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The Problems Affecting American Students In Today's Society

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In today’s society, adolescents face a wide variety of adverse difficulties. Challenges such as breakdown of family structure, stress from school, and personal financial problems can produce catastrophic amounts of stress and pressure on young adults. Unfortunately, all of this stress and pressure often times leads to deeper, more personal problems, such as low self-esteem and severe depression. These difficulties are all too real for my peers and I, but with the right mindset, despite all of the pain, they can be turned into wonderful opportunities to learn the art of overcoming.
The largest and most adverse problem affecting American young people today is the issue of the breakdown of families. Disintegration of family is always the first …show more content…
A person is a human being with not only a mind to educate, but a body and soul that needs nurturing. The key to rising above and overcoming the pressures and stress associated with academia is to come to terms with the fact that a perfect test score doesn’t necessarily promise a successful and happy future. Test scores and GPA’s are merely numbers, and numbers do not define us a person or equate to success. But the ability to love one’s self and others deeply and sincerely as well as knowing how to study ones academic passion well will definitely take a person far in …show more content…
They feel burdened by being a drain to their parent’s finances, which can cause significant strain to their relationships with their parents. This can lead them to feel depressed and unworthy of living life. This is usually because they love their parents so much and feel extremely guilty for their parents feeling like they have to work so hard and not enjoy their own lives because of them. This is a huge problem, and though it be overwhelming, it is manageable. Naturally, not every family can pay for college, and they shouldn’t have to. There are many ways to pay for college, if the students themselves are willing to put forth the necessary effort. Scholarships, grants, work-study. These are all reasonable and effective ways for teens to pay for their own life changing educational

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