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Hinduism Vs Buddhism Research Paper

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If one were to look at Hinduism and Buddhism in a general sense, it would be easy to lump the two as so similar that they’re almost identical, however, when one takes a closer look at different aspects of each belief, one wouldl find that it’s the details between the two religions that make them different. Reincarnation is one of the many things that are different between Hinduism and Buddhism, while both religions believe in the soul living through multiple lives before being set free from any pursuits or desires –often referred to as samsara, the “wheel of rebirth,” and moksha respectively in Hinduism and nirvana in Buddhism– the idea of how one is reincarnated, and how to achieve liberation is different.
Hindus believe that the soul is tethered to the body, and indeed, the rest of the earth, because of karma and samsara. The caste that an individual is born into is determined by what kind of karma said individual accumulated in their past life; if it’s good karma, then one is born higher up the caste, if it’s bad, then they are born lower down as a form of punishment. The goal is to reach moksha, or release, and until that time comes, the human spirit is destined to travel from life to life until it can finally achieve moksha. …show more content…
When a Hindu is reborn into a new life, they are born as a completely new person, they do not remember their past life or what they did in it but can infer from the class that they are born into what kinds of things probably went

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