 9 Chapter 5 10 Chapter 6 11 Chapter 7 12 Chapter 8 13 Chapter 9 14 Chapter 10 15 Chspter 11 16 Chapter 12 17 Chapter 13 18 Chapter 14 19 Chapter 15 20 Chapter 16 21 Chapter 17 22 Chapter 18 23 Chapter 19 24 Chapter 20 25 Chapter 21 26 Chapter 22 27 Chapter 23 28 Chapter 24 29 Chapter 25 30 Chapter 26 31 Characters 32 Objects/Places 35 Themes 37 Style 39 Quotes 41 Topics for Discussion 43 Plot Summary Roy G. Basch is a new intern in internal medicine at a hospital called the House of God. He begins his internship under the tutelage of the Fat Man, a second year resident who has some crazy ideas as to how to take care of patients. According to the Fat Man, there are two types of patients: the dying young and gomers. Gomers are elderly, demented patients from outside nursing homes who barely qualify as being human and who, the Fat Man says, never die. Only the young are sick enough to die at the House of God. Roy starts his internship fairly scared. He meets his fellow interns, Potts, Hyper Hooper, Chuck, Eat My Dust Eddy and the Runt—all scared and new to internship and patient care. Roy gets assigned duty with Chuck and Potts under the Fat Man on an internal medicine ward. Each takes turns...
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...“Disgracing himself” This novel, “Disgrace” by J.M. Coetzee was such an outrageous novel for me. David Lurie was our main character; he was involved throughout the whole entire novel. David Lurie has many superior changes that occur to him in his life. As, we analyzed David Lurie is the main character in the novel, he acknowledges many terrific experiences, some were quite shocking and extremely intense. The author of this novel makes David Lurie’s personality seem very doubtful. There are many significant changes in David Lurie, especially how his personality creates new a character for him. Many major changes occur to David Lurie’s life, these affect him a positive manner. The changes occur and teach him not to make similar mistakes as previously...
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...Donnie Darko In this essay I’m going to tell about the story with a summery and after that i’ll tell about the settings in the story. Settings = time, place, cultural enviroment, social enviroment, historical enviroment and atmosphere. The purpose with this description is that it will give other an insight into this story and a good analysis. In our english lessons we saw a movie called ’’Donnie Darko.’’ It was a really good movie. Time: The storys time is in 1988 during the elections to America's new president. I can’t say precisely if the is in the real world or in an imaginary world, because he’s paranoid schizophrenic. So he sees things who aren’t real. Like a big bunny named Frank and some ’’ghost-snakes’’ coming aout of people and lead him somewhere. Place: The story takes place in Middlesex, Virginia where he lives with his family. Also at his school where he gets a book from one of the teachers, and when he looks at the writers name he founds out that it’s his grandmother who has written the book about ’’time travel.’’ At the golf curse, where he writes ’’28064212’’ down at his arm. In the cinema he sees Fransk talk to him and after that he walks home to Jim Cunningham's house and stars a fire in his living room. After the fire the police founds a secret room with many picture of small, naked kids. The last time at the psychologist, when he tells her about Frank and the number he wrote down at his arm. Atmosphere: The 2. October 1988 (the fall) ...
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...Sociological Ad Analysis Submitted For SOCI 1005A Instructor: Priscillia Lefebvre 101015189 This advertisement created by Old Spice Body Wash was an interesting way to not only market their product but it was also comical and entertaining to their audience in such a way that it will not be forgotten by the viewers, thus making it quite popular around the world. In this short to the point ad, it has the audience engaged right off the bat with superstar NFL football player Isaiah Mustafa shirtless showcasing his desirable muscular physique and speaking in a deep projected masculine voice directly telling the audience with full eye-contact that he’s “The man your man could smell like.” In a span of 30 seconds, the Old Spice Guy was able to gain popularity and also spread awareness all around the globe about the product that was being advertised. There are many reasons as to why this ad has gained so much popularity in recent years, and it’s not hard to see why. It is a very short ad that gets straight to the point and is rather easy to share and spread around the world. Another thing that the creators did well was the emphasis on humour. Generally, when we see an ad while watching T.V. and find it hysterical and humorous, we will proceed to search it online to view it and show it to friends and family. The main issues in this ad is the gender stereotypes that is easily noticeable, such as the idea that women like a masculine good looking male...
