...Information Technology has transformed the world drastically in past decade. Almost everything has undergone changes over the past few years including the way people do their job in office. Nowadays, many of the jobs can be done from home instead of doing from the office, thanks to advancement in information technology like the internet, email, and other communication methods. These are called telecommuting jobs. Even though these jobs seem convenient and have a lot of advantages, it has also a lot of disadvantages. Telecommuting has a lot of benefit for employees such as increased job satisfaction, organizational commitment, higher job performance and lower work stress and exhaustion (Allen, Golden, & Shockley, 2015) Telecommuting also makes the company more economically efficient because can reduce the amount of office space required to conduct business. Not to mention that telecommuting also giving company opportunities to hire professional employees from all over the world. Unfortunately, telecommuting may affect the social interaction among employees. They are may face isolation from and reduced level of knowledge sharing with colleagues. Working from home may also blur family-work boundaries and lead to increased amounts of work during non-work hours (Allen et al, 2015). Moreover, in telecommuting technical problems might develop such an unavailability of internet or viruses in a computer. However, the good and bad of telecommuting depends on the several factors such employees...
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...LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY Form/LPUO/AP-3 (The format to be used for Planning the academic activities other than Lecturers/Tutorial/Practical like Assignments, Case study, Presentation, Quiz, Projects, Class tests, industrial visits, teaching practice, court visits etc. to be undertaken as a part of the continuous assessment for the Course) Home-Work1 School : LSB Department of Management Name of the faculty member : Neha Shandilya Course No. ECO515 Course Title: Managerial Economics Class: MBA Semester I Section: R1001 Batch 2010-12 Max. Marks: 15 Date of Allotment:18/8/10 Date of Submission: 01/09/10 S. no. Roll No. Topic No. Objectives of Aca demic Activity Topic Evaluation Details Each student will attempt all the questions. To make the students understood of basic managerial economic concepts and how these concepts are applied in economic decision making in present day economy Each student will attempt all the questions given in the assignment i.e. 15 questions for each student. A test will be conduct after submission of assignment. THERE IS NO MARKS FOR SUBMISSION. But only those students will be allowed to sit in test those who have submitted their assignments. 3 questions will asked in test and evaluations will be done out of 15 marks. Date:...
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...Associate Level Material Appendix B Security Assessment Directions: Choose one of the Facts for Consideration sections from Ch. 3 of the text and list the page number for the section you chose. Then, complete the following table. List five threats appropriate to the environment from the section you chose. Rate the risk for each threat from 0 (low) to 10 (high). Then, list five appropriate countermeasures. Once you complete the table, write a brief explanation of the countermeasures for the two threats with the highest risk total, stating how the countermeasure reduces the risk associated with that threat. This assessment is based on the Facts for Consideration on page _93___ | | | | |THREAT |RISK |COUNTERMEASURE | | |Probability |Criticality |Total | | |Example: | | | | | |Physical assault |9 |4 |13 |Highly visible officer presence | |Possible Escape |9 |5 |13 |An extra guard can limit the...
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...Homework for Tony Badano | | 01/15/2012 Sunday | 01/16/2012 Monday | 01/17/2012 Tuesday | 01/18/2012 Wednesday | 01/19/2012 Thursday | 01/20/2012 Friday | 01/21/2012 Saturday | 8th Period (8TH-P81) | No items found | No items found | No items found | No items found | No items found | No items found | No items found | American Sign Language 1 CP (ASL_1-P6) | No items found | American Sign Language 1 CP Riddle due on Thursday | American Sign Language 1 CP Riddle due on Thursday. | American Sign Language 1 CP riddle due tomorrow | American Sign Language 1 CP Practice your vocab with your created sentences. | American Sign Language 1 CP Practice vocab with your created sentences. | No items found | Bible 9-10 (Bible 9-10-P5) | No items found | Bible 9-10 Read I Kings by Friday and get a parent signature..... Write a 3 part essay on I Kings and turn it in on Friday.,,,,,,,,, Bible Memory due on Thursday - I Kings 9:4-7b | No items found | Bible 9-10 Bible Memory due on Thursday - I Kings 9:4-7b | No items found | No items found | No items found | Earth/Physical Science CP (EARTH-PHYS-P2) | No items found | No items found | Earth/Physical Science CP will be updated daily by 3:30pm Lab Report on Diffusion and Osmosis typed Due Thursday 1/19 (if not turned in at beginning of class it is a zero - no exceptions - No lates will be excepted) | Earth/Physical Science CP Lab Report on Diffusion and Osmosis typed Due Thursday 1/19 (if not turned...
