...ABSTRACT This paper examines the impact of cultural diversity on productivity in the workplace. In this paper, we will identify how diversity in an organization contributes or detracts from an organization. What is cultural diversity? Cultural diversity is defined by Cox (1991) as “the variation of social and cultural identities among people existing together in a defined employment or market setting.” This paper will focus on national and racial diversity as it relates to culture, and the impact of such a diverse team on an organization. The evolvement of an integrated global economy has made diversity essential in this present day world. The paper will explore the pros and cons of such a diverse culture to an organization. A diverse culture within an organization is one that will comprise of benefits such as innovation, the introduction of new ideas and the expansion of a consumer base. All of which increase the productivity of an organization. Diversity may be regarded as a double-edged sword in that a diverse environment could lead to team members creating subgroups and creating conflicts and tension within the group, in essence reducing the productivity of the team. Approaches to reducing the negative effects of diversity on an organization are addressed, and include education and increased awareness. This will in turn reduce bias and stereotypes in the group or organization. Impact of Cultural Diversity on Productivity in the Workplace An increase in...
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...Perspectives of Diversity Paper Psych 535 This will be a paper discussing different diversity perspectives. Each perspective will be an analyzed about diversity. Each perspective will also explain the implications of the diversity perspective on human behavior in the workplace environment. Two perspectives that will be addressed will be fundamental diversity and cultural diversity. Fundamental Diversity is described as being a type of diversity that consists of people who often have goals about the importance, purpose, and function of work, as well as the relationship between the individual employee and the greater organization, and fundamental beliefs that are different. (Heuberger, 2004). Cultural diversity is based upon the concept that cultural identities should never be ignored nor discarded, though instead they should be valued and maintained (Heuberger, 2004). Cultural Diversity Cultural diversity is based on the idea that cultural identities should not be discarded or ignored, but rather maintained and valued (American Multicultural Publications, 2007). The workplace can be considered an environment where several different backgrounds join together for one common goal. Cultural diversity can consist of a difference in national origin, gender, race, and other human aspects. Cultural diversity is not based solely on culture and...
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...written by Vidhi Agrawal which from Ajay Kumar Garg Insitute of Management, Ghaziabad¸ India. This article has been taken from ‘Team Performance Management: An International Journal, volume 18 no 7/8 in 2012 and it has sixteen pages only. The type of this paper is research paper whereby this study is investigating the company in the context of India industries. According to the article, the method has been use by author to form the issue is making an extensive review of existing literature. Besides that, the author use the SWOT analysis which strengths, weaknesses, oppositions, threats analysis of diversified team was done with help of secondary research. Moreover, the concept is based on the authors own practical experience. The author has combine primary and secondary research to highlight and show the strengthen the author views and opinions. Basically, the concept and the ideas are based on the author’s own experience. In fact the article is fairly confusing for the first paragraph because the title are not clear stated this study actually investigate on the what area or country. So the people will confusing at the first they read. Purpose of the study According to the abstract of this article the purpose of this paper is to investigate the importance factors which need to be taken into consideration to manage a diversified team. Besides that, it also aims to provide business managers and executives with a outline of how to develop and implement teams in the workplace...
Words: 2138 - Pages: 9
...Diversity in the Workforce Raul Rios Jr. Columbia College Thesis Statement What are the different aspects of diversity within the US workforce and how might it be effectively managed? What positive and negative factors are derived from diversity training? This research paper aims at answering this particular question. In order to do this, the paper will look at the challenges of diversity in the workplace from many different angles. Abstract This paper first explains what diversity really is and the impact it has on today’s workforce. It also explores why diversity needs to be managed in workplaces in the United States. It then discusses the positive and negative impacts of managing diversity (mainly diversity training). This paper identifies some of the major challenges associated with managing diversity. This research paper concluded with some recommendations on how to manage diversity within a workplace. Diversity in the Workforce Changes in the US Workforce Make Diversity an Organizational and Managerial Issue The United States has historically been a land of the immigrants; it continues to be the same today. People from al around the world come to settle in the US. United States has people from ever ethnic backgrounds, whether those people are in the majority or minority. The diversity of America does not only encompass different races of people, but many other aspects which differentiate people from each other. Diversity can refer to people who practice...
