...Olivia Lynn Reber Mrs. Raines Comp. 1 4th period May 16, 2011 Gas Price is cheap, Yeah right “Breaking News! The twin towers have collapsed.” I remember being a little girl listening to the panic in people’s voices as reporters told us through the television that we had had a terrorist attack. I remember watching the screen and seeing buildings fall into dust. I remember hearing fellow Americans talk about the Muslims and terrorists and how disgusted they were by their plane plan. I remember the tragedy. I don’t remember feeling has much hate towards them. But as I grew up I became educated on the whole scene as I still hear others talk about it today. But one thing I do not understand about this whole “war” is why we continue to purchase expensive gas from our “rivals.” We pay them so we can get around, and that money goes to their ammunition against us and to their government which we continually fight. So what is the solution to this problem? Our cars need gas? The solution is mass transit. The gas prices are ridiculous, as many of us would agree. Us Americans seem to pay more and more for gas every day. While our nation pays twelve trillion dollars on gasoline every year. With all this useless wasted money we practically are paying our rivals who we are at war with. This is quite sad as they charge us an “arm and a leg” and we compliantly pay in order for us to get around town and to conduct business nationwide. This money that we give to the Middle East is used...
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...How did the Kansas Nebraska Act increase Sectional Tension? 1. Nebraska was north of latitude 36o30’, and only States in that area could enter the Union as Free States. Therefore, Southern Politicians, who were not keen to Nebraska developed, made large efforts to delay granting territorial status to Nebraska. 2. Douglas was so keen to make Nebraska a territory, as it would needed the land to build a railroad through it. 3. Douglas proposed a bill to organize most of the remaining part of the Louisiana Purchase north of 360-30’ as the Nebraska Territory. 4. Sectional Politics made railway planning so controversial because the Southerners did not want to give Chicago a commercial advantage over Southern States like St. Louis, Memphis, Vicksburg, Natchez or New Orleans. 5. Douglas was motivated by the fact that he had twice failed to put forward a Nebraska bill that would win the votes of his Southern colleagues. In order to get the bill enacted, Douglas would need the support of the Southerners, who were only likely to vote if they felt they had a chance of expanding slavery in this area. 1. Douglas proposed the creation of two territories- Kansas, and Nebraska. Kansas was likely to become a slave state and Nebraska free. The bill also stipulated that the people of these territories, and not Congress would make the final decision on the future of slavery, through popular sovereignty. 2. Pierce accepted the proposition due to pressure from a delegation...
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...Table of Contents 2. Biomedical and Electronic skin patch 2 Motivation behind the Technology 5 Applications 6 Drug delivery system 6 Health monitoring 8 Medium of Communication 11 Human Computer Interaction Interface 12 Stakeholders 12 3. Ethical and Legal Concerns with the technology 14 3.1 Legal Issues 14 Inconsistent Medication 14 Number of Impacts of Wireless Technology 15 Data Integrity and Hacking 16 3.2 Ethical dilemma 17 Cultural and religious criticism 17 Public Monitoring/privacy 19 Impact on people with disabilities 20 Cost issues 20 Social Issues/implications 20 Credibility of Source of Information 21 4. Resolutions for these dilemmas 22 4.1 Possible solution 22 Tackling health issues 22 Preventing leakage of personal information 23 Preventing Overuse of Skin Patch 24 Addressing cultural issues 24 Denying any form of tracking human information 25 4.2 Strategy for implementation 25 Conclusion 26 Reference List 26 1. Introduction The purpose of this report is to identify the legal and ethical issues related to electronic skin patch and provide a possible solution to tackle it. The limitations of current medical science lead to the advancement of biomedical science to resolve the gap. The report further deals with the new technology electronic skin patch that promises to overcome the potholes of the traditional medical science. It provides the detailed analysis of the technology and the strategy...
