...YEAH! Berkeley was founded in 2002 as a place for youth ages 18-24 to spend the night off the streets, receive hot meals, and clothing. As of April 2017, YEAH! Is now a full time shelter, offering services from 8pm-8am every day. One of YEAH!’s main focuses as an organization is to provide a sense of community to the youth as well as everyone who works there. This is accomplished by regular volunteers who end up forming bonds over time and bonds formed between the youth. One challenge for YEAH! Berkeley as well as the homeless youth of Berkeley is that YEAH! Is not a full-time shelter, so that means that the youth do not have anywhere to go for most of the day. Even to get a library card in Berkeley a youth must present a photo ID, which many...
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...Homelessness Georgia Davis Eng/147 June 29, 205 Janet Levy Homelessness “Homelessness is a worldwide problem that affects millions. You will find them sleeping on sidewalks, under bridges, on park benches, in cars and in any little cubby hole they can find. You will see women, men, young kids and families” (G. Davis, personal communication, June 29, 2015). ("The Portland Rescue Mission" ( 2015 ). Retrieved from http://www.portlandrescuemission.org/learn-more/myths-about-homelessness According to ‘the Portland Rescue Mission’ (2015), “The methodology for finding and counting the homeless is imperfect; we simply do not find everyone”. “Why are they all out there? What is Homelessness and what causes it? Homelessness is a very complicated issue that has no social or economic boundary. Mental illness, substance abuse, domestic violence and economic times affect all ages of the Homeless” (G. Davis, personal communication, June 29, 2015). 1. Homelessness and Mental Health Mental Illness seems to be one of the leading causes of homelessness. “During my involvement with the homeless, I knew of a women name Frankie. Frankie was a school teacher, had a husband and two children. One night their home burned down with Frankie’s husband and children being lost in the fire. Frankie lost all rational thinking, not understanding why she lived. Frankie had a complete mental breakdown and ended up on the streets of Dallas homeless. This is a case of mental illness being the...
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...YOUTH HOMELESSNESS IN CALIFORNIA Name: Class: Date: Executive summary The United States will endure being an advanced country if the numbers of people holding cardboard on the street do not lessen. 1 out of 7 people in U.S suffer from hunger and are forced to sleep in parks, under bridges, in shelters or cars. Every year, the homeless population grows in the United States. Persons become homeless for many reasons. Because they are destitute, they have been struggling in every way that human likely can have. To get back on their feet, they need help in every way. The homeless population is increasing drastically in society. People who are more fortunate than others should put social status aside and take an action to help homeless people to get back on their feet. Homelessness is a state where an individual or a family does not have a home to live. Along with that, the person is deprived of the legal, and the social dimensions are making him emotionally weak and in the state of isolation. Since the year 1980s, there had been a great shock to the Americans due to the rising homelessness. It led to a burst in the studies and the increasing stories related to the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of July 1987. In this act, there was an interference allowed off the federal government into this policy of homelessness, which had created many issues. For many years after that, this issue of homelessness remained on the top of the line in the political issues face...
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...Acrobat , A 2010,Youth homelessness and leaving home, viewed 29 July 2013 , < http://www.kidshelp.com.au/grownups/search.php?cx=007603506358546808182%3Axcui-wlofrm&cof=FORID%3A11&ie=UTF-8&q=Youth+homelessness+and+leaving+home+ > This report shows the situation of homelessness youth in Australia recently with the analysis of this condition and some of the solutions have been implemented. In recent years, among the whole population of homelessness in Australia, youth occupied 43% of total. Those youth whose parents haunted by cancer are the main parts of homelessness youth which account for 12%. 21 percentage of Teenagers between 12 to 18 years old who are living alone, and the rest 10% were 19 to 24 years olds' young adults. The report states the main factors, which made Australian youth homelessness including taking in drugs, lack of nutrition, sickness without medicine to cure, forced sexual practices and poor protections. Those homeless youth's experiences may influence their physical and mental health. When they get homelessness, the negative effects can last a long time and be very complicated. Those negative impacts can cause the growth of social rejection's possibility. This report data all came from a true research from the public website www.kidhelp.com which means these data had already been shown to the public. Such as age from 18 to 25 young homeless adults occupied 65.3% in the whole groups of homelessness youth. Also, this report were...
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...Homeless Youth: Research, Intervention, and Policy by Karen Spuriel Coleman- MBA Abstract Homelessness among youth in the U.S. is disturbingly common, with an estimated annual prevalence of at least 5 percent for those ages 12 to 17. Although homeless youth appear throughout the nation, they are most visible in major cities. Rigorous research on this special population is sparse, making it difficult to capture an accurate and complete picture. Despite its limitations, recent research describes homeless youth as a large and diverse group. Many homeless youth have multiple overlapping problems including medical, substance abuse, and emotional and mental problems. Literature suggests that comprehensive and tailored services are needed that address both the immediate and long-term needs of homeless youth. Where appropriate, services should include assistance with meeting basic needs as perceived by youth as a gateway to other needed services. In addition to serving those already homeless, interventions are needed to prevent homelessness among at-risk youth. Lessons for Practitioners, Policy Makers, and Researchers • As used here, the term “homeless youth” focuses on minors who have experienced literal homelessness on their own—i.e., who have spent at least one night either in a shelter or "on the streets" without adult supervision. On occasion, where warranted by the research being discussed, the term is also used to describe homeless young adults up to age 24. • Homelessness...
