...I. Introduction A. Attention catcher: "Did you know that black adults in the U.S. are 20% more likely to experience serious mental health problems than the general population?" B. Listener relevance link: Mental health awareness is important for the black community because it affects well-being and community health. C. Thesis statement: Understanding historical and current mental health challenges in the black community can help improve access to resources and support. II. Body A. Historical Context - 1. The trauma of slavery has left a lasting impact on generations, leading to mistrust and trauma. 2. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? The Tuskegee Syphilis Study is an example of medical abuse that causes deep mistrust. 3....
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...Summary The purpose of this report is to inform readers on the mental illnesses and issues that are seen in many First Nations communities. This report also includes how the prevalence of mental illnesses and issues in First Nations communities can be linked to intergenerational trauma, and the treatment/healing. Introduction On April 9, 2016, the First Nations community of Attawapiskat, declared a state of emergency after eleven people attempted suicide in just one night. This is not a unique case, as this isn’t the first community to have gone into a state of emergency, nor will it be the last. Many First Nations communities face mental illness and issues that include suicide, depression, and drug and alcohol addictions - at a significantly...
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...post traumatic stress disorder the acronym (PTSD) will be used thereafter, this is the second component of his “dual diagnosis disorder”. REBT is an effective behavioural therapy model for addressing the developmental history model of addictions (drug and alcohol) treatment; and Psychodynamic Therapy aspect of counselling theory and practical application. In REBT, the application of the Psychoanalytic method, the client’s historical awareness of his potentially progressive disease and its distortions in thinking [denial] is addressed through the application of ABC’s of irrational thinking. 4 The lead clinician will assist the client with an REBT problem self-assessment; and application of the Model mental health chemical dependency treatment. 5 In this case study the client brings his partner to the practice three weeks ago which an initial assessment of the boyfriend—girlfriend dynamics. The session explores the multiple aspects of dysfunction that have existed within the relationship and substance misuse addiction and multi-generational trauma. The client’s father had been a cocaine addict and subsequently died a year ago. In the first...
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...Emily J. Salisbury and Patricia Van Voorhis quantitatively investigate women’s possibilities of ongoing criminal behavior (2009). Although some implications did arise, this study is important to the field by offering explanations of female offending which can offer proper interventions to help reduce recidivism. Throughout this paper I will be summarizing and critiquing the above article. The mentioned study uses a path analytic statistical procedure with a sample of 313 newly convicted women probationers selected by the Missouri Department of Corrections according to a stratified sample, to investigate three gendered pathways to women offenders’ incarceration: 1) a pathway beginning with childhood victimization that contributed to historical and current form of mental illness and substance abuse; 2) a relational pathway in which women’s dysfunctional intimate relationships facilitated adult victimization, reductions in self-efficacy, and current mental illness and substance abuse; and 3) a social and human capital pathway in which women’s challenges in the areas of education, family...
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...Helping Field Summary Lynda McCarthy, Charline Meeks, Debbie Warnke, Marcial Wiggins BSH/305: Historical Development of Human Services: An Introduction August 31, 2014 Mary Newhams Why Professionals Choose the Helping Field Written by Debbie Warnke I believe the reason professionals choose the helping field is because of a sense of accomplishment and the idea of being able to make a difference. Many human service professionals refer to this type of work as a “calling” and having the ability to show an individual or family how to become self-sufficient is a satisfaction that only someone in the helping field can describe. Why Choose the Helping Field Many of the individuals in the helping field are known as “idealists.” They have what is known as a NF (iNtuitive /Feeling) temperament. This temperament gives an individual a sense of purpose and they are known to be more creative, more empathetic, and have a tendency to focus on feelings more than facts. An individual with the NF temperament are often impatient with the business world, policies, and procedures, and are more likely to focus ultimately on the bottom line ( Myers, et al.,1998). Other reasons professionals chose to enter the helping field is because they know someone with a mental illness or addiction, they have other family members that are in the same/similar field, they like to help people that are in high risk situations such as substance...
