Premium Essay

Hobbit's Choice Case 17.3


Submitted By calyst22
Words 464
Pages 2
1. Jeff wonders if the Hobbit’s Choice Restaurant is more appealing to women than it is to men or vice versa. Perform the proper analysis, interpret it, and answer Jeff’s question.

Hₒ : men=women
H1 : men do not equal women

The above data output is insignificant because of the number zero being included in the confidence interval.
Also because the p value of 0.538 is greater than 0.05
There is not enough evidence to support that there is a significant difference in the level of appeal between men and women. So because of this, Dean should not focus on either gender because the difference between men and women is insignificant.

2. With respect to the location of the Hobbit’s choice Restaurant, is a waterfront view preferred more than a drive less than 30mins.

H0: waterfront – drive less than 30mins=0
H1: waterfront – drive less than 30mins does not equal 0

The above table shows the mean value for “waterfront” is 3.42. and the mean for “drive less than 30mins is 2.73
So the waterfront mean is higher and also the p-value is0.000, so there is significant evidence to support that “waterfront view” is preferred over “drive of less than 30mins.” So, Dean can use this information when deciding on the location of the restaurant. He should focus on finding a location with waterfront view, since his potential client favors view over location’s distance.

3. With respect to the restaurant’s atmosphere, is a string quartet preferred over a jazz combo?

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Pair 1 Prefer String Quartet 2.50 400 1.420 .071 Prefer Jazz Combo 3.70 400 1.221 .061

Ho: prefer string quartet- prefer jazz combo=0
H1: prefer string quartet – prefer jazz combo not equal to zero
Based on the above table, the mean # of respondents that prefer Jazz combo =3.70, and the mean that

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