...veteran homelessness. Veterans in this nation do not even receive housing benefits. (Lerner, Steven). As a result, many veterans are already putting the majority of their income toward their housing arrangements. There is not many living arrangements made for veterans in the first place which only fuels the fire of the homeless veteran epidemic which has spread throughout the United States. Only a few states, such as California, have made any efforts to to provide living arrangements for homeless veterans in return for their sacrifice. (Greig, Angus). This major lack of living arrangements that veterans have to deal with is inarguably the main underlying reason for why veterans of all ages are far more likely to end up homeless as opposed to...
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...Veterans are former soldiers who have had wartime experiences. Veterans achieved much for the country, but they are faced with difficulties upon returning home. Some of the problems confronted by veterans are homelessness and mental disorders. Veterans are an important part of the US history. According to The History of Veterans Day (n.d.), Armistice Day was started at the end of World War I. Then twenty-eight years later, the name of this holiday changes to Veterans Day to honor all of the veterans who fought in any war. After that, some programs were created to support those veterans. The US Department of Veterans Affairs (2015) said that the purpose of this department is to create programs to help veterans with their needs. Some of these...
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... no one knows the actual truth behind homeless veterans. Homeless veterans are given stereotypes causing them to be put aside as if their problems were minor. It is important for people to have an empathetic concern towards them in order to create a change. It is important to create a voice and raise awareness for those who are not able to. If the truth behind the issues faced by homeless veterans were to be known, people, as well as organizations would start taking notice and help them live a better life that they deserve. Homeless veterans face numerous challenges. The amount of homeless veterans has recently...
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...This is how america treats its veterans by throwing them out on the streets, with PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder), and addictions as the only way to ease the pain. This shameful practice happens throughout this country, hurting many heroes. Many heroes have sacrificed so much to protect this great country, but this country has given very little back in return for this great risk. There is a big problem which is that many veterans are homeless. A very disproportionate amount of them, according to nationalhomeless.org male veterans are 34% of the population, but make up 40% of the homeless population. In fact one fourth to one fifth of veterans are homeless. Sadly men get it the worst with women making up only 4% of the homeless veterans. This is a big problem in society. Because people are waking up to these facts people could stop wanting to join the military, this is huge because america is the world police and without it many other countries couldn’t prosper because they rely on america's protection....
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...Homeless veterans are people (men and women) served their tenure in armed forces of the country with no homes or proper accommodations in the country with different issues and psychological problems. It is observed that many of the people live with severe psychological disorders that affect the lives in regards to their living pattern including life and death. As observed in 2012, about sixty-five thousands of homeless veterans in the United States of America are living without the basic necessities of life and among them about eight percent include female population. Furthermore, there is an increasing trend of suicide cases among these homeless veterans because of severe PTSD, Aids, and other serious diseases. Casualties of Self- Sacrifices...
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...Fundamentals of Research Stephan A. Bell BSHS 381 Research and Statistics for the Social Sciences 10 December 2012 Dr. Christine Cutis This paper will offer explanation of how scientific method and scientific research can be used in the Human Service field. This paper will also cover the steps involved in scientific inquiry and why the steps are of importance, then provide an example a scientific method related to the Human Services field. Also discussed will be a brief description of qualitative research and quantitative research, explaining the differences in both models and how the methods relate to the Human Service field and the scientific method. Discussion will concern quantitative and qualitative research methodology, define mixed method research, and describe its strengths. The scientific method can be explained as a method for research and study that is applied to investigate observations and to bring answers to questions. Within the scientific method researches can exploit the cause and effect relationships. Stated plainly, they can plan a study so that changes to an entity of the study influence something else in the study to vary in an unpredictable or expected manner. In the Human Service field, these method may relates if there is an upsurge in child abuse, or joblessness, or homelessness, replies offering results are required to answer the questions related to the upsurge. The only path to those replies can be done through research. In the “Scientific...
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...INSTRUCTIONS FOR WRITING THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL 1. Use the template below in drafting your capstone proposal. Remove the italicized instructions contained in each section box and replace them with your written proposal text. Do not alter the formatting (boxes and fonts) of the template. 2. Important: Have someone read/proofread/edit your work. 3. Please make sure you address the points listed in the instruction boxes. 4. Once completed, upload the file to the appropriate link in Moodle. 5. Your proposal is a living document. We will be using and refining this document once we as the term progresses. 6. Remember – this is a DRAFT proposal at this point. As such, its contents will still need significant improvement and revisions as you use its contents in writing your capstone in MM598. 7. Submit the complete proposal via Moodle. CAPSTONE PROPOSAL MM 514 – Practical Research Name(s): | Danny Shipman | Proposed Research Topic/Title: | Do Southern Oregon Veterans Face the Same Challenges as Veterans Across the Rest of the Nation When Transitioning from Military to Civilian Life | Executive Summary: | This section essentially provides the reader of your proposal an informative abstract, giving the reader the chance to see the essentials of the proposal without having to read the details as written in the following sections. The executive summary should include a brief statement...