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...SAY IT AIN’T SO, HUCK: A SECOND LOOK AT MARK TWAIN’S “MASTERPIECE” Jane Smiley’s analysis gives a very controversial view on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn due to its subdued thoughts upon what is known to many as classical American literature. Her essay concerns other author’s inspections about the issues upon slavery, and how differently they are represented in other works of literature. Smiley makes her point known that although Huck Finn is what most view as a great novel; she disagrees and states that Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin is more useful as a tool to learn about the problems dealing with slavery. From the beginning to the end of the essay, Smiley’s initial intention to bringing Mark Twain’s novel into to spot light changes. Her essay that was supposed to support Mark Twain moves more interest upon Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and seems to have replaced the luster of Huck Finn completely. She also is under the impression that the character Jim, the runaway slave also Huck’s companion in all of their misadventures was treated so poorly that the the novel as a whole doesn’t stand as an attack on racism at all. Perhaps, she must of read a different book than I, or she maybe had a few too many glasses of wine whilst reading and became over sensitive to the situation. I wish she would have given examples on how Huck’s actions should have played out towards Jim that would make her feel like the novel did suffice. The fact that Huck had several opportunities...
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...Yellow analysis and interpretation A short story by Peter Carty In a contrast to nature mankind has always seemed small. Nature with its dark rivers, gigantic mountains, forests filled with danger and endless oceans. Nature can swallow you in one breath if you let it and can through your life make you scared and make you feel not noticeable and hopeless. Suicide is normally caused by problems like these that a person cannot seem to overcome and either way it’s a desperate act. In the novel Yellow written in 1999 by Peter Carty, a man named Jon is sent to Egypt to write an article about scuba diving. An Italian man named Berto is to teach him on a team containing Jon and another student, Brian. Through the considerations and reflections of this protagonist, Jon, the reader gains information about his fears, problems and inner conflicts, which end up causing his suicide. In this analysis of the story I will focus on characterization of the protagonist, Jon, narrative technique, language, the significance of the setting, symbols and at the ending and at last I will elaborate on themes, draw perspectives to other texts and finally make a conclusion. Through the analysis I’ll focus, among other things, on the question: can nature be tamed, owned and transferred into something that is subject to mankind? The story starts out with no introduction, in other words: in medias res. The reader is thrown directly into the story and that emphasizes that nothing is given to the reader...
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...Plot Overview A ghost resembling the recently deceased King of Denmark stalks the ramparts of Elsinore, the royal castle. Terrified guardsmen convince a skeptical nobleman, Horatio, to watch with them. When he sees the ghost, he decides they should tell Hamlet, the dead King's son. Hamlet is also the nephew of the present King, Claudius, who not only assumed his dead brother's crown but also married his widow, Gertrude. Claudius seems an able King, easily handling the threat of the Norwegian Prince Fortinbras. But Hamlet is furious about Gertrude's marriage to Claudius. Hamlet meets the ghost, which claims to be the spirit of his father, murdered by Claudius. Hamlet quickly accepts the ghost's command to seek revenge. Yet Hamlet is uncertain if what the ghost said is true. He delays his revenge and begins to act half-mad, contemplate suicide, and becomes furious at all women. The Lord Chamberlain, Polonius, concludes that Hamlet's behavior comes from lovesickness for Ophelia, Polonius's daughter. Claudius and Gertrude summon two of Hamlet's old friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, to find out what's wrong with him. As Polonius develops a plot to spy on a meeting between Hamlet and Ophelia, Hamlet develops a plot of his own: to have a recently arrived troupe of actors put on a play that resembles Claudius's alleged murder of Old Hamlet, and watch Claudius's reaction. Polonius and Claudius spy on the meeting between Ophelia and Hamlet, during which Hamlet flies into a rage against...
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...ghosting over some. The first steps starting with Ordinary world and ending with crossing the threshold are substituted for Odysseus’s fight in the Trojan war that lasts ten years. Because he was taken from his ordinary world to fight without protest, the story glances over these few steps, picking up at step 6. In other words, his journey starts with an Ordinary world but doesn’t engage with steps two through 5; therefore, his journey follows only part of the guidelines...
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...had 372 mass shootings. The effects of this were, of course, tragic. Violence has always been part of this world, and it will never disappear. Also, the effects it has on people will not disappear, especially on the youth. The group of people who are still developing to adulthood will be greatly affected by any type of violence. Provide a brief summary of Elie’s experience. Elie, a 15 years old, who himself had experienced mass violence survived The Holocaust. Elie was only a teenager when he was taken to a concentration camp where this would be the worst time of his life. In this camp, abuse of the worst kind was done to him and others. He was beaten, starved,...
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