...Honors English 11 This course stresses curriculum content that teaches critical communication, involving interpreting, proposing, evaluating and judging subjects and literary works. Students will use American literature as well as Shakespeare as the lens through which to approach objectives and standards. Students will look beyond essential skills and look at source documents to help explain and evaluate the history and culture of our nation as well as the movement. Honors level students will be expected to take more responsibility for their learning and will engage in a higher level of inquiry-based learning than students in the regular curriculum will. Honors English 11 is a perfect place to use source documents (the constitution, speeches, early writing and journals for vertical alignment. Much of what we do requires analytical skills and close reading, it also covers historical curriculum....
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...This project started when a teacher from Whitwell Middle School was to observe and learn how they do different things. While doing her observation she observed another English class that was teaching about the Holocaust and thought what if she started teaching the kids at whitewell. So she talked to the principal and another teacher if they'd like to help her teach the student of the Holocaust and the diversity of it the principal said yes so did the other teacher. That's where the project of whitwell middle school started and how it became a legacy. The school collected paper clips for the project to commemorate the fallen Jews that were killed during the holocaust and to remember theme. This project to commemorate the Jews got off to a...
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...BSC HONORS 4th Year | Harmalah Khan | 4 26 Picture has to be professional & colored Picture has to be professional & colored Date of Birth: 06/08/1993Mailing Address:Email Id : fatimabashir60@gmail.comHouse Address:115/B Garden Block, New garden Town, Lahore Cant Tel: 0321-8499458 | EDUCATION & QUALIFICATIONS | | Lahore School of Economics April-2016 Bachelor of Science (Honors) (Majors) Accounting (Major) Finance CGPA: 3.85 | | Beacon house School System June- 2012 GCE Advanced Level (Accounting, Mathematics and Economics) | | RESEARCH & PROJECTS Leap Frogging and Sprawl, The case of Urban Pakistan/Resource Economics It explains in detail the negative and positive externalities that are imposed by housing societies by locating away from the core residential area. It highlights how can economies reduce sprawl Rising trend of Junk Food/Academic Writing It put forwards the case of unhealthy eating and how can it affect the people and what are the reasons behind such uprising taking place in Pakistan as new fast-food chains find home ground in the country. Reasons for rising inequality across nations/Macro Economics This project gathered data regarding rising wealth and income inequality and reasons for both in Pakistan and how are these two factors affecting growth opportunities in the country. ...
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...My desire to play soccer dates back to my kindergarten years. Though now that I am a junior in high school, I train younger soccer players that have the same passion and work ethic as I do. I train them, just as I was trained, to learn and understand every position so that they become a versatile player. I give the same chance to these players that was given to me. Though, I have been a soccer player for nine years, I am also a Miner's Ravine 4-H officer and a Placer FFA officer. These two organizations have opened my eyes to agriculture, leadership, and community service. Between these two groups I put in hundreds of hours into my lamb project, being an officer, and community service. Throughout my time in agriculture, I have developed...
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...ADMISSION PROSPECTUS 2012 UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS Prof. Dr. Pirzada Qasim Raza Siddiqui Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Shahana Urooj Kazmi Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nasiruddin Khan Pro-Vice Chancellor 99261336 99261300 Ext: 2210 vc@uok.edu.pk 99261396 99261300 Ext: 2531 shahanaurooj@uok.edu.pk 99261340 99261300 Ext: 2532 drnasirkhan@uok.edu.pk DEANS OF FACULTIES Prof. Dr. AbuzarWajidi Faculty of Management & Administrative Sciences Prof. Dr. ZafarIqbal Faculty of Arts Prof. Dr. Darakhshan J. Haleem Dean Faculty of Science Prof. Dr. Ghazala H. Rizwani Faculty of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. HisamuddinMansoori Faculty of Islamic Studies Prof. Dr. S. M. Abbas Faculty of Medicine Prof. Khursheed A. Hashmi Faculty of Law Prof. Dr. Darakhshan J. Haleem – Dean Faculty of Science (Caretaker) Faculty of Engineering Prof. Dr. ZafarIqbal – Dean Faculty of Arts (Caretaker)Faculty of Education University of Karachi Page 3 ADMISSION PROSPECTUS STUDENTS’ STUDENTS’ AFFAIRS o look after students affairs, in general, and to supervise their extra-curricular activities in particular, an office of Advisor Students’ Affairs is situated at the first floor of the Administration block. Teachers and the staff are available for the students’ guidance. 2012 M.Phil./Ph.D theses to students of various departments of the University. LEJ Digital Library is also available at the campus that can be used by all the students to access a large number of books or journals on-line. T Transport: Over...