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...Managing Diversity Research Paper Proposal Anee Rork Team C University of Phoenix Managing Diversity Research Paper Proposal Workplaces today are become increasingly diverse with employees of different genders, races, cultures, ethnic origins, and lifestyles. There have been so many changes in the cultural make-up of organizations that it has become imperative for leaders and supervisors to understand cultural diversity and how it can affect their organization. By understanding how this diversity can affect their organization, leaders are taking steps to assure a conflict-free environment and promoting positive outcomes for the business, as well as its employees. “Diversity today is being viewed as a key means to strengthen the human capital of an organization and improve overall performance” (Bowes, 2007/2008). Studies have shown that diverse workforces can positively affect and strengthen the organization, but what can organizations do to assure this type of environment? What programs or tools do leaders need to implement when looking to improve their ability to manage this diversity? The main purpose of this research paper will be to explore what methods organizations and leaders can use to successfully manage increased cultural diversity within the workforce. This research will reflect not only why it is important for organizations to embrace the differences in a diverse workplace, but will discuss the consequences that may occur if they...
Words: 2076 - Pages: 9
...Elements of Successful Organizational DiversityManagement Organizational Diversity Management Why is organizational diversity important? Historically, diversity in the workplace has been recognized as an employment equity issue. Now, however, diversity in the workplace is being recognized as a benefit that will contribute to an organization’s bottom line. Increased employee and customer satisfaction end up as increased productivity, all of which are measurable outcomes (Goff, 1998). Diversity goes beyond employment equity to nurturing an environment that values the differences and maximizes the potential of all employees, one that stimulates employee creativity and innovativeness (U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board (U.S. MSPB), 1993). To create an organizational culture that supports workforce diversity involves several important elements. These elements include a needs analysis, administrative and management support and commitment, education and training, culture and management systems changes and continuous follow-up and evaluation. Needs Analysis In many of my resources, a needs analysis was the second crucial element after senior management support and commitment. I feel a needs analysis should be prepared first to provide information to senior management in sequestering their support as well as to adequately determine workforce and organizational needs for creating a ...
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...Abstract The objective of this assignment is to prove that diversity in the workplace is the right thing to do and it is imperative for the organizations to embrace it. Six papers aligned with this concept were added to give justification for the analysis From a legal standpoint, companies are illegal to discriminate against someone (applicant or employee) because of that person's race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information, (Prohibited Employment Policies/Practices). Faurecia, for example, clearly specifies on its code of ethics that in its recruitment actions and career management everybody should receive equal treatment. (Faurecia Code of Ethics and Rules of Business Conduct, 2007) Since diversity is not a choice, in order to be viable it needs to bring some benefits to the organization. According to (Johnson, Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership, 2012), some interesting facts about the diversity in the organizations are: a) Greater cultural diversity is one product of the globalization b) Non-whites account for most of the population growth in the United States c) Women are participating in the labor force at historically high rates, since they are no longer dropping out after marriage d) Managing diversity is the core of modern organizational leadership. In my opinion, the benefits of a diversity workforce go beyond that the author says, for example it they can affect: a)...
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...Diversity in the Workplace / Wal- Mart Case Shirley Nolan October 30, 2011 Class #: 1109MGMT Section: 610514 Turnitin Score: 14% This Research paper is about diversity in the workplace. It also talks about how management handles diversity in the workplace and how they view it. The case that I will be talking about is the Wal-Mart case. This case will also show you how leadership played a very important role in this case when it comes to the managers that work for this company. This case had a big in pack on the retail organizations around the world. Woman that works for Wal-Mart are not given the same advances that the males are in the same position in this company. I also talk about some suggestions that managers at Wal-Mart could have done different to stop this case from going to the Supreme Court on June 20, 2001. One of the most significant issues that management faces today is diversity in the workplace. “Diversity means employing people without discrimination on the basis of gender, age and ethnic or racial background.” (Graves, 1993, p .4). Diversity has important implications for the values of an organization’s culture and for organizational effectiveness. Management is the process by which a person in a supervisory role focuses on planning...
