...teachings of Florence nightingale continue to make a significant impression not only on students but nurses as well. Many of the recommendations of Florence Nightingale can be applied regarding present day nursing practice. One approach by Florence Nightingale that has made a significant impact on a current recommendation of nursing practice is the attention to the health and wellbeing of every aspect of an individual. For one to function in an optimal way all aspects of an individual must be cared for instead of just the...
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...Dr. Madeleine Leininger Model Bowie State Univerity NURS-430V Sandra White October 03, 2015 Dr. Madeleine Leininger BRIEF OVERVIEW According to Creasia&Friberg, 2011, Nursing theories are composed of Concepts and propositions that characterize the central occurrences of interest to nursing discipline to include: person, environment, health /illness, and nursing. Dr. Madeline Leininger has drawn from a background in cultural and social anthropology and applied it to her model which is now known as Leininger’s Cultural Care Theory. The theory was initiated from clinical experiences recognizing that culture and a holistic concept was the missing link in nursing knowledge and practice (Leininger, 1988). This presentation will take a look at how person, environment, health/illness, and nursing are greatly affected by different cultures and subcultures. Nurses are responsible for taking care of not only our own communities, but an ever-growing world around us. The ultimate goal of this theory is to provide culturally appropriate nursing care (Leininger, 1988). BACKGROUND OF THEORIST MODEL Dr. MadeleineLeiningeris called “a living legend”. She was born in Sutton, Nebraska in July 13, 1925. As a Nurse, anthropologist, teacher, mentor and visionary she became the founder of the Transcultural Nursing Movement. She was the one who proclaimed that “the world was fast becoming a global community and nurses needed to be able to recognize it and deliver culturally competent...
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...Contingency theory is perceived by some scholars as a fragmentation of various ideals patched together into a theory of management accounting, nevertheless, it should be recognised that it provides a wealth of knowledge into contemporary management accounting practices. Contingency theory provides enhanced information to the individual which ultimately improves decision making and assists in achieving organisational objectives (Hamas and Lääts, 2002, p. 379). This theory has invaluably provided research evidence that are attributable to contemporary management accounting knowledge and designs. It has provided a profound method to adjust to ever changing external environments and the need for changes in internal factors (Otley, 1980, p. 413). Strengths of contingency theory style research Challenging the criticisms of contingency theory for being fragmentary and contradictory due to its methodological limitations, it is the failure of critiques in realising the many different forms of management accounting designs under the contingency approach and the relationships between those design which have perpetuated this idea (Gerdin and Greves, 2004, p.303). Attention should be shifted to the concepts under which contingency theory has been applied. Contingency theory in its simplest form highlights that an organisation’s structure is conditional upon contextual factors such as environment, strategy and size. One of its key strengths is a congruence approach that it represents...
Words: 1966 - Pages: 8
...social marketing to communicate messages with a social purpose, such as a public health or safety message, to citizens. In for-profit enterprise marketing often acts as a support for the sales team by propagating the message and information to the desired target audience. Marketing techniques include choosing target markets through market analysis and market segmentation, as well as understanding consumer behavior and advertising a product's value to the customer. From a societal point of view, marketing provides the link between a society's material requirements and its economic patterns of response. Marketing satisfies these needs and wants through the development of exchange processes and the building of long-term relationships. Marketing can be considered a marriage of art and applied science (such as behavioural sciences) and makes use of information technology. Marketing is applied in enterprise and organisations via marketing management techniques. Contents [hide] 1 History 1.1 Earlier approaches 1.2 Contemporary approaches 2 Marketing mix 3 Environmental Forces 4 Customer orientation 4.1...