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...Running Head: Grades in non major courses in U.S colleges and Universities Grades in non major courses in U.S colleges and Universities Mohammad Rahman In India, university students, even undergraduates, focus all of their studies on their major field courses. For example, engineering students take all of their courses, every term, in the school of engineering. However, every undergraduate student at the Strayer University is required to take many courses that have little or no relevance to their field of study. Although students graduates from the university with a broader education as a result of these courses, I believe that the curses should be graded other way, and that the grades for these courses for these courses should not become part of students’ GPAs. Anti-evolution, the rise of pseudo sciences, and the renewed interest in the occult, all masquerading as science, are symptomatic of the poor job that is done explicating science as a process and a way of knowing. Disciplinary teaching emphasizes fact over concept. (Brophy, D.A. (2004) Every science discipline should be taught with a process base pervasive from the first to the last day of the course. Science teaching needs be revamped to provide an integrated, non-redundant exposition of the discipline focused on principles of which the theory of evolution is only one. Science must to be related both to technology and society. Teaching has to be directed to elicit the desired ends of education and not be regarded...
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...Easy To Be Green 2013 English Street San Francisco, CA 94115 August 7, 2013 The Construction Manager Greenfield Community College, 500 Andrews St, San Rafael, CA 98765 Dear Mr. Budd, As a new and valued customer to our company, Easy to Be Green (EBG), we appreciate the opportunity to service Greenfield College with the installation of energy efficient heating, cooling and insulation systems. We recognize the size and importance of this project to the College and for this reason, it is important that we are both flexible to changes. A change to a project this size involves coordination, planning and design re-valuation. We acknowledge your letter requesting a change in the location of the venting apparatus. However, according to our legal department, local zoning ordinances and regulations prohibit the change to that particular location. However, if you are able to change the location of the venting apparatus to stay within the zoning parameter guidelines, EBG is willing to go ahead with the change at no additional cost to you. I understand that this may require a re-evaluation on your part and we appreciate your consideration. We apologize that we are unable to honor your current request, and regret any inconvenience it may have on your project design and plans. But, if you decide to adjust your request within the approved zoning parameters, the change will be made and delivered on time. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to...
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...Canterbury Tale Canterbury Tales are one of the most famous collections of the stories in Middle English written by English writer Geoffrey Chaucer who made big impact in Middle English literature. One of characters in this stories that impressed many people who read this stories is the Knight. From all characters in Canterbury Tales knight is the noblest of all of them. In “General Prologue: The Knight through the Man of Law” the author asserts that “the Knight is the noblest of the pilgrims, embodying military prowess, loyalty, honor, generosity, and good manners“(Classiclit.about). The Knight conducts himself in a polite and mild fashion, never saying an unkind word about anyone. Knight is motivated by pride and glory, he is brave and noble and he is not afraid of a challenge. In the the cantrebury tale: the knight's tale the author asserts that “ Chivalry is a big deal in "The Knight's Tale." Chivalry was a system of rituals, duties, and behaviors a knight was supposed to follow if he wished to behave with honor (Shmoop). In the tale the knight is presented as the chacarcter who brings glory and he is real example of how perfect knight sholud be. However the knight is described in terms of his commendable feats and his moderate dress and countenance, he possess moral values such as in first place honour, curtesie and fredom. The knight is described as the noble warrior who is always ready and prepared to serve to his lord, and with this serving to lord he traveled a...
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...school teacher can help undergraduate students get admitted to business programs. This sample letter of recommendation was written for an undergraduate program applicant. See more sample recommendation letters. ===Sample Letter of Recommendation=== To Whom It May Concern: Cheri Jackson is an extraordinary young woman. As her AP English Professor, I have seen many examples of her talent and have long been impressed by her diligence and work ethic. I understand that Cheri is applying to the undergraduate business program at your school. I would like to recommend her for admission. Cheri has outstanding organizational skills. She is able to successfully complete multiple tasks with favorable results despite deadline pressure. As part of a semester project, she developed an innovative collaborative novel with her classmates. This book is now being considered for publication. Cheri not only headed the project, she ensured its success by demonstrating leadership abilities that her classmates both admired and respected. I must also make note of Cheri's exceptional academic performance. Out of a class of 150 students, Cheri graduated with honors in the top 10. Her above-average performance is a direct result of her hard work and strong focus. If your undergraduate business program is seeking superior candidates with a record of achievement, Cheri is an excellent choice. She has consistently demonstrated an ability to rise to any challenge that she must face. To conclude,...
