...mostly because it’s getting into the meat and potatoes of what, in my opinion is Homeland Security’s mission, defending the homeland. The gravest threat to our homeland is terrorism, even if Bernie Sanders thinks its climate change. In this week’s reading I found probably my favorite definition of terrorism, according to James M. Poland, “Terrorism is the premeditated, deliberate, systematic murder, mayhem, and threatening of the innocent to create fear and intimidation in order to gain a political or tactical advantage, usually to influence an audience.” (II 2011) 1. Identify the top three threats to homeland security and why you chose those as...
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...Critical Infrastructure Protection Benard Braxton, Jr. Dr. Bouaffo Kouame CIS 502 – Theories of Security Management May 17, 2015 The Department of Homeland Security’s vison is to ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards (DHS, 2015). To achieve this vision there are three key concepts that creates the foundation of our national homeland security strategy. They are security, resilience, and customs and exchange (DHS, 2015). These key concepts drive wide-ranging areas of action that the Quadrennial Homeland Security Review process describes as homeland security missions. These missions are not restricted to the Department of Homeland Security. These objectives and goals says what it means to prevent, to protect, to respond, and to recover. They also shows how build in security, to ensure resilience, and to facilitate customs and exchange (DHS, 2015). There are thousands of people from across the all over the country who are responsible for executing these missions. These are the people who interact with the public, are responsible for security and public safety, operate our country’s critical services and infrastructures, develop technology, perform research, watch, prepare for, and respond to emerging disasters and threats (DHS, 2015). The five homeland security core missions are to prevent terrorism and enhancing security; secure and manage our borders; enforce and administer our immigration laws; safeguard and secure...
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...of Homeland Security (DHS) is prepared to respond. DHS primary responsibilities are combatting terrorism, securing boarders, enforcing immigration laws, safeguarding cyberspace, and responding to natural disasters. Coordination with the federal response teams and partnerships with local, state, and private sectors, enhance the DHS response tactics in a national emergency. Department of Homeland Security Mission, Operations, and Responsibilities The Department of Homeland Security’s mission is to keep America safe, protected, and resilient from various elements that threaten the country. As identified by (dhs.gov, 2013) DHS has three key concepts that strategies are based upon security, resilience, and customs and exchange. The process that defines homeland security missions and incorporates the key concepts is the Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (QHSR). DHS missions are spread across the enterprise and do not only cover DHS. The delegated missions define in detail how to prevent, protect, respond, recover, secure, ensure resilience, and facilitate customs and exchange as noted by (dhs.gov, 2013). Department of Homeland Security operations encompass five core objectives. The objectives covered under DHS are prevention of terrorism and enhancing security; secure and manage our boarders; enforce and administer immigration laws; safeguard and secure cyberspace; ensure resilience to disasters stated in (dhs.gov, 2013). Protecting Americans from terrorist threats is...
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...Restructuring to Increase Efficiency Tom Harper HCS/325 May 26, 2014 Connie Woods Restructuring to Increase Efficiency In healthcare, the utilization of call centers to assist in triaging patient calls have become more advanced and serviced over time. These centers triage calls such as medication refills, appointment scheduling, emergency medical questions and advice, and simple insurance related questions. The calls in our facility have increased due to the increasing number of patients merging into our facility and clinics. With the current struggle of budgeting and providing sufficient patient care, our department must implement new policies, procedures, and protocols in order to meet the growing demand. With a budget set for the current fiscal year, our department lacks the financial resources needed to hire additional staff, which makes the task even more difficult to address. The leaders from other facilities, corporations, and departments must come together and share options that work well for them and others that have failed in the past. Utilizing other industries will give our facility a greater view of the platform that it can move on. Throughout the next few months, it is upon the leadership and staff to accommodate to the changes and team structures that are unveiled to address the concerning and continued issue regarding patient care. In all aspects of healthcare, teamwork is essential to provide the care to all patients that should report to our facility...
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...The summary determines Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) is an important Cyber Security initiative that requires careful planning and coordination in protecting our infrastructure: 1. What is the Department of Homeland Security’s Mission, Operations, and Responsibilities? 2. What is the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) initiatives are; what are protected, and the methods used to protect our assets? 3. What are the vulnerabilities IS professionals need to be concerned with when protecting the U.S.’s critical infrastructure? 4. Evaluate the effectiveness of IS professionals in regard to protecting the U.S.’s critical infrastructure. 5. Three methods to improve the protection of our critical infrastructure DHS’s Mission The Homeland Security Act of 2002 created the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) began operations in 2003 it assigned the department the following critical infrastructure protection responsibilities it’s goals and objectives are to prevent, to protect, to respond, and to recover, as well as to build in security, to ensure resilience, and to facilitate customs and exchange. DHS core mission consist of five homeland security missions “Prevent terrorism and enhancing security; Secure and manage our borders; Enforce and administer our immigration laws; Safeguard and secure cyberspace; Ensure resilience to disasters” (DHS.gov) Homeland security is a widely distributed and diverse refers to the collective efforts and shared responsibilities...
