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Hlt 205 Technology Literature Review


Submitted By kesharain
Words 495
Pages 2
Technology Literature Review
Cox, A. (2011). “The acceptability of e-technology to monitor and access patient symptoms following palliative radiotherapy for lung cancer.” Palliative Medicine, 25(7), 675-681.

This is a very interesting article written by A. Cox. The article states how e-technology dramatically increased new ways to obtain the patient’s symptom information, which was self-reported. They conducted study to provide lung cancer patients post palliative radiotherapy. There were 17 clinicians identified as patients who met the criteria, but there was only one clinician that gave approval for the patients. The physicians were very positive about palliative care. The study proved that these groups of patients were too old. The article stated that “to encourage acceptance of e-technology within palliative care, emphasis is needed on actively promoting the contribution of technology outcomes and the patient experience (Cox, 2011). I learned some good information on cancer technology. I would recommend this article to anyone wanting to read about cancer technology with patient services. Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Research. (2007). Palladium Lipoic Complexes Complexes(Poly-MVA) in the Fight against Cancer. Retrieved October 29, 2012, from This article rationalizes a research project now underway in advanced treatment of various forms of Cancer. The article describes how some cancer treatments can cause collateral damage to healthy cells. The new treatment describes how a dietary supplement is used to target cancer cells without causing damage to healthy surrounding cells. The nutrients in the supplement stimulate the immune system and strengthen healthy cells.
Helper, Linda BSN, RN, (2012). Advances in Cancer Care.

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