Words: 2573 - Pages: 11
... Introduction This paper is an overview of homeless veterans in the United States. I will discuss how this issue fits into the field of sociology while determining which sociological theories from our text apply. Next, I will explain what is known and unknown about America’s homeless veterans. Then, I will discuss the value of sociological research into this issue. Finally, I will determine if there are practical implications of sociological inquiry. There is a serious homeless problem that plagues many Americans, including those Americans that fought for our country. Although we tend to hold servicemen in high regard, many people are very insensitive to those veterans that become homeless. Most people believe that homelessness is due to controllable factors such as laziness or refusal to work. Nothing can be further from the truth. Veterans not only make up a disproportionate percentage of the homeless population, but also stay homeless for longer. In fact, veterans are at a greater risk of becoming homeless due to a number of factors including unique military skills not needed in the civilian sector, combat-related health issues, minimal income due to unemployment, and a shortage of safe, affordable housing. Prior to becoming homeless, many veterans at risk of homelessness have suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder or have acquired addictions during their military service. “At least 45 percent of homeless veterans suffer from mental illness,...
Words: 914 - Pages: 4
...that the attached paper, which was produced for the class identified above, is my original work and has not previously been submitted by me or by anyone else for any class. I further declare that I have cited all sources from which I used language, ideas and information, whether quoted verbatim or paraphrased, and that any and all assistance of any kind, which I received while producing this paper, has been acknowledged in the References section. This paper includes no trademarked material, logos, or images from the Internet, which I do not have written permission to include. I further agree that my name typed on the line below is intended to have, and shall have the same validity as my handwritten signature. Student's signature (name typed here is equivalent to a signature): Christopher Holland Introduction The purpose of this paper is to explore the homeless population in the United States while thinking critically. The research for this paper shall detail the history of homeless from its first noticeable conception. The paper will examine the time line of homelessness stating contributing factors as well as detailing the homeless struggle. This paper shall research the nature of the social problems or issues experienced by homeless people meanwhile showing the stereotyping and discrimination of homeless people. This paper will explore the different demographic groups along with common clinical issues and intervention strategies. After the research has explored the...
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...Ending Homelessness among Veterans through Housing Programs Services Mary R. Flores Southeastern University Introduction Homeless veterans have consistently existed in the United States. However, just after the Afghanistan and Iraq war, the issue has become more noticeable in the news. The National Health Care for Homeless Council defines homelessness as the absence of a normal and adequate night-time place of residence. According to the ‘National Alliance to End Homelessness’ program, 49,933 of veterans and their families are currently living without having their basic needs met (National Alliance to End Homelessness, 2015). To know whether veterans participating in the Housing First program with the Housing and Urban Department-Veterans Affairs Supported Housing (HUD-VASH) receive housing services more rapidly and keep up long term housing stability, it must be compared to the Veterans in Treatment As Usual (TAU) approach to HUD-VASH. Connection to housing service programs is critical to veteran’s successful re-integration to society after deployment. This is exemplified by the success of Housing First (HF) and the different outcome of veterans who use similar program such as Treatment As Usual (TAU). The HUD-VASH program first started in 1992 as a teamwork effort between the Veterans Affair (VA) and the HUD. HUD provides housing to homeless veterans through a resident-based program named ‘Section 8 vouchers’, while the VA provides supportive services. ‘Section...
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...Marketing Objectives 8 4.9 Financial Objectives 9 4.10 Target Markets 9 4.11 Positioning 10 4.12 Strategies 11 4.13 Marketing Mix 11 4.14 Marketing Research 12 4.0 Controls 12 5.15 Implementation 13 5.16 Marketing Organization 13 5.17 Contingency Planning 14 5.0 Conclusion 14 References 16 1.0 Executive Summary Just Vets is a homeless shelter for Veterans in Fort Worth, Texas. Just Vets was established in 2013 by CEO John Stone, whom has a deep family background in the military dating back to the Civil War. John Stone was medically retired from the Army in 2005 after coming back from Iraq, with the military experience and college background with the help from the Veterans Affairs John was able to obtain a small business loan. John Stone was seeing all the different homeless veterans around the city and other places that it was John’s duty to continue to serve those in need. John decided to use every tool that was available to obtain the permits, building, and certified staff to open the facility. John had with the help from consultant’s was able to develop a marketing plan with information from the SWOT Analysis, marketing research and target market among others. 2.0 Situational Analysis Just Vets is entering their first year of operation. John Stone, the CEO believes that a well comprehensive marketing strategy would be the best business...