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...SEAPORT SECURITY: CRITICAL CHALLENGE FOR DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY BY COLONEL DREFUS LANE, SR. United States Army DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is Unlimited. This SRP is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Master of Strategic Studies Degree. The views expressed in this student academic research paper are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Army, Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government. U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5050 USAWC CLASS OF 2009 The U.S. Army War College is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle State Association of Colleges and Schools, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, (215) 662-5606. The Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing this collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters...
Words: 6659 - Pages: 27
...created to help in the efforts. The national plan, for counterterrorism also the national security tactic, will help the government also; law enforcement agencies protect society also the well-being of the United States. To make sure that the enemies of the state will ever get away with conduct like that again. In this paper, it will be discussed the reviews of a national approach, for counterterrorism also the national security tactic like comparing the National Security approach and National tactic for Counterterrorism regarding scope and direction. Also, assess various strategies used to address terrorist threats. The Analyze the development and progression of homeland security from 9/11 until now, including the role of executive orders. By explaining the reviews, it will help show how much of an assist these two strategies are to the United States, in their mission to secure the nation and its people. Compare the National Security Strategy also Counterterrorism When using these methods, many people can see that they have different tactics within their strategy. However, many people do not understand that there some similarities in them also like for instance the first thing that they can compare, with each other is they want the president and the government to protect the citizens within Americas Society also broad. Also, securing the people of America homeland all American interest dismantling, defeating Al-Qaida also their associates. “The individuals...
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...Our nation security has never been the same since the event that change everything, the bombing of the twin towers in September 11, 2001. Thousands of innocent lives were lost because we lack the security we have now. In order to prevent this from happening again our government developed polices in order to counter act and mitigate the threats of ongoing terrorism. Department of Homeland security is formed as a separate agency of the government to secure our nation from the acts of terrorism. The agencies sole purpose is to keep us safe and to prevent the attacks of the terrorism. In the development of the policies and counter terrorism tactics the government face different issues? In this essay we are going to look at how these issues affected...
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...– 2010 Terrorism Is No Longer A Threat To The U.S. Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, many experts claimed that it only proves the vulnerability of the United States to big and devastating terrorists attacks. This means that even the United States is considered as the most powerful country in the world not only in terms of economic sustainability but also in military and intelligence capabilities, terrorists still can able to do terrorism acts to the country (Scheppler, 2005). Despite of this factor, it leads to the conclusion during those times that terrorism becomes a big threat to the peace and order, and security of the people of the United States. Generally, the even wanted to show that terrorism is a big threat that needs to be addressed by every country in the world. Today, due to the different efforts and actions made by the United States government since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, it was been claimed that terrorism is no longer a threat for the country. The different laws, programs, and the way the laws were implemented was claimed an effective effort to proactively avoid and eliminate the risk to once again attacked by any terrorists groups. This study will discussed and give points about the different efforts made the United States government in order to eliminate any threat of terrorists attacks in the country. Different points will be discussed and how it contributes to the conclusion that terrorism is no longer a threat to the country. The different laws...
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...Homeland Security Committee (House of Representatives) Who are the Members? Congressman Peter King is serving his tenth term in the U.S. House of Representatives and is the chairman of the Homeland Security committee a position he has held for 6 years. King has been a leader in the ongoing effort to have Homeland Security funding based on threat analysis and is a strong supporter of the war against international terrorism, both at home and abroad. As Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee he brought about vital legislation regarding port security and chemical plant security. He has led the effort to restore funding to the Secure the Cities Program to protect the New York-Long Island region from nuclear dirty bomb attacks. What Sub Committees Border and Maritime Security- Chaired by Candice Miller Counter terrorism and Intelligence- Chaired by Patrick Meehan Cyber security, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies- Chaired by Daniel Lungren Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications- Chaired by Gus Bilirakis Oversight, Investigations, and Management- Chaired by Michael McCaul Transportation Security- Chaired by Mike Rogers There Jurisdiction The Committee on Homeland Security was established in 2002 to provide Congressional oversight for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and better protect the American people against a possible terrorist attack. The Committee is chartered to hold hearings and craft legislation...