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...Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics The DC Comics made a name for themselves in 1939 as they were then set up by Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson. During that time its company was known as National Allied by Publications. The initials for the DC Comic books was taken from the Detective Comic series. With that series became Batman. Another line of comic books, known as Action Comics, which had a new super hero named Superman. Over the years these two super heroes became very popular and still two of the most popular super heros to ever appear in comic books and that mad the way for other super heroes. The Golden age was more like a baby boom in comic books. Tones of comics are being produced for the men at war,people all over, which trippled in sales making millions. All comes to and end when the war ends. Super heros "die" when the war ends. In the 1950′s the industry was under attack. Parents of America didn't think the comics were up to standards for children. Either parents were they ripping them up, burning them, or telling thier children to sell thier comics, it was a cultural revolution. The company managed to keep it's success during that time and created some comics about westerns,romance, but it was the recreations of the super heroes which made them so successful in the comic book industry known as the Silver Age. It was during 1965 when the industry introduced a new/old super hero Flash. This character was brought back and "updated" to be placed in more present times...
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...Chemistry Mrs. R. Aragones INTRODUCTION Chemistry is the study of matter - its structure, properties, the changes it undergoes, and the energy that accompanies these changes. Understanding this branch of science will increase the student’s appreciation and awareness of the structure and behavior of the world around him/her. The University of California system and equivalent universities and colleges have given Chemistry at George Washington High School, a college preparatory status. Chemistry therefore, is a required course if a student plans to attend college. At the end of the course, the student should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of Chemistry through a variety of classroom activities: lecture/discussion, demonstrations, laboratory experiments, class/group work, projects, reports, and homework. COURSE CONTENT Fall Semester: 1st Marking Period Matter Atomic Structure Radioactivity Electron Clouds and Probability Fall Semester: 2nd Marking Period Periodic Table Periodic Properties Chemical Nomenclature Chemical Reactions Fall Semester: 3rd Marking Period The Mole Stoichiometry Chemical Bonding Polarity of Molecules TEXTBOOK/REFERENCE Zumdahl, Zumdahl and DeCoste. 2003. The World of Chemistry. McDougall Littel MATERIALS Bound Composition Notebook (for taking notes) scientific calculator Bound Composition Notebook (for homework) binder paper Blue/black pen for writing graphing paper Red pen for correcting papers other materials (announced as the...
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...CHAPTER 2 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES PROBLEMS 2-1. (Ruby Corporation) At 8% Bond issue price Nominal interest for 2013 Interest expense for 2013 Premium/discount amortization in 2013 Bond carrying value at December 31, 2012 Nominal interest for 2014 Interest expense for 2014 Premium/discount amortization in 2014 Bond carrying value at December 31, 2014 5,405,725 250,000 216,229 33,771 5,371,954 500,000 428,351 71,649 5,300,305 At 12% 4,632,025 250,000 277,922 27,922 4,659,947 500,000 560,970 60,970 4,720,917 Computations: At 8% Issue price = (5,000,000 x 0.6756) + (250,000 x 8.1109) = 3,378,000 + 2,027,725 = 5,405,725 Date A Interest Paid B Interest Expense C Premium Amortization 06/30/13 12/31/13 06/30/14 12/31/14 250,000 250,000 250,000 216,229 214,878 213,473 33,771 35,122 36,527 A B = = D Bond Carrying Value 5,405,725 5,371,954 5,336,832 5,300,305 Face value x 5% Carrying value, beg of year x 4% At 12% Issue price = (5,000,000 x 0.5584) + (250,000 x 7.3601) = 2,792,000 + 1,840,025 = 4,632,025 Date A Interest Paid B Interest Expense C Discount Amortization D Bond Carrying Value 06/30/13 12/31/13 06/30/14 12/31/14 250,000 250,000 250,000 277,922 279,597 281,373 27,922 29,597 31,373 4,632,025 4,659,947 4,689,544 4,720,917 A B 2-2. = = Face value x 5% Carrying value, beg of year x 6% (Fire Company) (a) Issue price Present value of face value (4,000,000 x 0.6756) Present value of interest payments (200,000 x 8.1109) Issue price P2,702,400 1,622,180...
