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Historical Analysis


Submitted By dingus23
Words 1707
Pages 7
BASIC BATTLE ANALYSIS: (Student Handout 1)

Study Guide for Battle Analysis


1. General: The U.S. Army Command and General Staff College developed the battle analysis methodology to help its students structure their studies of battles and campaigns. The format can be easily applied by any military professional seeking insight from historical battles and campaigns to help deepen his/her understanding of warfare and the profession of arms

a. The battle analysis methodology is a process for systematic study of a battle or campaign.

b. This process takes the form of a checklist that ensures completeness in examining the critical aspects of the chosen subject.

c. There are two forms of the Battle Analysis: Basic and Advanced. Both utilize the same four steps, but the Advanced is more complex and detailed. Also, the Advanced analyzes the strategic influences on the battle.

2. Format: The checklist is divided into four steps, each of which builds on the previous one(s) to provide a logical order for the study.

a. The four steps are:

(1) Define the Subject/Evaluate the sources. (2) Review the Setting (Set the Stage). (3) Describe the Action. (4) Assess the Significance of the Action.

b. In the first step, you decide what battle you are going to study. In the next two, you gather the information necessary for a thorough and balanced study, and organize it in a logical manner to facilitate analysis. In the last step, you analyze the information to derive “lessons learned.”

3. Purpose: The battle analysis methodology is a guide to help ensure that important aspects of the study of a historical battle or campaign are not forgotten. It is not a rigid checklist that must be followed to the letter. You do not have to use every part of it in your study, but all of the elements of battle analysis

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