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...Psycho-social Evaluation #2 FMH/ PSY 520 Evaluation and Treatment of Court Involved Youth Client Name: Jonathan Marsh Date of Birth: February 11, 1997 Interviewer: Date of Interview: March 11, 2012 Method of Interview: Writer met with client, Jon Marsh, and his mother, Ms. Joanne Marsh, on March 11, 2012 to complete a court ordered clinical evaluation. Collateral and historical information was provided by the Saratoga County Departments of Probation and Social Services. No testing was administered at this time. Identifying Information: Jonathan (Jon) Marsh is a fifteen (15) year old Caucasian male, referred to this writer by Officer Joe Jones, of the Saratoga County Department of Probation. John’s referral comes following approximately two years of Person In Need of Supervision (PINS) and associated probation for chronic truancy and unruly, aggressive behavior in the home. Specifically, Jon has missed over thirty days of school this year and has been physically aggressive with his mother and siblings, recently causing injury to his brother, Chris Marsh (i.e., a black eye and fractured nose). Jon has recently been violated and is being considered for out of home placement by Saratoga County Department of Social Services. Saratoga County Family Court requested that this writer provide clinical/ diagnostic impressions, recommendations for level of care, and suggestions for further evaluation and treatment. Family History: Jon was born to parents...
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...NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF NURSING 4003 Modified Nursing Care Plan You must submit the clinical tool with the care plan Student Name : Crystal Stephenson Date: October 27, 2012 ------------------------------------------------- Patient Summary: J.M. is a 25 year old Caucasian female G1 T1 A0L1 who began Stage 1 of labor 10/21/12 at 2300. She presented at Wake Med 10/22/12 at 1655 with SROM and contractions. She received treatment for GBS after testing positive. She delivered a baby girl weighing 6lbs 6oz 10/22/12 at 2057 with the assistance of a vacuum. Baby’s AGARs were 8/9. Client received an epidural during labor. Her estimated blood loss was 400 ml. She received a 3rd degree laceration to her perineal area during labor and has not been able to void since even when she has had the urge to. An indwelling foley was placed 10/23/12 at 1230 to relieve urinary retention and bladder distension. 600 ml of urine was collected 10/23/12 at 1800. She was prescribed Dermoplast 20% to use while providing peri care to relieve the discomfort and swelling of her perineal area. Client is currently breast feeding. She received education about different feeding positions and has demonstrated a good latch with the baby in the football hold. Client is allergic to Macrobid and experiences hives and itching when exposed...
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...statistics reveals great inequality in many areas of health care and health status between the Aboriginal people and the general population of Australia. Couzos and Murray (2008, p. 29) report that the Indigenous population has “the worst health status of any identifiable group in Australia, and the poorest access to health systems.” This paper will examine the underlying historical contexts and contributing factors that have lead to the current disparity between the health of the Indigenous Australians and non-Indigenous Australians. Furthermore, the high prevalence of chronic health issues such as diabetes will be analysed and community health initiatives that are needed or currently being enacted will be identified. Many reasons for the current appalling state of health and wellbeing of the Australian Aboriginal people can be explained by examining their recent history to the devastating impacts of colonisation, genocidal policy, loss of land and years of oppression. These several hundred years of cultural destruction, dispossession and social and political upheaval have resulted in generations of trauma and grief (Burke, 2006, para. 4). As reported by Forsyth (2007, p. 35-36), government policies enacted towards the indigenous population in the early 20th Century were concerned primarily with protection and segregation, as the prevailing attitude of the time was that the Indigenous people were largely inferior and were unable to care for themselves. Forsyth continues to...