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...activities; and families are the building blocks of society. The family unit provides the means by which society populates itself and cultivates the values, traditions and activities which define the group as a unique society. A society’s stability is affected by the adherence to thoses commonalities and the family unit’s ability to impart those values upon its members. The basic functions of the family include psychological stabilization, socialization, provision of economic and physical necessities. (Friedman, Bowden, & Jones, 2003) These functions are not static, they change as the family matures and their roles within the family change. Where a child was onced cared for physically and economically by a parent years later the opposite could occur where an aged parent would be dependent both physically and economically on the now adult child. Successful changes in family function and structure in response to such a drastic reversal require an intense effort; and often despite satisfying the economic and physical functions; issues often arise due to the lack of psychological stablization and socialization in these new family roles. In the medical-legal field where I practice, the family is viewed as a component of society (Hanson, 2001). Society reflects the changing values of the family as the family reflects the changing values of society. The assessment of the family is based upon the interactions between the family and other subsets such as...
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...Concept Comparison and Analysis Across Nursing Theories Dana Montgomery NUR/513 Mary Nicks Abstract Define caring? Caring is a critical element of caring in the profession of nursing. It is the groundwork approach that is utilized in day to day practice. Many theories have been studied in regards to caring. For the purpose of this paper, I will be discussing Marilyn Ann Ray’s Theory of Bureaucratic Caring, Madeline Leininger’s Cultural Caring Theory, and Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. The Theory of Bureaucratic caring was created for a more multifaceted institute while the Cultural Caring theory identifies the need for cultural awareness in caring. Theory of Caring describes caring in a more methodical approach. The meaning of caring respectively has similar qualities, but the approaches are entirely different. This paper will elucidate on these three theories of caring, compare and analyze their concept definitions, and apply a specific theory to practice. Caring is defined as feeling and displaying concern or empathy for others. Nursing has become more convoluted with advancing technology and continuous changes, it can be very challenging. For an individual to become an efficient nurse they must have a positive perception of what caring is as it has become a vital part of nursing. Concepts are essential to theory development and have often been referred to as the building blocks or structural components of theory (Chinn & Kramer 1999). As a core concept...
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...Theory of Constraints In today’s economic climate, many organizations struggle with declining sales and increasing costs. Some choose to hunker down and weather the storm, hoping for better results in the future. However, layoffs and workforce reductions jeopardize future competitiveness. However, organizations that have implemented the Theory of Constraints (ToC) continue to thrive and grow in difficult times, continuing to achieve real bottom line growth, whether by improving productivity or increased revenues. Since 1985, the Theory of Constraints has been delivering startling tangible results to companies worldwide. An independent study of Theory of Constraints implementations around the world found that huge results were consistently achieved: Lead Times Reduced 69% Cycle Times Reduced 66% Due Date Performance Improved 60% Inventory Levels Reduced 50% Revenue / Throughput Increased 68% This is a system improvement tool, which states that every system has one goal and it is achieved by many linked processes and out of those processes, one process acts like a bottleneck. So, this theory is utilized in order to remove that bottleneck and ultimately achieve higher productivity. Commonly these bottle necks can be easily understood by the example of assembling operation. There are 5 stations; each station has different times for assembling e.g 40 minutes, 50 and 60 minutes. Out of these stations, station with maximum operation time will be considered as bottleneck...
Words: 1247 - Pages: 5
................... 2 1. OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................ 3 2. SUMMARY OF RESEARCH FINDINGS AND THE APPLICATION OF ADVERTISING THEORY TO POLITICS .............................................................................................................................. 5 A. B. C. D. E. 3. 4. Advertising, Promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications (Shrimp & Andrews) 2013 .............................................................. 5 Advertising Theory (edited by Shelly Rodgers & Esther Thorson) 2012 .................. 6 Advertising and Society – Controversies and Consequences (edited by Carol J. Pardun) 2009............................................................................................................... 7 Advertising and the Market Orientation of Political Parties Contesting the 1999 and 2002 New Zealand Election Campaigns. ..................................................................... 7 Political Campaign Communication Principles & Practises (Trent and Friedenberg 2008) ............................................................................................................................ 9 IS ADVERTISING THEORY RELEVANT TO POLITICAL ADVERTISING? ............................ 9 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................. 10 APPENDIX...
