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Hiroshima, Necessary or Unethical


Submitted By nicolerulz
Words 500
Pages 2
Was it the only way to end the war or was it an act of terrorism against Japan? I believe it was both. Not only did bombing Hiroshima stop the Japanese from fighting, it ended the war between them and the United States. But was it totally justified? No, because the deaths of innocent civilians cannot be ignored. Even though I believe that this bombing was the only way to stop the Japanese, the numbers don’t lie. Nowhere in God’s word does it justify terrorism. There are laws when it comes to war, though. We are allowed to fight for a just cause. When a country attacks our own, we have the right to fight back, but against their army. The people of Hiroshima were defenseless and guiltless. The United States should have bombed a military fort, or a strong hold of soldiers, not people who have no way to protect themselves. I would compare this attack to the plane crash of the twin towers on September 11, 2011. People were unable to defend themselves. Hundreds of innocent lives were taken for nothing. The United States federal Government would never approve of an attack like this and have it be justifiable. Then why would allow this? The Japanese are fighters; they would have never given up. They trained and fought and worked toward their goal in defeating the U.S. Who knows how long they would have continued fighting if the bomb wasn’t dropped. And who knows who the winner of that war could have been. I think that even if we were able to destroy a military base, the Japanese would try to keep fighting, no matter what the cost. But on the other hand, that bomb could have weakened them to a point of surrender. I am not sure what would have happened if the bomb wasn’t dropped, but I think there may have been a better way around it. The blast from the bomb, itself, caused around 70,000 deaths almost instantly. But more people died later on, anywhere from 90,000 to 166,000 died because of radiation and other fatal diseases caused by the bombing. Were innocent lives deserving of that? There have still been lasting effects to people today that were uncalled for. Fifty years after the bombing, there were still records of deaths due to cancers caused by the radiation set off by the bomb. The land itself was completely destroyed and unfixable. There is no way that this bombing could be ethically correct. Killing God’s innocent creation for an unjust reason is not acceptable. It is said that ex-president Herbert Hoover believes that even though this bombing ended the war with Japan, a blockade like the one against Germany would have been equally efficient in leading the Japanese to surrender. So in reality, the bomb was unnecessary. Thousands of lives could have been saved, but instead, the United States lead the world into one of its darkest moments in history.

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