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...Assignment Print View http://ezto.mheducation.com/hm_finance.tpx award: 1.00 point A pension fund has an average duration of its liabilities equal to 14 years. The fund is looking at 5-year maturity zero-coupon bonds and 4% yield perpetuities to immunize its interest rate risk. How much of its portfolio should it allocate to the zero-coupon bonds to immunize if there are no other assets funding the plan? → 57.14% 42.86% 35.71% 26.00% Duration of the perpetuity = 1.04/0.04 = 26 years Duration of the zero = 1 years 14 = (wz)(5) + (1 – wz)26; wz = 57.14% Learning Objective: 11-04 Formulate fixed-income immunization strategies for various investment horizons. Multiple Choice Difficulty: 3 Hard award: 1.00 point You own a bond that has a duration of 5 years. Interest rates are currently 6%, but you believe the Fed is about to increase interest rates by 29 basis points. Your predicted price change on this bond is ________. (Select the closest answer.) +1.37% → –1.37% –4.72% +4.72% D* = 5/1.06 = 4.72 ∆P/P = –D*(∆y) = –4.72(0.29%) = –1.37% Learning Objective: 11-02 Compute the duration of bonds; and use duration to measure interest rate sensitivity. Multiple Choice Difficulty: 2 Medium 1 of 13 11/29/2014 1:56 PM Assignment Print View http://ezto.mheducation.com/hm_finance.tpx award: 1.00 point You have purchased a guaranteed investment contract (GIC) from an insurance firm that promises to pay you a 7% compound rate of return per...
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...UNIT 1 Deadline as Apr 6 Question 1 Son, Ha, MA __________ compensation is the psychological mindset of performing a job. Son Answer | | Extrinsic | | | Intrinsic | | | Base pay | | | Discretionary | Question 2 Which of the following stakeholders requires that companies comply with all employment legislation? Son Answer | | Employees | | | Line managers | | | Executives | | | U. S. Government | Question 3 COLA (Cost of Living adjustments): Ha Answer | | are tied to changes in the price of consumer goods. | | | are part of seniority pay systems. | | | reward employees based upon the achievement of individual goals. | | | are offered as a type of merit pay. | Question 4 __________ is the term used to describe both the monetary and nonmonetary rewards an employee receives. Ha Answer | | Extrinsic compensation | | | Salary | | | Discretionary benefits | | | Strategic compensation | | | | Question 5 __________ focuses on gaining competitive advantage by being the lowest-cost producer of a good or service within the market place. MA Answer | | Differentiation strategy | | | Cost leadership strategy | | | Competitive strategy | | | Core compensation | Question 6 List and explain the five different stakeholders of a company’s compensation system. Son There are five different stakeholders of a company compensation system and the human resource department provides them within and outside...
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...|ITA135: Networking 2 |Lab | |Router Lab 1 | | Name __Will Bolin_____ 1. Plan the IP addressing for the lab. You will need to identify two different /24 networks to use and one /30 network. You may use any address ranges. (12 points) |Mask |Network Address |First Usable IP |Last Usable IP |Broadcast Address |# Usable Hosts | |/24 | | | | |254 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |/24 | | | | |254 | | | | | | ...