Words: 3318 - Pages: 14
...achieve and provide the best one can offer, and through the final understanding that one does not have all the answers or the power but one can help others to alleviate their pain. Advance practice nursing preparation is a journey that takes the nurse through different paths designed to provide understanding to how nursing science has developed and continues to evolve. Nursing science has made great advances-this thanks to the many theorists that thought their theories have guided, provided, and developed essential concepts now use in nursing care delivery. The following will be a discussion about concept analysis and how this lead to the development of theories. The concept of healing will be discussed as it applied though Barbara Dossey’s Theory of Integral Nursing. Third, the concept will be evaluated using the concept analysis process, and the conclusion will be a summary of how the healing concept is utilized within the broad scope of advance nursing practice. Concept Introduction Healing is Barbara Dossey’s Theory of Integral Nursing core concept. According to Dossey we all have the capacity to heal but the process becomes entangled in the intricacies one experiences through everyday life. To truly understand illness one has to view it through the concept of healing; this will allow the understanding of what needs to transcend to achieve healing (Tracy and DiNapoli, 2012) The concept of healing is a constant...
Words: 2557 - Pages: 11
...practical problem solving or theoretical descriptive analysis. Due to largely fragmented literature, sometimes interweaving concepts and a variety of attitudes, practitioners find it difficult to easily apply this field, meantime theorists call for more comprehensive understanding of OL. This article focuses on contemporary trends in OL research. It argues and unveils that current OL investigation has made a shift towards holistic and integrative approach in which individual has more powers to make a decision. Article illustrates such contemporary shift of mind by (a) summarizing most important literature in the field (b) providing examples of latest research in OL area. For a smoother analysis, author builds and applies working framework of dichotomies between concepts (dialectical approach). Keywords: organizational learning, contemporary trends, holism. JEL Classification: D800, D830 1. Introduction During the last 50-60 years Organizational Learning (OL) has undoubtedly established itself as a discipline – a number of concepts have been constructed and applied theoretically, numerous schools with distinct models have emerged. However, a question may be posed – to what extent OL may be viewed a fruitful discipline in the eyes of the very organizations? Here one should jump into assessment, in other words, normative approach. One should admit that in current society normative and descriptive approaches coexist – and to extent, complement each other. However, on one hand, in OL...
Words: 13772 - Pages: 56
...unpredictable health care, I believe it is vital for nursing to employ a nursing leadership theory or philosophy that is specifically applicable to nurses and will holistically address and support both the science and art of this honored profession. According to Parker (2006) “A philosophy comprises statements of enduring values and beliefs held by the members of the discipline”(p.6). As nurses we use philosophical statements to explore compatibility among personal, professional, organizational and societal beliefs and values. I have learned that values are deeply held beliefs about what is good, right, and appropriate. Values are deep seated and remain constant over time. We accumulate our values from childhood based on teaching and observation of our parents, teachers, religious leaders, and other influential and powerful people. Our values and beliefs guide our actions and control our behavior. Values and beliefs are a key component to an individual as one's value system guides one through life personally and professionally. As a nurse leader, I consider it is extremely important to have a nursing philosophy that guides the thinking about, being, and doing of nursing (Parker, 2006). As a leader I believe it is important to have a foundation that addresses the phenomena of interest to nursing. It is vital to have the structure and substance to ground the practice and scholarship of nursing. Theories not only provide structure for developing, evaluating and using nursing scholarship...