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...4 II. Introduction and Summary………………………………….………….....Page 4 III. Literature Review………………………………………………………....Page 6 IV. Methods………………………………………………………….......….. Page 16 V. Socio-Historical Analysis………………………………………………. .Page 18 A. 20th Century 1. Lynching 2. Ku Klux Klan 3. Rodney King and the Los Angeles Riots 4. Matthew Shepard B. 21st Century 1. Post 9/11 2. Jena Six VI. Cause and Effect Analysis…………………………………………… ....Page 24 A. Causes 1. Prejudice a. Stereotypes b. Scapegoats c. Presence of Hate in American Culture d. Need for Status and Power 2. Reasons for Crime a. Sending a Message b. Thrill Seeking c. Defensive B. Effects 1. Psychological Trauma 2. Undo Social Progress 3. Community Unrest 4. Threat of Retaliation VII. Descriptive Analysis……………………………………………….........Page 30 A. Description of Victims 1. Bias against a Particular Race 2. Bias against a Particular Religion 3. Bias against a Particular Sexual Orientation 4. Bias against a Particular Ethnicity/National Origin 5. Bias against a Disability B. Description of Offenses and Offenders This must be your new section? VIII. Comparative Analysis…………………………………………………. Page 36 A. United States Justice Department Definition of Hate Crime B. International Justice Systems Definition of Hate Crime IX. Expectations for the Future……………………………………………. .Page 38 X. Recommendations of Social Policy……………………………………. Page 38 XI. Summary and Conclusion……………………………………………...
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...Health and Wellness in Native North America It is true that many of the old ways have been lost. But just as the rains restore the earth after a drought, so the power of the Great Mystery will restore the way and give it new life. We ask that this happen not just for the Red People, but for all people, that they all might live. Black Elk, Oglala, Sioux Contemporary health status of American Indians can be best viewed through the lens of various federal policies enacted over the past 500 years. These policies were developed largely in response to dramatic population losses among the indigenous peoples of America, resulting from genocidal actions of military campaigns, the lack of immunity to the diseases that accompanied European colonizers, and the assimilation efforts that destroyed tribal structures and wellness practices. Medical services were first coordinated through army physicians in the Department of War in an effort to control the spread of diseases from early reservation sites placed on or near military forts. By the twentieth century, the rapid decline of the Indigenous population, documented by the “Meriam Report” of 19281 prompted new assimilation efforts to save the first Americans. Healthcare services were re-coordinated within the Bureau of Indian Affairs and then into the Public Health Service, finally resting within the Federal Indian Health Service (IHS). Assimilation policies, however, proved to be highly destructive resulting in the...
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...Casualties of Law Enforcement: Homicide and Suicide Katherine Nielsen Buena Vista University Online Abstract This work is an overview of the increase in deaths of law enforcement agents: those killed on duty and those who kill themselves. As per a yearly report (Berman, 2014), the number of law enforcement agents killed while working rose almost a quarter this past year compared to years prior, especially ambush-style killings. Police officers across the country face potential dangers on their job, and they are a target simply because they are in uniform. As well, every 17 hours an officer commits suicide (Berman, 2014). This paper explores the correlation of the stress experienced by law enforcement associated with general strain theory (GST). GST is an explanation for suicide ideation for law enforcement officers. Other articles observe that police officers may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a critical incident or a traumatic experience. PTSD awareness is critical for saving lives. Why is there an increase in law enforcement deaths and suicides, and what needs to occur to change this trend? Keywords: post-traumatic stress disorder, general strain theory Introduction There were 50 officers murdered by shootings in 2014, a huge leap from the 32 such deaths a year prior (Berman, 2014). One officer killed is one officer too many, and this trend needs to be reversed. How does society stop this? Altogether, 126 law enforcement officers died in...
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...1 An introduction to counselling Introduction Stories of counselling Paula’s story: coming to terms with trauma Myra’s story: being depressed Matthew’s story: everything is getting on top of me Laura’s story: finding the right counsellor What is counselling? Defining counselling The relationship between counselling and psychotherapy Counselling and other helping professions The diversity of theory and practice in counselling The aims of counselling Counselling as an interdisciplinary area of study A user-centred definition of counselling Conclusions Chapter summary Topics for reflection and discussion Key terms and concepts Suggested further reading Introduction Counselling is a wonderful twentieth-century invention. We live in a complex, busy, changing world. In this world, there are many different types of experience that are difficult for people to cope with. Most of the time, we get on with life, but sometimes we are stopped in our tracks by an event or situation that we do not, at that moment, have the resources to sort out. Most of the time, we find ways of dealing with such problems in living by talking to family, friends, neighbours, priests or our family doctor. But occasionally their advice is not sufficient, or we are too embarrassed or ashamed to tell them what is bothering us, or we just don’t have an appropriate 2 An introduction to counselling person to turn to. Counselling is a really useful option at these moments. In most places, counselling is available fairly...