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...Running head: Homeless in Seattle Homeless in Seattle Melissa Elliott PAD 500 Dr.MCCue August 17, 2012 Abstract The epidemic of homelessness has taken a great toll on our society as we know it. America has been noted as the land of great opportunity and provision for one who wants to get ahead in life, it is often times referred to as the land of milk and honey. How did America get in such turmoil in housing its own citizens? America is noted to help other countries with all types of aid food, clothing, protection etc. .We must get back to the basics and create a solution to house our homeless population. Homeless is defined as a person or people not having a permanent residence or dwelling place. Mayor Schell’s Zero Homeless strategy was written to help combat the serious issue of homeless citizens in Seattle. Mayor Schell’s declaration was very pure ad heart felt concerning the homeless. He made decree that some may have viewed as an unrealistic goal. His firm decree declared that by Christmas of 1998 there would be no homeless families with children or single women out on the street. This was a great goal for a six month period and definitely not attainable. There are several reasons, taken from the public administration literature, why the strategy is not likely to be appropriate in this case. Principally, as Ring & Perry (1985) concisely...
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...The Streets are not A Home for Youth Carlton Crayton English 147 August 31, 2015 University of Phoenix The Streets are not A Home for Youth The United States of America; the "Land of Milk and Honey," also known throughout the world as a place of prosperity. While this may be true for some, there is a significant percentage of the American population who lives in poverty. There are many who are so impoverished that they do not even have a place to call home. While homelessness has always existed in America, never before has this nation seen such a high percentage of its youth population living on the streets. Even though Young people often become homeless due to family conflict and substance abuse, youth is at a higher risk for homelessness than adults ("Starry Children At Heart Ministries, Inc.", 2015). In order to reduce the number of homeless youth, society needs to address the high rates of substance abuse, mental illness, and sexual trauma that is experienced by today's young adults. Substance abuse of alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs are prevalent amongst homeless youth. Many, young adolescent young people who became or on the verge of becoming homeless, were brought up in households where drug and alcohol were being used on a regular basis by parents or guardians. Domestic violence and some form of abuse within the home was present. Therefore, prompted the youthful pre-adult youth, encountering a horrible and traumatic adolescence. Subsequently;...
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...According to Youth homelessness: A call for partnerships between Research and policy; homeless youths are defined as a group of adolescents/young adults, between the ages of 12 to 24, who live in shelters, on streets, couches or in abandoned buildings. According to Evas.com, an non-profit dedicated to the prevention of homelessness reported that there is an estimated 35,000-40,000 homeless youth in Canada, additionally - many youths that are homeless have not completed their highschool education. “Literacy rates in Canada are among the highest in the world, … however, for many homeless youth, staying in school is a difficult challenge. Studies find that 63% to 90% of homeless youth did not complete highschool, despite being the age to do so.”...
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...Homelessness Do you ever take what you have for granted? Have you ever stopped to think about what you would do without the necessities you have? Most of us do not realize that we are lucky to be able to go home at night and sleep in a bed. The ugly truth is that there are hundreds of thousands of people in the world that are unable to go to a home at night and sleep in a nice warm bed. What's even worse is that a lot of these people are children, and have never known what it was like to sleep in a bed without any fault of their own. Our neighbourhoods are filled with homeless children and families that deserve the simple things that we may take for granted every day. As we grow older we concern ourselves about the youth that will soon take care of what we accomplished and built to improve our lives. 33,000 Canadians are homeless on the street, 11,000 of which are youth (" Report on youth homelessness", 2012).That is a large chunk of our youth not able to experience or have the same choices as we might have had in our lives. Every person is able to improve or make a change to better this world and environment, and we especially need our youth to help us grow and make a difference in the world. We need to help get our youth off the streets and empower them that they can make a difference, and they do matter. People become homeless for many reasons; however, the most common reason is the inability to pay rent. ("Homelessness in Canada", 2012) Many people may think that people...
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...Homeless individuals are those who meet one of the following definitions: 1) lacking a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence; 2) are living in a residence that is not suitable for human being for example, cars, public parks, and abandoned buildings; 3)living in a shelter that provides temp housing; 4) was a reside of an institution who is being released; 5) are being evicted for non-payment of rent or mortgage; 6) unaccompanied youth and homeless families with children and youth; or 7)individual or families who are fleeing violence (Bassuk, DeCandia, Beach, & Berman, 2014). Homelessness has been a social problem for many decades but it was not until the mid 1980s that family and child homelessness surfaced as a significant problem...