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...Behind All The Positivity What do people do to help a local charity? Charities are usually to support certain causes. Giving to charities shows someone being a good and giving person, how one is not selfish, and develops some type of connection and love between people. Giving to charities shows how one is a good and giving person. A good person helps the ones around them. Those who actually give to charities are usually living a better life. They take and dedicate from their own time just to see others live a great life also. Just because some people have their downfalls and troubles in life, does not mean they deserve a different approach to life. Those who help have nothing to worry about since they are doing their part in helping. When people are hungry of suffering from a certain disease and others do their part in helping they emotionally feel somewhat better. It may still be on their mind, but at least the cause is a step closer to being helped. Using their persuasion they make others get involved in making a change also. Usually making a charity known worldwide helps even more. When somebody hears about it, they not only want to take part in helping but they also have an emotional connection to those people and what they are going through. Nobody should feel any pressure that they have to give to a charity, it all comes from how thoughtful and giving somebody is. When one feels better when they give it means hey did it whole-heartedly not just for the heck of it...
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...DOCUMENTS ESTABLISHING CONFORMITY OF THE GOODS WITH THE BIDDING DOCUMENTS To establish the conformity of goods documentary evidence in shape of brochures, literature, drawings & date etc., to be provided by the bidder. Standard, Quality, Brands etc., to be specified PERIOD OF VALIDITY The bid shall remain valid for the period specified in the bid document, otherwise it shall be rejected. The bid validity period could be extended on written request of the purchaser. In case of refusal by the supplier, the bid security could not be forfeited. FORMAT & SIGNING OF BID Original technical / financial proposal be provided. No cutting & over writings, if made to be signed in full by the bidder. Each page of the bid to be signed by the bidder. Arithmetic SCOPE OF BIDS: Name, identification, specification of goods. CORRUPT PRACTICES: Behaviour on the part of officials in the public / private sector by which they improperly and unlawfully enrich themselves or induce other to do so. MISUSE OF A POSITION: Offering, giving and receiving anything of value to influence the action of any official in procurement process. FRAUDULENT PRACTICE: Misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or execution of contract to the detriment of the client. Collusive practice among bidders (prior or after bid submission) ELIGIBLE BIDDER: A natural person, private entity, government...
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...Appeal to ignorance Fallacy is a mistake with a reasoning argument; it is invalid and appealed to good. No matter how does the fallacy have a strong reason, it is still wrong. Appeal to ignorance argument is a kind of fallacy, which means a proposition is true because nothing can prove it is wrong or you can’t provide evidence to prove it is false. In logic, if a proposition is true, it must have enough evidence to be proved that it’s true, and then people should believe that it is true. On the other hand, if people have enough evidences to prove that this proposition is false, this proposition is false. Here is the third: appeal to ignorance-no evidence can be proved that it’s true or false. Then it must be true or false. First, “I don't know of anyone who's ever had a problem hiking during a storm. Nobody has ever convinced me it's threatening, so I feel like we're really safe”(study.com P1) In this video, Carina told her friends that hiking near the thunderstorm is safe due to no one tells her that it is unsafe. “She's never had experiences that tell her it's unsafe. She's concluded that this means that they are safe” (study.com P1). This is a classic example of appeal to ignorance that shows people follow the disprove argument. Carina walks into misdirection. Although Carina proves that it’s safe to hike near the thunderstorm according to her no unsafe experience, it’s still unsafe because there is not enough evidence proved that it is safe. People always are obedient to...
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...can't occur again with filling out timesheets? They start with step one. Setting a performance standard which is basically a general statement of a expected goal that is benchmarked by the company. So let's say that Lei implements a new way to track and report time sheets. For example lets use a ID card that is given to the employees so they can scan the ID card was they walk in the building and this will trigger a time of when this employee has walked into building and officially working for the company. This process alone eliminates timesheets done manually and record electrically which can be viewed systemically and avoids human error. This example of implement a system that can record, view, and process people work hours with discrepancy. With that said Step 2 evolves the standard set and now measures the performance. Managers can view the performance and data of this new "ID scanning" by the system is clocks in by....