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...States Secret Service? The United States secret service is a federal law enforcement agency in one of the department of homeland security.(1) The United States secret service is one of the oldest departments in homeland security. The secret service was formed 150 years ago back in the 1865. The secret service division and the primary mission and responsibilities was to protect the us government from fraud and abuse for us the government money the wrong for as gambling it over money laundry things of that nature (2). Over the course of the years from 1865 to 1867 the secret service division moved from Washington D.C back to New York back to Washington D.C reason being because the division needs stability and a city to put their headquarters. (1)After the assassination of President Williams McKinley in 1901 that’s when the division of secret service changed to The United States Secret Service, with that event happening it changed the primary mission of the secret service to protect our President of The United States then everything thing else but the President First. Today the United States (4) Secret Service has over 6,750 employees and annual budget of 1.8 billion dollars which is subject to change during each fiscal year. (4) The United States service also has over 4,400 sworn members and two parent agencies the first one is the U.S Department of Homeland Security and the second one is U.S Department of the Treasury. United States secret service is one that really stood out to me...
Words: 1169 - Pages: 5
...attacks the Homeland Security Act of 2002 was developed. "The primary mission of the Homeland Security Act is to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States; reduce the vulnerability of the United States to terrorism; and minimize the damage, and assist in the recovery, from terrorist attacks that do occur within the United States."1 Inside the Homeland Security Act it states the secretary of Homeland Security now has the authority and the power to direct and control investigations of terrorism and how to prevent terrorism. In 2002 the Homeland Security Act was created along with the US Department of Homeland Security. Many organizations made up this US Department of Homeland Security such as the US Coast Guard, the US Secret Service, and the Transportation Security Administration. The Department was given billions of dollars and approximately 180,000 new federal employees. The US Department of Homeland Security has a very similar mission as the Homeland Security Act. "The mission is to ensure the safety and security of the United States from terrorist attacks and other disasters."2 The main purpose is to help prevent terrorism; the US Department of Homeland Security created the National Threat Advisory system. The was this system works is it is color coded. Green=low threat to Red=severe threat. This color coded system was put into place to help lower the impact on future terrorist attacks. Another responsibility of the US Department of Homeland Security is natural...
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...As technology continues to advance, the United States must accept the concept of digital globalization as it develops national security policies designed to bolster homeland security. It is also important for policy makers to understand the fluidity of terrorism. While their motives may not change, the tactics used by terrorists are ever evolving, so to must the government’s ability to identify, track and eliminate threats. Prior to the 9/11 attacks, the US lacked preparedness for that type of attack carried out that morning. Since then, the federal government took steps to protect against future, similar attacks. Some of these measures included the creation of the Transportation Security Administration, the arming of airline pilots and...
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...Introduction to Homeland Security CJUS254-1602B-01 Connor Tibbetts 6/15/16 Unit 5 – Individual Project The Department of Homeland Security is one of the most important departments in our federal government. It is largely responsible for ensuring that the United States as a country is kept safe from harm, whether through natural or terrorist events. However, even a department as large as the DHS is unable to fully protect the homeland from every threat possible. There is no way to always cover every avenue for potential threat to the U.S. To combat this unfortunate reality, the DHS relies on help from private enterprise. The DHS includes an office, known as the Office of Policy, which includes the Private Sector Office as one of its sub-departments. The Private Sector Office provides the Secretary and Department leaders with advice on issues relevant to the private sector, including academia, non-profits, NGOs, and businesses (dhs.gov). In addition, the PSO helps create and foster strategic communications with the private sector to enhance the primary mission of the Department to protect the American homeland (dhs.gov). This paper will explain the involvement of the Department of Homeland Security with private enterprise via the PSO, explain why this involvement is crucial to the mission, and explain how the DHS uses private enterprise in the protection of critical infrastructure and key resources. This paper will also give examples of programs that address governments...
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...U.S. Department of Homeland Security Chris Cabral National American University Abstract The primary mission of the Homeland Security Act is to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce the vulnerability of the United States to terrorism, and minimize damage and assist in recovery for terrorist attacks that occur in the United States. The U.S Department of Homeland Security was established after the 9/11 attacks to counter terrorist activities against the United States. Homeland security is officially defined by the National Strategy for Homeland Security as "a concerted national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce America's vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damage and recover from attacks that do occur”. The major objective of the Patriot Act is “to deter and punish terrorist acts in the United States and around the world to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools" by dramatically reducing restrictions pertaining to law enforcement requests to search telephone records, e-mail communication, and health records. The Patriot Act allows for the emergency disclosure of electronic communications to protect life and broadens the definition of terrorism to include acts of domestic terrorism. Under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the Patriot Act allows the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or a designee of the director to apply for an order requiring the "production of any tangible things (including...
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