...In response to a diagnosed condition with a poor prognosis, individuals are expected to experience a range of both physical and psychological responses. The stress resulting, can be explained as “the internal process that occurs as people try to adjust to events and situations, especially those that they perceive to be beyond their coping strategies” (Bernstein et al., 2015, p. 103). Whilst the severity of the response is dependent on the individual involved, people often display similar reactions to stressors. In addition, physiological and psychological responses often occur together to form the individual’s response. The psychological responses can be further broken down into behavioural, cognitive and emotional changes. In response to a diagnosis with a poor likely outcome, individuals will likely experience a chain of emotional responses. Initially, the patient may be subjected to fear which may result in ongoing anxiety for the patient. Other common reported feelings due to stressors are anger, depression and irritability. However, in relation to a poor prognosis, individuals can often experience feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Individuals can act to reduce their emotional stress responses by employing emotion focused coping. Typically this involves “actions that are directed toward decreasing the emotional component of a stress response” (Grivas, Letch, Down,& Carter, 2010, p.599) and may include strategies such as denial, acceptance, distancing and...
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