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...+You Search Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive Calendar More Sign in Screen reader users, click here to turn off Google Instant. About 140,000,000 results (0.11 seconds) Search Results Nigeria FORMAL EDUCATION/WESTERN - OnlineNigeria.com www.onlinenigeria.com/education/?blurb=537 FORMAL EDUCATION/WESTERNFormal education in Nigeria is traceable to the efforts of European Missionaries around 1842. Education at this time was ... Education in Nigeria - Maps of World www.mapsofworld.com › Nigeria The Christian missionaries introduced the western education system in Nigeria in the mid-nineteenth century. In 1990, three fundamentally distinct education ... Contribution of Western Education to Development in Nigeria - Term ... www.termpaperwarehouse.com › Social Issues Dec 11, 2010 – The contributions of western education to development in Nigeria. If a man is born blind, he may not appreciate what it means to see the light, ... Nigeria-EDUCATION www.mongabay.com/history/nigeria/nigeria-education.html Western-style education came to Nigeria with the missionaries in the mid-nineteenth century. Although the first mission school was founded in 1843 by ... History of western education in Nigeria wiki.answers.com › ... › Countries, States, and Cities › Nigeria The history of business education in nigeria? education is it a business. What...
Words: 508 - Pages: 3
...Tre Bannink September 2010 BLACK BROOK RABBITRY PRESENTS 8 grade HOW TO START A RABBITRY Why start. Take one look at the domestic rabbit, and you will understand its appeal. Recognize it as an animal that thrives almost anywhere and is inexpensive to obtain and easy to maintain. Add its legend any prolificacy, its unmatched cleanliness, and a steadfast refusal to bark at the moon at midnight or crow at the neighbor at 6 A.M. Consider, above all, its versatility, and you will readily comprehend it’s steadily, zooming popularity. If you going to start a rabbitry you will first need to be able to find out if u have the space for a 35 by 24 rabbit hutch for indoors or outdoors. Once u get all that figured out, u need to find out what kind of bedding u will be getting. The three best bedding u can get is straw, hay, and wood shavings. In the summer u would probably want to mix wood shavings and hay. You could also put a frozen water bottle in there so they can lie on it to cool down. It’s a good idea to have the bedding about 3 inches thick through out the hole box of the hutch. In winter line the whole cage with stray or hay. If it is possible get the straw or hay stacte on the sides of the walls. The next step of building a rabbitry is to build your herd...
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...Profile Process Piece: Analyzing the Rhetorical Situation Week 1 Assignment Please answer the following questions in complete sentence and paragraph format. Although this is not a formal essay assignment, please note that proper spelling, grammar, and sentence structure are required. This week’s lecture and Chapters 2 and 3 in your text will help you work through some of the terms within the rhetorical situation. Defining Topic, Angle, and Purpose 1. What is your chosen topic (e.g., a profile of Barb Collins, a volunteer at the local homeless shelter; a profile of Shipwreck Days, a citywide flea market and festival; a profile of Burdick’s Grocery, the oldest family-owned business in town)? A profile of Angelique Sago, a professional dancer who opened a dance school location in a rural area of her home community. 2. What unique angle can you present on this topic? (Consider what is new about the topic or what unique perspective can be shared about this topic.) Angelique’s dance career started off with stripping use as a source of income to provide a roof over her head for herself as well as her two young daughters, knowing that she needed to change her life. Angelique opened her dance studio in 2010 just five years after graduating college and decided that she would provide excellent service for a much reasonable price than her competitors which has now became a down fall and causing her to have to close her doors. 3. What is your purpose for writing? (What...
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...------------------------------------------------- George Sayeh ------------------------------------------------- Principles of Insurance & Risk Management ------------------------------------------------- 9:40 #4 The characteristics of Lloyd’s of London, Lloyd’s technically is not an insurance company, but is a society of members corporation and individuals who underwrite insurance in syndicates; the insurance is written by the various syndicated that belong to Lloyd’s; new individual member who belong to the various syndicates now have limited legal liability; corporation with limited legal liability and limited liability partnerships are also members of Lloyd’s of London; member must also meet stringent financial requirements and Lloyd’s is licensed only in a small number of jurisdictions in the United States. #8a independent agency system also knower as American agency system, independent agency is a business firm that usually represents several unrelated insurers; agency owns the expirations or renewal right to the business; and independent agency is compensated by commissions that vary by line of insurance #8b exclusive agency system, agent represents only one insurer or group of insurers under common ownership Agents do not usually own the expirations or renewal rights to the policies, and Agents are generally paid a lower commission rate on renewal business than on new business. #8c direct writer is an insurer in which the salesperson is an employee of the...
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