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...THE PLACE OF DEEMED HOMELESS IN GOOD GOVERNANCE AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH OF INDIA TITLE: GOOD GOVERNANCE AND URBAN POVERTY PROGRAMS Author 1: Priyanka Bhattacharya, 1st Year, BBA.LLB(Hons) Author 2: Bharat Aseri, 2nd Year, BBA.LLB (Hons) ABOUT THE AUTHOR A girl from a metropolitan city of India, Priyanka Bhattacharya, was always in her way to be at the top. Doing her schooling from two famous schools of India, South Point High School and Gokhale Memorial Girls’ School, her capacity to write, think and dream increased and was ready to reach the top. Ups and Downs were a part and parcel of her life but hope and sincerity was her ultimate. After passing her first boards examination in class 10 her passion towards success increased because she knew in this world if one has success one is admired else are nailed to the cross of Jesus Christ. Working hard was not her part of the meal but the impulsive nature to get something and thirst of success which she always wanted to quench made her to this way. She passed her 10+2 examination with 88% of marks and being the state topper in accountancy in her WEST BENGAL BOARD OF HIGHER SECONDARY EXAMINATION, securing 98% marks out of 100. Awarded NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP by the Central Government she pursued corporate law for a better future and a better career and she is currently studying BBA.LLB in NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, ORISSA. Deprivation from all the enjoyment and happiness of the poor and homeless people touched her...
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..."I was homeless for about eight months, I refused to live with my dad or anyone for that matter. So I stayed somewhere that had no hot water, ever, no heat, I told myself I have to be strong and get through it on my own." (West).Youth homelessness is becoming an increasing problem in the United States. Youth are either forced out of their homes or leave because a combination of push and pull factors. There are many factors contributing to youth homelessness including abuse, addiction, family breakdown, and PTSD. Abuse in families or relationships is a factor of youth homelessness. "The current body of research indicates that abuse, breakdown, and disruptive family relationships are common contributing factors to youth homelessness." Children...
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...Definition of Homelessness”? Kim Boltenhouse WRIT 120 H1FF Krista Hilton 12/01/2013 A Rhetorical Analysis of Duffield’s “Should Federal Agencies Use the Same Definition of Homelessness”? The author, Barbara Duffield, Policy Director for National Association for the education of homeless children and youth, writes for CQ Researcher the article “Should federal agencies use the same definitions of homelessness?” Duffield aims to substantiate that federal agencies, using different definitions of the law create complications. That clear guidelines need defined for establishing what is best for families and youth found in a homeless situation. Justification for changing the definition of homelessness is provided in this article by Duffield using ethos to prove creditability with homelessness, logos to support why she believes in modifying the definition and pathos to create empathy the with the readers on effects of homelessness. Duffield proves ethos in the article by quoting Federal law, The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) criteria, and her professional credentials on the issues of homeless. According to HUD in the article it “…bases people's eligibility on where they happen to find refuge: with very few exceptions, HUD limits homeless assistance to people who are on the street or are fortunate enough to have found a shelter bed.” (2013, para. 2) and “Under federal law, public schools, Head Start programs, and runaway-youth programs include...
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...Homeless Youth General Education Capstone October 14, 2013 Homeless Youth Homelessness affects many youth today; 46% runaway because they express their gender identity, and or sexual identity because their family rejects them, 43% are kicked out by parents also known as thrown away. Youth also take more things literally then adults, so they feel misunderstood especially when they are opening up about their sexual lifestyle. Homelessness in youth is worldwide and needs a world wide solution. Just to name a few countries that have issues with youth and homelessness; Russia’s homeless population has decreased some since the 1990’s but according to Anna Rudnicki the totals are still around 3,000 – 10,000 homeless street kids. (2013). In Australia the homeless youth rate is “estimates that 50,000 Australians under the age of 24 years are homeless with numbers increasing” With numbers increasing Australia needs to find a situation that will help lower their numbers and help get these teens off the street, Since health issues can become an issue. Another area with a heavy population of homeless youth is in Canada. Every day in Canada you can find homeless kids. “Canada, on any given day it is estimated that there are 150,000 homeless youths on the streets” (Rogers, 2012). Rogers’s states that this is an estimate since most homeless youth do tend to avoid shelters. With every country and every town we can find a teen that is homeless, while being homeless the can become sick, and...
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...Homelessness is reaching epidemic proportions in the United States (American Medical Student Organization [AMSO], 2008, p.1). Problems inherent to homelessness are lack of shelter, food, clothing, and lack of health care. Living conditions of the homeless in and of themselves predispose the homeless population to a plethora of health problems. The problems associated with homelessness and healthcare have far reaching effects for a special subset of the homeless population – the population of homeless youth. Each year, more than 1.35 million children and youth experience life without a home, and one out of seven of all individuals treated by homeless health care projects is a child under age 15 (National Healthcare for the Homeless Council [NHCHC], 2003, p.1). Homeless children face the same illnesses faced by children in the general population, but their health issues are exacerbated by the circumstances inherent in their homeless status. Homelessness in and of itself is an independent predictor of poor health status among children (Kern Medical Center, 2003, p.3). Some of the health care issues especially prevalent in the homeless youth population are: psychosocial issues, nutrition and issues related to physical development, communicable diseases, dermatological disorders, respiratory disorders, dental health issues, sexual health issues, substance abuse issues, and issues related to medication use and adherence. Multiple studies have identified the adverse effects of homelessness...
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