Words: 2594 - Pages: 11
...“The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works, whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified.” – Barack Obama The world is in economic crisis bringing upheaval throughout the planet. Experts disagree about the best ways to manage paths to stability and prosperity for global societies. The severity of the crisis pressures policy makers toward pragmatism, whatever their ideologies. The big question for every leader involves the effectiveness of their intended actions. Will those actions work? The issues before world leaders range from short-term economic recovery necessitated by the failure of capital markets, to long term survival of humans on the planet earth challenged by climate change and ecological systems, natural resources, and population growth. Potential consequences for world societies and civilizations are enormous. World leaders need confidence that they can predict outcomes when they implement their plans. They cannot manage their policies without prediction. W. Edwards Deming tells us that management is prediction (Rienzo, 1993). How does the human mind find confidence in predictions? From where does confidence come? Confidence comes from knowing the systems we are attempting to manage. The purest expressions of knowledge that we have as human beings are scientific laws. Scientific laws allow scientists to predict outcomes with certainty...
Words: 4214 - Pages: 17
...nurse scientists in all health care systems. All academic programs reflect the faculty’s beliefs about nursing, clients, health, environment, and nursing education. The faculty believes that nursing is a profession and an academic discipline possessing a scientific body of knowledge that requires critical thinking, problem solving, and informatics. The primary function of nursing is to educate and assist the client to promote, protect, maintain, restore, and support health, or, to provide for a peaceful death. As a profession, nursing encompasses moral, ethical, legal, and scientific dimensions. Nurses are accountable to society for their practice and responsible for functioning within economic, legal, and moral/ethical parameters. Nursing practice is both theory and evidence based, using theories from nursing and other related disciplines. Nurses synthesize and apply knowledge from the arts, sciences, and humanities in nursing practice utilizing interpersonal communication to meet the complex and multidimensional needs of the client in a variety of health care settings throughout the metropolitan area and beyond. Through leadership and strategic partnerships, this knowledge is further integrated into nursing as research is conducted, disseminated, and used to guide nursing practice, improve healthcare outcomes, and to advance nursing science. Each human being is unique and complex, with physiological, psychological, spiritual, and sociocultural developmental characteristics. Individuals...
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...The findings of the study were detailed and covered cultural, social, spiritual, and economic factors related to care in these patients. The researchers established that the participants preferred the care they received from nurse practitioners to care they had received from physicians. Nurse practitioners spent more time with them and provided better, easier to understand explanations (Wehbe-Alamah, McFarland, Macklin, & Riggs, 2011). Nurses were less judgmental, more empathetic, and respectful. All of these factors resulted in strong, trusting relationships between the nurse practitioner and patient. Religion and spirituality were important to the participants, who viewed them as promoters of health and well-being (Wehbe-Alamah, McFarland, Macklin, & Riggs, 2011). Similarly, social and familial bonds were strong and influenced the health of the participants in numerous ways. Additionally, nurse practitioners tended to be holistic in their approach to care, promoting overall health and well-being, without a myopic focus on the chief complaint. Finally, they appeared to be relatively flexible and accommodating, but able to negotiate with the participants so as to prioritize and target their most important health concerns at each visit. (Wehbe-Alamah...
Words: 697 - Pages: 3
...linked. With neither one being predominant over the other; rather the influence of both oscillate, dependent upon the individual circumstances within the State or region. In essence, what this answer will aim to illustrate, is the extent of this link, the theories which explain it, and whether or not security underpins development. Before we begin however, it would be prudent to first, define the concepts of ‘security’ and ‘development’. From the obvious, national security dimension, to the more human-centred, holistic definitions, finding a simple definition for the concept of security is a complex task, due to the variety of ways in which it can be defined. For the purposes of this essay however, the definition provided by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as security being “the prevention of any threat to individual or national security irrespective of that threat being political or economic in its nature, as such threats would threaten the process of development”[1] would be an appropriate fit, as it incorporates both the traditional State-centric element, and also the more holistic, human security definition.. Traditionally, the definition of development has been one that has been predicated upon a mainly economic basis, with the World Bank terming it as the reduction of global poverty.[2] While on the other hand, the UN has defined development as being the process of creating “an enabling environment for people to live long, healthy and creative lives”[3] and...
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