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History Of The LBGT Movement

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The LBGT movement has been active for many years, even if it had paused for a period of time. The decades of secrecy and fear. In those years, the homosexual men and woman had been repressed. From the first married couple, to the newest pride parades, they have fought for themselves. The LBGT movement matter to many because for many years, despite being put down, locked away, or killed, they fought through it all and currently live lives they would rather have.

In the 1530’s homosexual men, homosexual woman were unheard of, were killed and imprisoned. This was during the Buggery Act. A time when sexual relations between men was a criminal offense ad punishable by death. Later on, a man named Henry Gerber had created the first documented gay rights group in 1924. This group had proceeded to support homosexuals, and even had a newsletter for them. The group later closed due to a police raid, and for many years, nothing from then had happened. …show more content…
That was until the 1950’s, the Mattachine Foundation was formed. The man, with the name Harry Hay, had made the group to help make the lives of homosexual men better. From this, five years later one of the first organizations for woman was made. This group, made by lesbian couples, was called the Daughters of Bilitis. These groups would continue to struggle for many years. Many issues would soon rise, such as finances or the police. The lives of homosexuals were improving but the battle was far from

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