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Hippie Research Paper

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Words 1033
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Liam Klemm
Ms. deGozzaldi
Big Six
A Hippie’s Issue When someone buys a car they expect it to do a few things, protect them from a collision, be inexpensive to fix, be easy to work on, and to be reasonably priced. Normally this is not an issue. For the most part car manufacturers have managed to figure this out. However, somehow for some makes, this is this is still an anomaly. If someone were to buy a Toyota Prius, they might spend around $25,000 ( Initially, this may not sound awful but this is for a car making claims it can not live up to. If they want to sell motorcycles than they should say that. Electric and hybrid vehicles should not be used until they are more efficient, more safe and better understood. …show more content…
If you scoff at this this means you are only part of the problem. The idea that people are learning from this proves the point that will now be made. If someone were to have to do their own brakes then they would better off fixing a computer hard drive, it is just too complicated. Even that is more complicated with a KERS (kinetic energy regenerative system) most people can not change that. The whole system is more complicated than a car with a traditional internal combustion engine. Electric vehicles are also just as expensive to run and will raise the prices to get a car fixed. If someone wanted to be a mechanic then they would have to be willing to learn not only traditional internal combustion and electric. This will either deter people from becoming mechanics making them more scarce, cause a need for higher pay and/or the degree will cost more meaning they have to get paid higher. All of these mean the price of a tire change will rise. It should also be considered that if a person were to have to pull over because the car was not running right, it would be hard for the average person to identify the problem and even harder to fix it. Also, because the companies are so interested in being as technologically advanced as possible, they will install things like wheel locks, meaning a key is needed just to change a …show more content…
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration only 22% of power was renewable (see chart on page 2) (U.S.). While that looks good on paper, in reality that is not what society wants. Much of the renewable energy used by the U.S. has negative effects. For example, hydropower dams kill plenty of fish and make it harder for them to swim up and down. Also solar panels take up space needed for wildlife if they are to be worth installing. There is nuclear power which is 29.1% of power and requires a heat sink that is often a natural body of water (U.S.). This can cause things like issues in the sea level, flow rates in rivers and drops in certain aquatic species. Nuclear plant also have gaseous emissions which consist of sulfur dioxide that causes acid rain. This effect the productivity of the soil and local vegetation (Jaffer). The Idea that these cars can be better than the environment is like saying eating will make someone thin, it may burn calories but it adds more than it will burn, essentially the effect is

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