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Hmong Culture Analysis

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I am Hmong and, a girl. And because of those two things I had always felt like I was limited to a lot of things in my household, school and community. Growing up in the ethnicity and culture I was raised upon, there were many things that had shaped my life, and has affected my life positively and negatively. In my hmong culture growing up with a lot of siblings and being the oldest daughter and second oldest, there were many things that i had huge responsibility over. My responsibility would have to be this girl who was able to cook and clean, and be able to nurture my family almost like a mom, but not really. And that is a stereotypical thing for girls/women too. That has shaped my life negatively by making me feel as if i was limited to things, like sports, being outspoken and being expressive with my emotions. And not only had it just limit things, i think its something that i struggle with even today. But on that note, positively it has made me even more passionate about women’s empowerment. It also shaped my life by giving me first hand experience to be a learner and responsible for the actions I take. Its definitely made me more thoughtful and caring for others. My culture has also definitely affected the way I spoke and talk. Growing up I was not taught to articulate my words and convey my thoughts to words. And that is something that, in …show more content…
I am willing to try new things and be open to other perspectives, stories and what not. A unique unique strength that i would bring is the accountability of the people around me and myself. Accountability is something that i’ve always worked on, since being the older sister I’ve always had to keep check. And by saying this, I don’t mean the annoying older sister who bugs everyone. I know my limits to not cross the line. Another strength would be the care of others, because as a person i am quickly to

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