Choosing a Course and University
Choosing the right higher education course and the right institution are obviously very important decisions and there is an enormous amount of information available to help you make an informed choice. This advice sheet is designed to help you focus on the main issues that will affect your choice of degree course and which universities and colleges you apply to.
Types of Higher Education
For most people, ‘higher education’ means ‘university’, but it is important to remember that there are different types of higher education. In addition to universities, there are colleges and institutions of higher education. A number of further education colleges also offer higher education courses. Universities in the UK include both established universities and newer universities. Universities, colleges and institutions of higher education all offer a wide choice of Honours degree programmes. In addition, many offer Foundation Degrees, Higher National Diplomas and Diplomas of Higher Education. The important thing to remember is that with such a wide range of possibilities, you should be able to find a suitable course, whatever you want to study.
each institution, its accommodation, libraries, computing facilities, welfare support, finance information, sporting and social facilities, clubs and societies, and the city or town where the university or college is located. They also usually include information on all of the courses on offer at that institution, together with details of entry requirements, the course structure and assessment methods. You can obtain an undergraduate prospectus free of charge by requesting one from institutions’ websites or by e-mailing or telephoning the institutions direct. Your careers library may also have a reference copy of each institution’s prospectus.
Course Brochures
Where to Find Information