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...Community Health Nursing-C228-Task 1 Western Governors University Teresa McDonald SI# 000460708 12/29/15 Identification of Community In Southeast Tennessee, you will find most of Hamilton County between the Appalachian and the Cumberland mountain ranges. It is the fourth most populous county in the state of Tennessee (Wikipedia, ND). Within Hamilton County, there are many different towns. The most populous city is Chattanooga that is also the county seat (Wikipedia, ND). Hamilton County is unique because it boarders ten other counties. According to the 2010, U.S. Census Bureau the population of Hamilton County is 336,463 (Memorial Health Care Systems, 2013) . The leading cause of death for Hamilton County is heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, and diabetes (Memorial Health Care Systems, 2013). According to the 2012 healthy ranking of the county, Hamilton County was higher than the National Benchmark in all of the Health Behavior categories (Memorial Health Care Systems, 2013). The Health Behavior categories include Adult smoking, Adult obesity, Physical inactivity, and Excessive drinking (Memorial Health Care Systems, 2013). According to Picture of Health 2015, 66% of Hamilton County is in the overweight or obese and 75% of the adolescents are not participating in sufficient aerobic activities daily (Chattanooga-Hamilton County Health Department, 2015). Assessment of Needs and Risks Population Economic Status Assessment The population...
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...Law 4 The Natural Death Acts 5 Inception and Legal Basis 5 Current situation of N.D.A.s 5 Value of Advance Directives to Patient, Family, and Caregiver 6 Value to Author or Patient 6 Health Care Facility 6 Are Advance Directives Really Effective? 7 Living Will Example 8 References 13 Application Paper on Advance Directives Abstract of Application Paper This paper will examine the short history of Advance Directives in California, the other states that have added A.D.s, and what the legal basis and historical basis for these acts are. Previous to the Advance Directives, very similar laws are Natural Death Acts. In this report I will review some of the similarities, and differences between the A.D.s and the N.D.A.s. In the 1970s, with the modernization of health care facilities, some patients, especially sick or elderly, would disagree with standards of care of hospitals they receive when they are afflicted by Alzheimer’s, or Trauma, or Comas. In those cases and others, families and caregivers, hospitals, or doctors will often disagree on the reasonable, standard, and proper care or time to remove or halt care. Sometimes it is the cost of care. After this paper reviews A.D.s and...
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...lOMoARcPSD Summary - lecture notes Education: The Psychological Context (Macquarie University) EXAM: Part A: Kohlberg Piaget Humanism David Geary Part B: Humanism, Behaviourism, Constructivism Vygotsky Personal Perspectives & Intelligence Piaget & Problem solving Special needs students Gender o Male vs Female o Cognition & Behavioural differences Direct instruction & Discovery Learning Teaching Students with Additional Learning Needs Special Children Have special needs and require assistance at some stage in our schooling The notion of ‘fairness’ is not giving our students the same, but rather giving them what they need to learn and succeed. A look at the importance of resilience o Resilience is the ability to rebound, develop and thrive in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, hardship or even significant sources of stress. o How does resilience develop? Who are we talking about when we discuss children with special needs? o Those students with learning needs that are so diverse they need individual consideration and support. o A continuum of support in the classroom. Definition of Disability Social Model o socially created problem o not an attribute of an individual, but rather a complex collection of conditions o management of the problem requires social attention o collective responsibility of society at large o human rights issue of major concern o in the educational setting we ask...
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