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Hippa and Research


Submitted By nurseroshontae
Words 1816
Pages 8
HIPAA Privacy Rule as it Relates to Research
Roshontae Henley
Holy Names University

HIPAA Privacy Rule as it Relates to Research
Since the earliest days of nursing, respect for patient privacy and confidentiality has been the building blocks to a successful nurse-patient relationship. Currently, it has become a careful piece in the researcher-participant relationship. Privacy and confidentiality are the most important issues in research ethics. Due to our computer aged society, protection of research participant's privacy has fused a great challenge. Researchers, Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), and administrators have their hands full with all the privacy and confidentiality matters that are essential to research. As nurses, we are familiar with the health insurance portability act (HIPAA) as it relates to healthcare. Considerably, the focus of this paper is to expand our knowledge of how maintaining confidentiality and protecting privacy in the research setting has influenced the HIPAA privacy rule.
Privacy is defined as freedom from damaging publicity, public scrutiny, secret surveillance, or unauthorized disclosure of one's personal data or information, as by a government, corporation, or individual (, 2015, figure 3). Privacy means a person has control over the extent, timing, and circumstances of sharing themselves with others. It relates to a participant's disclosure of information to a researcher. On the other hand, confidentiality is the act of protecting participant privacy. It pertains to the treatment of information that the participant has disclosed in the trusted relationship.
Challenges emerge when the need to keep information private is weighed with the need to share information to benefit the public. Sharing information such as DNA sequences or public health measures are important for the development of medical advances.

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