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Hofstra Personal Statement

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When I stepped onto the Hofstra University campus, I saw sculptures all around me. It was like being in a museum, a museum that resembled parts of the American Museum of Natural History that I have so long researched at and been part of. The Hofstra campus is, indeed, beautiful, but it is the heart of the university that is truly appealing. With over one hundred forty academic programs, Hofstra offers a student like myself plenty of opportunities to explore the curriculum. Though my chief interest is in biomedical engineering and pre-medical studies, I am also interested in exploring new fields that fall outside of my major and possibly in the realm of the humanities.
The requirement to take interdisciplinary courses makes Hofstra unique among universities. As a person deeply involved in the sciences, I rarely imagine myself thinking of combining different fields and coming up with a new program of study. At Hofstra, however, I would be required to challenge myself, and perhaps even discover a new passion. In any case, I would be stepping outside of my “comfort …show more content…
In addition, there are the internship opportunities, and, thus, the possibility of “networking” with the instructors and my fellow-students at the medical school. The idea of graduating with honors at the Honors College attracts me strongly. Moreover, the Honors College would provide me the opportunity to interact with other members of a tight-knit community, one in which the students have different interests, but share the common goal of reaching for the heights. I look forward to the small-class discussions, such as those in the course, “Culture and Expression,” at the Honors College. These discussions would provide me with the communication skills and general knowledge necessary for a

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