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...NUR471 | Homeless Veterans | A Vulnerable Population | | Tina Sampers | 4/29/12 | Description of the selected population The assumption that all veterans receive free health care and supported by the United States government is a sad misconception and unrealistic dream. Homeless veterans by definition are a group of individuals who have served in the United States military and do not have shelter, or home at night. The Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act offers a detailed definition of homeless to include no shelter as defined as nights spent in a car, abandoned building or on the streets, in a homeless shelter, transitional housing, or with family members or friends without paying rent (O'Toole, 2010). Vulnerable population risk factors Homeless veterans are a vulnerable population group by definition, because they are a subgroup of the population more likely to develop health problems or have worse problems from health problems due to exposures to risks not experienced by the rest of the population (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008, p. 712). According to the Veterans Affairs (VA), an estimated 194,000 veterans nationwide were homeless on any given night during the fiscal year 2005 (GAO, 2006, p.2). The VA admits it is difficult to obtain accurate numbers and fear the actual numbers are much higher (GAO, 2006, p.2). Researchers completed numerous studies to differentiate the health problems associated with homeless veterans compared to...
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... 2010, 3, 53-70 53 Open Access Outreach and Engagement in Homeless Services: A Review of the Literature Jeffrey Olivet*,1, Ellen Bassuk1,2,3, Emily Elstad1, Rachael Kenney1 and Lauren Jassil1 1 2 3 Centre for Social Innovation, 215 Spadina Avenue, Suite 120 Toronto, Ontario M5T 2C7, Canada The National Center on Family Homelessness, 181 Wells Avenue, Newton, MA 02459, USA Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, USA Abstract: Outreach and engagement are regarded by many who work in homeless programs as essential services. Outreach on the streets and in shelters is often the first point of contact for people who are not served by traditional sitebased services and is often the first step in engaging homeless people in services. While outreach and engagement are critical components of the response to homelessness, consensus is lacking about the nature and effectiveness of these services. The purpose of this paper is to examine what is known about outreach and engagement for people experiencing homelessness. The authors review quantitative studies that examine outcomes and augment this understanding with information from qualitative studies and non-research literature. The latter provides information about the goals of outreach, assumptions and values, staffing issues, and consumer involvement. The paper concludes with implications for practice, policy, and research. Keywords: Homeless/homelessness, outreach, engagement, review. INTRODUCTION At a recent...
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...Talk or to Medicate Tierra Owens Dr. Akenburg PSY 492 801 October 6, 2013 To Talk or To Medicate On a daily basis I deal with homeless veterans who have served in the military for our country. Each day I face many difficulties, but no difficulty could ever measure up to the difficulties the homeless veterans in my program face. Each day I look over charts of veterans who have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and many of the co-diagnosed with extensive Substance Abuse issues as well and I ask myself “was this abuse to ease the pain? The veterans I serve has spent years in a military only to come home to a world who looks down on them because they are no longer normal and find it very hard to adjust to the civilian world due to the imagines stained on their brain from the world. In the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, about one in ten returning soldiers seen in VA have a problem with alcohol or other drugs (Veteran Affairs 2012). As human service provider I witness this co diagnosis of PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and SUD (Substance Abuse Disorder) daily and it has encouraged me to form a opinion. After some deep thought I would like to look into the efficiency of the treatment prescribed to solders suffering from PTSD and which is more effective. In this paper I will be looking Cognitive behavioral therapy offered when trying to treat PTSD and SUD . On the other hand I will like to look into a variety of medication...
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...The homeless are often perceived as inhuman and disgusting by society as shown by professors Lasana Harris and Susan Fiske in Dehumanizing the Lowest of the Low, and as a result, suffer from unforeseen effects on their psychological health (Harris and Fiske, 2005). These perceptions may be caused by the fact that the homeless are not give adequate care. An explanation of this is the lack of services with the purpose of helping them integrate back into society as they are expected to, which can have an additional influence on their mental health.from this one can can conclude that the psychological health of the homeless is negatively impacted by societal perceptions and lack of resources dedicated to helping the homeless. The perpetuated negative view of the homeless hinders their ability to heal from psychological diseases, and may lead to deteriorating mental health. In the paper, Discrimination and Economic Profiling among the Homeless of Washington, DC by the National Coalition for the Homeless, a national network of people who have personal experience and expertise in homelessness, a study was conducted and it concluded that “roughly two thirds of homeless...
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