...Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy. Heyyy...
Words: 353 - Pages: 2
...The Summer that Changed my Life… My name is Dinise I am a loner, I love to read. In the summer time I also enjoy swimming and riding bikes with my cousins. I help out my family I take care of my sisters my older sister Ruthie who is mentally retarded and has other medical problems, she has to have someone watch her 24/7, my younger sister does not like to be alone Raylene is a pre teen and mostly just watches TV and plays with her two best friends that live on the same street as we do. Their names are Brandi and Cristal. I also watch my cousins Oren and Donald every day and clean house for Becky and Mac. I also watch my other cousins Cris (Cristal) and Jerry when their dad goes out of town for his job. (This is most of the time.) Monday Let’s start my story on graduation day not mine. Mine will not be for another year though. Right now I am watching three friend graduate Billy who is going into the Air Force tomorrow and Rick who is going into college but tomorrow he is going to Mexico to visit family there, then go right to college, Jody who is going tomorrow to France and travel till her marriage next June to Billy. This will be the last time we are going be together every time I think about this being our last time to hang out I start to cry. Right now I am sitting next to Billy’s mom and Jody’s mom they’re upset watching this and I am trying really hard not to cry I hate crying in front of people. Billy’s mom is also having a get to gather at their house tonight...
Words: 92259 - Pages: 370