Words: 4966 - Pages: 20
...Tuntutan Menerapkan Islam secara Komfrehensif Hudud (bentuk plural dari hadd) adalah hukuman yang sudah ditetapkan, baik itu dalam Al-Quran atau Sunnah terhadap perilaku-perilaku yang dipandang menyimpang oleh syariat. Contohnya hadd untuk mencuri, zina, menuduh orang berzina, meminum minuman keras, murtad dan memberontak atas pemerintahan muslim.Undang-undang hudud ini harus difahami bukan bertujuan untuk menyakiti. Sebaliknya, undang-undang hudud bertujuan mewujudkan suatu masyarakat yang terjamin keselamatan jiwanya dan hartanya, serta terhindar dari penyakit-penyakit akhlak yang menular. Adalah maklum bahawa manusia menginginkan kebaikan bagi dirinya, keluarganya dan terhindar dari kejahatan orang lain, baik itu secara langsung dalam bentuk jenayah, ataupun secara tidak langsung dengan perilaku-perilaku buruk yang boleh berjangkit kepada orang. Perilaku-perilaku buruk, kejahatan dan menyakiti, jika diteliti dengan saksama, hanya muncul dari beberapa orang saja dalam sebuah masyarakat. Untuk menjaga kestabilan sebuah masyarakat, keselamatan jiwa dan harta orang banyak, maka diperlukan suatu peraturan yang boleh menghalang sedikit orang ini untuk melakukan tindakannya. Sudah menjadi hikmah Allah bahawa Islam adalah agama yang berkarektoristik rahmatan lilalamin (bukan hanya muslim, juga bukan hanya manusia) dan boleh digunakan di semua tempat dan zaman. Seorang yang sudah memilih Islam (jalan hidup) harus melaksanakan semua aturan Islam dalam kehidupannya. Peraturan-peraturan...
Words: 366 - Pages: 2
...BIAYA MODALL KASUS 1 Obligasi dikeluarkan dengan harga nominal per lembar Rp 12.000 dengan umur ekonomis 10 tahun. Hasil penjualan obligasi bersih yang diterima sebesar Rp 11.600. Bunga atau kupon obligasi pertahunnya 5% . Berapakah besarnya biaya obligasi tersebut? Penyelesaian: 1. Metode Shortcut (atas dasar kira-kira) a. Dengan rata-rata yang tersedia yang akan digunakan selama 10 tahun : 11.600 + 12.000 = 11.800 2 b. Biaya ektsra sebesar Rp. 200 (yaitu selisih antara dana yang diterima dengan jumlah dana yang harus dibayar setelah 10 tahun). Bila biaya ekstra tersebar merata 10 tahun maka biaya ektsra adalah Rp 40 (yaitu Rp 40010) ditambah pada bunga yang dibayarkan setiap tahunnya selama 10 tahun adalah sebesar Rp 600 ( yaitu 5% x Rp. 12.000) sehingga berjumlah Rp 640. c. Menghitung prosentase biaya tahunan rata-rata dsri jumlah dana rata-rata yang tersedia. Biaya bunga sebelum pajak : 64011.800 x 100% = 5,42% d. Biaya obligasi juga dapat dihitung dengan rumus pendapatan obligasi yaitu: Kd= c+f-pnp+f2 Kd= 0,06+12.000-11.6001011.600+12.0002 Kd = 600 + 12.000-11.600 10 11.600 +12.000 2 Kd = 600 + 40 11.800 = 640 11.800 = 0,0542 = 0,0542x100% = 5,42% 2. Metode pendekatan Present Value (PV) atau Metode Accurate Metode ini mencari tingkat bunga yang menjadikan nilai sekarang dari pembayaran bunga tahunan sebesar Rp 600 + pembayaran akhir sebesar Rp 12.000 sama dengan nilai sekarang dari penerimaan sebesar Rp 11...
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...Paper 8 As an American I find that most or our environments have become more pessimistic in nature rather then optimistic. This goes with many different experiences that I have had. I grew up in a home where my father worked in the local pipefitting union. He would pay so much out of every hour he worked and he would put that into a health package that would pay for older member’s health plans. A big issue that came up was the fact that many doctors were filling way to many prescriptions. Many times prescribing things that were not really a problem. Later in life my father relied on the same system when he started to have heart problems. These people are doing their jobs and are really doing it well. I feel that one of the main problems with American capitalism is the fact that people put so much focus on personal needs. The sense of if I can get more out of my neighbor I will have a better time in life. Or summed up with the known saying; keeping up with the Jefferson’s. This same type of feeling can be seen in how larger companies have turned to sourcing to fill their production means. Americans have felt drastic changes in our history. As people we have moved from agriculture, industry, to service based economies. From the start of the push of services we have lost a lot of jobs and gained a lot of jobs. But even now tech based service are being set up in other places as well. Moving to Eastern Europe and India. If this trend continues what will be the condition of...