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...Groups and Teams Paper The future world of management is relying on Groups and Teams, who can function in a business setting for productive success. However, if using the managing skills correctly Teams and Groups may evolve into an effective high performing organization. The effort of writing this paper is to enlighten readers on the difference between Groups and Teams dynamical functioning. Nevertheless, with the provision of exclusive examination this paper will further bring out the importance of workplace diversity in an organizational environment; and team dynamics in the workplace. The most effective way to help readers understand the difference between Groups and Teams begins with defining the two organizations for clarity. The definition of a” Group is a small group of people with complementary skills in which a leader’s goal and approach; and are willing to be held accountable by the leader” (Mackin, 2007). Groups attainments are approached by the leader’s goals for dominate support. The accountability of a group is thrives on individual accountability. However, the viewpoints of leaders are for the production of its organization the supervisor has input. Subsequently group decisions are made by voting rather than members acquiring any input. However, “a team is a small group of people with complementary skills and abilities with common goals and approaches for which they hold each other accountable” (Mackin, 2007). Teams require structure and support, aside from...
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...Introduction This paper will analyze methods of ensuring Marriott’s Human Resources (HR) strategy aligns with the company’s business strategy and the job positions and responsibilities of the HR department. The paper will then address personal preferences and reasoning. Finally, the paper will discuss methods of improving Marriott’s competitive advantage and three ways they can increase diversity. Ensuring HR strategy is in alignment with the business strategy One way a company can ensure the HR strategy is in alignment with the business strategy is to organize the HR department to be a strategic entity. This would entail every aspect of HR – hiring, training, development, compensation, performance, etc. - being strategically focused in alignment with the business strategy of the organization. It will take effort and a realization that HR is more than administrative support. The definitive goal is for HR to support an organization through the management of human capital, which is the major subset of the broader organization’s strategy (Righeimer, n.d.). A more specific way to ensure the strategies are in alignment is to incorporate the company’s strategy into performance management. Goals are developed for personnel which incorporate the specific tasks necessary for each area to successfully complete in support of the vision. This assists in the accountability of employees in support of the business strategy and allows employees to see how they personally and...
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... Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts To be effective all organizations needs to achieve the goals and objectives presented. When meeting these goals and objectives, people makes the difference how effective organizations perform. This paper will discuss the following key concept and terminology on Organizational culture, Organizational behavior, Diversity, and Communications as it relates to people in an effective organization. The paper will also describe each concept’s observable aspects and it would provide a brief analysis of the culture and behavior of the Metro bus. In the United States of America Metro bus is the sixth largest bus transportation system and is a department in the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA). At Metro bus organizational culture, organizational behavior, diversity, and communications allow the organization its unique operations consistency and reliability. Organizational culture Organizational culture is embedded in the heart of an organization and developed by members with the same-shared beliefs and values. An organizational culture display how organizations adapts or integrate when identifying internal and external issues, (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008). Organizational culture has an impact on job satisfaction, which is a key factor for maintaining high performance and effective services within an organization (Gunlu et al., 2009). The organizational culture at Metro bus is to continue as...
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...Critical evaluation of leadership theories 3 Compare and contrast of leadership style across different cultures 6 Critical evaluation of motivational theories 7 Compare and contrast motivational techniques across different cultures 8 Critical evaluation of theories for managing cultural diversity 9 Secondary research method 10 Primary research method 10 Interview 10 Findings and Discussion 11 Findings from secondary research 11 Managing diversified customers 11 Recommendations and Conclusion 13 Conclusion 13 Recommendations 13 References (Harvard Style) 17 Introduction Introduction to subject area It is a well known fact that success of the hospitality industry depends on the high quality services provided to the customer. It is the responsibility of the leaders to motivate and inspire employees to deliver a higher quality services for the success of the organization. With the increasing globalization, the leaders in the hospitality industry also come across through different challenges. Employees from diverse background, culture, and beliefs work in a hospitality industry. In this regard, it is necessary for leaders in the organization to understand and respect the values and beliefs of the subordinates. It will help leaders to inspire the subordinates for a better performance. In a highly globalized hospitality industry, both employees and customers, may belong to diverse cultural backgrounds, so it becomes...
