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High School Peer Mentorship Report

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My transition into high school has precipitated my substantial growth both personally and intellectually. I have always been a diligent student that can achieve a high level of success in academic settings. At the same time, I was formerly under the impression that a personal life was irrelevant and unnecessary, and because of this, I sacrificed my social life for what I perceived to be an academic advantage. When I imagined the considerable shift from my small, all girls junior high, into a comparatively mammoth senior high, I presumed that my academics would require an increased amount of attention and that I would have to disregard my personal life to a greater extent. In actuality, high school has shown me just how crucial a personal life is to one's well-being, and that it still remains possible to accomplish outstanding academics even without dedicating the entirety of my being to them.

The rigour of high school is incontrovertibly intensified when compared to …show more content…
I wouldn't be where I am right now intellectually and academically without having first developed personally. I am currently a mentor in my schools Peer Mentorship program. Being a mentor involves much more than being proficient in a given subject, it requires interpersonal, organizational, diplomatic, and leadership abilities, all of which I have gained as a result of personal growth. Developing into a more social individual over the past two and a half years has also allowed me to become approachable and more capable of conveying a clear message. In addition to my mentor position, success in high school requires students to take initiative and my aptitude to do so has been maximized. A level of amicability in a student-teacher relationship can make a student feel supported and like they have all the tools necessary to succeed. I strive to form these relationship with all of my teachers and continue to benefit from

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