...www.nitie.ac.in Volume 7 Issue 1 StreetAtNITIE In-Fin-NITIE ALSO INCLUDES: Bank Loan for Startups MSME Sector Development Global Turmoil and Indian Capital Market IN-FIN-NITIE Vol 7 Issue 1 IN-FIN-NITIE Vol 7 Issue 1 MESSAGE FROM THE CONVENOR Want to become an Investment Banker or a Financial Research Analyst Stop dreaming…Add the skill sets required to become one… IIQF is the pioneer of high-end finance education in India. It is an education initiative of top industry practitioners who have pioneered the most sophisticated financial technologies in India like Portfolio Risk Management Models and Systems and Algorithmic Trading Systems using High Performance Parallel Computing. “A mere 25% of graduates that India produces every year is actually employable. Even though India is poised to become the third largest economy in the world by 2050, out of all the graduates that pass out in an academic year, only 25% are suitable for getting inducted into the industry.” Jeffrey Fuller, Principal Advisor of Human Capital. There exists a huge gap between the skills that are required by the industry and what the Indian academic system produces. The objective of IIQF is to impart training to students in those skill-sets that are in demand in the industry and make them industry ready, or as we call them “The Street-Ready”. Certificate Program in Advanced Financial Modelling in Excel and VBA Certificate Program in Financial Modelling in Excel ...
Words: 17797 - Pages: 72
...Executive summary This term paper is prepared on the telecommunication sector of Bangladesh. Telecom sector of Bangladesh is a very fast growing and dynamic sector. This sector marked its inception in 1989. In this report we have analyzed the history, the value chain activities, the competitive forces, mobile network portability, and national telecom policy etc. We have conducted the risk analysis of the industry in terms of different analysis tools that is SWOT, PESTEL etc. We have covered in and out of the industry in the part A of our report. In part B, we have analyzed the industry players. We have done TTF of our respective company that we have chosen. Then in part C, we have written the case of the respective company that the group members have chosen. Bangladesh’s mobile phone market has achieved exceptional growth since the beginning of 2004, registering a massive 100% growth in its subscriber base during 2004, and 137% during 2005. In recent year of 2012, 15% has been observed in the industry. This trend is forecast to continue over the coming years as the 3G will further boost up the pace of subscribers’ acquisition Many foreign investors are now interested to do business in telecom sector in Bangladesh which reveals that Bangladesh has become a significant hub for telecoms. It has been forecasted that the average revenue from telecoms sector will be Tk 2500 crore a year. Bangladesh is a country which is densely populated and also is a flat and easily extends able...
Words: 27987 - Pages: 112