Words: 5625 - Pages: 23
...1.0 Overview of the Organization 3 1.1 Corporate Hierarchy of Home Depot 4 2.0 Strategic Human Resource Management at Home Depot 5 2.1 Workforce Diversity Management at Home Depot 5 2.2 Disadvantages of Workforce Diversity 7 3.0 Strategy to Counter Diversity Issue at Home Depot 7 3.1 Employee Relations 8 4.0 Implementing Employee Relations at Home Depot 8 4.1 Team-working 9 4.2 Functional flexibility 10 4.3 Employee Involvement 10 4.4 Reward Mechanisms 10 5.0 Recommendations 11 6.0 Conclusion 11 7.0 List of references 12 Executive Summary Human resource management is a sensitive issue in an organization. The performance of any organization is determined by the workforce management practices in place. Owing to the competitive nature of workforce management, human resources are managed strategically (Aghazadeh 2003, p. 201). In this paper, a case study of strategic human resource management has been done. The company considered is called Home Depot. The paper briefly explores the company and its human resource strategy that was found to be diversity management. Thereafter, the paper has explored possible problems that company faces as a result of its diversity strategy. In response to the problems, the paper suggests inclusion of employee relation model in the diversity strategy already in place before making related recommendations and collusion. 1.0 Overview of the Organization The organization considered in this case...
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...Integrity………………………………………7 6.2 Data Protection Act……….……………………………..7 7. Time Plan……………………………………………………………..8 8. References…………………………………………………………….9 1. Introduction This paper focuses on workforce diversity management by reviewing past studies and theories and applying it to the UK retail sector. ‘ The basic concept of managing diversity accepts that the workforce consists of a diverse population of people consisting of visible and non-visible differences… and is founded on the premise that harnessing these differences will create a productive environment in which everyone feels valued, where all talents are fully utilized and in which organizational goals are met’ (Torrington et al, 2011: 476). 2. Literature Review According to Ellis and Sonnenfeld (1994) and Brenda (2010), the main purpose of diversity management and its primary function is to increase employee performance and to avoid quick-fix solutions (Trennery and Paradies, 2012) allowing maximizing advantages and minimizing disadvantages of a diverse workforce. Diversity was usually expressed only in the form of age, gender and ethnicity until the middle of the 20th century (Kosek et al, 2005), viewed simply as an obligation to follow the human rights legislations imposed by the government, However, due to globalization and demographic changes the diversity...
Words: 3195 - Pages: 13
...DEVRY SOCS 350 Complete Course – NEW 2015 http://www.spinwoop.com/?download=devry-socs-350-entire-course For Further Information And For A+ Work Contact US At SPINWOOP@GMAIL.COM SOCS 350N all discussions all you decide and full course projct but no quiz and final Discussion 1 Ethnocentrism is generally defined as viewing one’s own culture as superior to all others. However, quite often, it is not quite that obvious. Whenever we encounter something that seems strange or different, we will feel some degree of discomfort. How we respond to that feeling is a gauge of how ethnocentric we are about it. Let’s suppose that you are entertaining a business client from France. You take him to a very fine french restaurant where he looks over the menu very carefully, then asks the waiter if he or she, by chance, has cheval available. The waiter shakes his head and explains that it is not served in America. Your client becomes somewhat upset and tells you that a truly fine restaurant would serve “proper” cuisine, and that he was very disappointed with American hospitality so far. He eventually settles for the prime rib, but is ill-tempered for the rest of the evening. The next morning, he leaves for France without consummating the expected business deal. Your boss asks you what happened, and you explain that the client was upset because the restaurant didn’t serve something called cheval. Your boss nearly chokes on his morning coffee and asks, “You mean he actually...
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