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...saya rasa amat sakit. Jamilah : Kamu sudah ambil ubat ? Asma : Ya tapi ubat itu tidak mencukupi. Jamilah : Saya rasa kamu perlu berjumpa doktor. Mari saya teman dan hantar kamu berjumpa doktor. Asma : hmmm terima kasih jamilah. Alangkah baiknya kamu. Di hospital Siti : Assalamualaikum Jamilah . Jamilah : Waalaikummussalam Siti. Siti : Kamu buat apa di sini Jamilah ? Kamu tidak sihat ? Jamilah : tidak , saya melawat kawan saya Asma di sini . Dia tidak sihat. Siti : Saya berharap kawan kamu itu tidak teruk. Jamilah : Alhamdulillah , dia bertambah baik setelah mendapat rawatan doktor. Siti : Berapa lama dia di tahan di hospital ? Jamilah :Mungkin Dua hari kerana suhu badannya meningkat. Siti : Semoga Allah menyembuhkannya. Dia mesti menjaga kesihatan dan rehatnya. Babak 2 : Taman Jamilah : Saya risau mengenai masa depan saya Asma. Asma : Kenapa pula begitu Jamilah ? Jamilah : Saya telah menghadiri banyak temuduga tetapi saya masih tidak mendapat kerja sampai sekarang. Asma : Mungkin kerana kelayakan kamu tidak sesuai. Jamilah : Dan biasanya kebanyakan syarikat memerlukan pengalaman bekerja sebagai kelayakan. Asma : Jangan bersedih ! InsyaAllah kamu akan mendapat pekerjaan yang sesuai untuk kamu. Jamilah : Bila hari yang indah itu akan tiba . hmmm. Dua hari kemudian ….. Jamilah : Alhamdulillah , Saya telah berjaya dalam temuduga itu Asma. Asma : Tahniah Jamilah , awak sangat bertuah. Saya turut tumpang gembira untuk kamu. Jamilah : Terima kasih...
Words: 282 - Pages: 2
...after the hardest fought war with the Trojans. We may have been victorious but the wrath of the gods, who sailed with the Trojans, kept us from sailing home safely. We lost a lot of people from the war but we also suffered just as much with the perilous journey we have been through. Form the recent land of the Lotus-eaters we now face another adversary, Polyphemus, a son of Poseidon, the sea god from the land of the Cyclopes. S1: Finally! We’ve reached a land. S2: Yeah, it’s really tough being on the sea for a long time. (Looks around) I wonder what kind of place of this? Traveller: Oh, this is certainly rare... are you travellers by any chance? I’m guessing you’re lost. S4: Well, not really, but... yeah we’re kind of lost. Traveller: Hmmm... Don’t get the wrong idea, but this is a place you wouldn’t want to be in. S2: *confused* Huh? What do you mean? Traveller: *clears throat* This is the land of the Cyclopes. They are rude, lawless giants who follow no god. They are their own laws; I heard they themselves don’t get along well with each other, how much more with you? S1: Haha... well at least they don’t eat men, right? S2: Definitely! *laughs* Traveller: *smiles* They do. ... Traveller: If I were you, I’d go and leave this place as soon as possible. I just really needed to get something here *shows bag* otherwise I wouldn’t have even considered going here. It’s safe around the coast but any further would be insanity. Many have already died. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn...
Words: 1400 - Pages: 6
...emotional intelligence is very low. Emotional intelligence is the ability to be self aware (recognizing emotions), detect emotions in others and manage emotional que’s. Andrew just got in a huge fight with his employee and co-worker Susan. Andrew- Why is she so mad at me!!? Jake- Susan came to Andrew this morning to tell him a very important piece of information. Susan’s mom just passed away and she came to ask Andrew for the rest of the day off. All Andrew could think to say was, “As long as you finish all of your work, I could care less… Let’s see what ensued. Andrew- Why did Susan just quit? It’s not my fault her mommy just died. I swear she liked working here. What happened? Could it have been something I said?..... Nooooo…. Hmmm….. How can I figure out what would have been the best thing to say? I wonder what Steve Jobs would do. I wonder if there’s an app for that? INSERT AUDIO RECORDING Andrew- Sweet, Steve Jobs App!!!! So I see here that Steve Jobs had high self-awareness with regards to his strengths but not as much with his weaknesses. He had the ability to motivate other people to do things that they did not think were possible. Jobs inability to self-manage was seen in the people that worked under him who often described him as a tyrannical leader. His low self-awareness and inability to self- manage indicate that he was unable and unwilling to make any attempt to understand the feelings of others....
