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Submitted By kelvin121gh
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| #1 - Scientific Management | | This is one of the earliest management styles. Propounded and developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor in 1900, the concept of Scientific Management is also known as "Taylorism". This method believed in the concept of "One best method" to perform a certain task. In general, Taylorism believed in the following principles: * It believed that decision-making should be under the purview of the management. This ensures that emotions are not the governing factor for a business. More so, decision-making can be more professional when in the hands of managers. This is because they can be unbiased and have a scientific approach towards management. * It also believed in developing a standard method to perform each job. This helps in having uniformity in the production. Taylorism caters more to shop floor management. Standard methods speed up the production process and create an environment of expertise. * Taylorism believed in selecting workers with appropriate abilities for each job. This ensured a general environment of excellence and complete understanding of the task at hand. More so, the learning curve for each employee did not need to be very long either. * As per Taylorism, workers used to be trained along the standard methods that were previously developed and fine tuned. This aspect of Taylorism is still being followed in many organizations; however, it is facing a lot of opposition. * Taylorism believed in providing complete support to the employees in order to plan their work and eliminate interruptions. This was to ensure that when at work, the employee would not think of anything but the job at hand. This was believed to be very good for efficiency. * The concept of wage incentives was, in fact, first propounded by Taylor. As per this management style, it was believed that in case of increased output by a certain

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