Words: 960 - Pages: 4
...courtroom. I’ll be there shortly.” Carl meets Jane and they enter the courtroom and sit down. At 9:00 A.M., Attorney Howe hasn’t arrived. The judge enters the courtroom and everyone stands. The judge begins to call cases. Carl wonders what he should do. He watches the attorneys and sees that as each case is called, the attorney either announces that the matter is uncontested, in which case the judge signs the order presented by the attorney, or says “To be heard,” in which case the judge just nods and calls the next case. Carl also notices some very young attorneys who stand up and identify themselves as “so-and-so for Attorney Jones” or “so-and-so for Attorney Smith.” Clearly, they’re appearing on behalf of a senior attorney. Hmmm, thinks Carl. Since our matter is contested, Attorney Howe would simply say, “To be heard.” Finally, the judge calls Jane’s case. Attorney Howe hasn’t arrived. Carl stands up. “Carl Jackson for Attorney Howe. That’s to be heard.” The judge nods and Carl sits down. In a few moments, Attorney Howe arrives. Graded Project 9After the hearing on Jane’s motion for...
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...just made it and said to his mom and dad, mom today we must go to the head office. Mom said oh! Your right let’s go. They knocked on the door and the principal said to come with MR popper’s family you must be James welcome to this school let me introduce you to classmates of will introduce you to your class, meet Henry the one next to Henry is Rachel, and then Josh here this your first-class science do you like science said josh yeah! I love science my wish is to go to the moon and be an astronaut what an about you, do you like science no I hate science all the teachers a so mean and boring said, Josh. What an about you Henry and Rachel we love English and maths, hey James do you like maths and English hmmm! I like a little bit of maths and English, but no that much. Hey! Hmmm! Can ask you a question why is your face looking so creepy to me it looks like an alien face. Josh why did you say that that is so mean, said Henry and Rachel. Tomorrow, was his first day in school and he wasn’t that excited mom said to James hurry up James you’ve got your first class today. So, they both got into the car just before James left, he hugged his mum and his dad before he hugs his sister, his dad told him don’t worry, you will wreck all of them in science and maths just go out there and have fun. His first class was science, so he had gone to class number Z0089, the teacher opens the door of the class everybody went in and there were so loud. They teacher had the seating plan on the board and...
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...Hmmm…… The government knows me as Justine Nelson. I have been through so much that no one knows about and no one ever will. My full government name is Justine Marie Nelson; originally Justin Anthony Nelson because my parents thought that I was going to be a boy. When I came out as a girl, they asses an –e and my middle name comes from my Aunt who I do not like. I do not go by my government because I feel like it is tied to entirely too much sh….just no. So let’s try this again. My name is Jay Stixx. You can call me Jay, Jay Stixx, or just Stixx. I’m blunt, rude, excuse my language, but most call me an asshole. I’m a Gemini and a full lesbian. I rep them both to the fullest. I have a girlfriend name Reia…she’s an aspiring singer and a model. My birthday is June 5, 1992. I have a two year old daughter that I had with my ex fiancé. Mind you, I’m only 21. Meaning I was engaged at 18 and 19 years old. But…having a kid really does change EVERYTHING!!!! People can’t handle my life, especially my family. My mother is a Sergeant in the National Guard. My father is somewhere out in Mississippi doing whatever it is that he is doing. And my step father works at a chemical plant…he’s my homie. When I was pregnant, he was freaking out because he’s never had his own biological children. Plus my older sister, 14 months older, was pregnant right along with me. My daughter is 5 days older than her son. When I turned 21, my dad took me to a hookah bar and we got soooooo drunk. It was awesome...
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