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...CO150 College Composition 2014: Fall 2014, Instructor: Phuc Vu Project 3: Annotated bibliography Academic Actions, Academic Integrity Chace, William M. “A Question of Honor.” The American Scholar 81.2 (2012): 20-32. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. Chace raises our awareness about many problems that American higher education is confronting such as the decreasing of quality and student integrity. At first, he pointed out the declining of academic quality. The tuition fee is raising, but the outcome is not. Then he tells us the biggest reason that causes the problem – it is academic dishonesty. Later, Chace highlights why students cheat and how college cheating damages academic integrity and harms collegiate institutions’ reputations. Finally, he strongly states “To do nothing is not an answer”; therefore, we must find some solutions. William Chase is both President and Professor of English Emeritus at Emory University as well as Honorary Professor of English Emeritus at Stanford University. The American Scholar, the publisher of this article is a very famous magazine in American, as they describes themselves in the website “The American Scholar is the venerable but lively quarterly magazine of public affairs, literature, science, history, and culture published by the Phi Beta Kappa Society since 1932. In recent years the magazine has won five National Magazine Awards, the industry’s highest honor, and been nominated for awards sixteen times. Many of its essays...
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...------------------------------------------------- ENGLISH SKILLS FOR INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COURSE SYLLABUS SEMESTER 3, 2013 INSTRUCTORS 1/ Ngo Thi Tuyet Mai (Assoc. Prof, Ph.D) Email: maingotuyet@yahoo.com Phone: 0904324282 2/ Tran Thi Thu Trang (M.A) Email: trang.tranthithu@gmail.com Phone: 0989886107 3/ Nguyen Bich Ngoc (PhD. Fellow) Email: bichngoc159@gmail.com Phone: 0919956929 CLASS HOURS: | 1-3, Monday, D2-203 | OFFICE: | Building 7, Room 307 & 310 | OFFICE HOURS: | Appointments are usually available | ------------------------------------------------- | | Course Description: This course is designed for International Business Management major who will ultimately be engaged in doing business internationally. In this course, students will learn the basis of writing business letters and the purpose of writing a business letter; draft a plan for the letter; write the letter; and edit the letter to ensure it fulfills your purpose. Particularly, an introduction to international business letter with some typical correspondence such as Enquiries, Replies and Quotations, Orders, Complaints and Adjustments will be delivered to the students. The course aims to document international standard banking practice for examination of commercial documents under the UCP 600, including a general overview of import – export, commercial documents, the principles of the UCP 600, the international standard banking practice to examine these documents...
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...The National Honors Society's values of leadership, service and character are all important characteristics to strive for. They emphasize having a positive effect on the community and creating a positive citizenry for the future. Leadership is a quality that I have attempted to develop, in both school and in extracurricular activities. I have been a part of Girl Scouts for the majority of my life. It has been a community that has provided me with the tools and encouragement to grow as a person and has consistently challenged my abilities. Over the past summer I had the opportunity to go to Camp CEO. This camp focused on giving us guidance when it comes to our future, in college and in careers. As well as giving us mentors and advice on how to be leaders and how to work in groups in order to improve the world around us. When I sent in...
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...Resume Guide for Teachers This packet is intended to serve as a starting point for creating or improving your teaching resume. Included in this packet are best practices that the Career Center have researched and found to be true. Information and sample resumes within this packet are not intended to be taken verbatim. Constructing a teaching resume is an art, not a science. Make your personal resume unique and stand out by making it represent you. The resources this packet highlights are available to all students; take advantage of the Career Center and the services it provides you. What to Expect Teaching Resume Aesthetics, Content & Editing…………..………………………..Page 3 Three necessary components of a great teaching resume are detailed Key Elements of a Successful Teacher Resume……………………………………...Page 4 Mandatory vs. optional elements in a successful teaching resume Poor Teaching Resume Example……………………………………………………..Page 5 Details common mistakes of a teaching resume Transferable Skills & Action Verbs…………………………………………………....Page 6 A comprehensive list of transferable skills and action verbs that have potential in a teaching resume Constructing a Proper Achievement Statement (bullet point)………………………Page 7 Creating a bullet point stress you out? Here is a fool proof way to construct a proper achievement statement. Buzz Words……………………………………………………………………………..Page 7 Answer the question, “What are buzz words and how should they be used in a resume” Teaching...
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... Degree: Bachelor in 2014 85.34/100 09, 2014 to now University College Dublin Majoring: Marketing Degree: Master in 2015 WORK EXPERIENCE 08, 2012: promotions specialist who promoted the products of Mengniu Dairy. 03-04, 2011: English tutor of a senior school student. SOCIAL EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP 04-05, 2013: organizing committee event of the Global Talent Development Conference. 04-05, 2013: assistant of the HR of Royal-Tower Hotel(Wuhan) Management CO.,LTD. 07-08, 2012: intern of BLACK PEONY (GROUP) CO.LTD. Marketing department 09, 2012 to 09 2013: Team leader at AIESEC WUHAN (AIESEC is the world biggest students organization which focuses on the volunteer work, internship program and leadership development for the students throughout the world.) 09, 2012 to 06 2014: volunteer in a school for children with intellectual disabilities 09, 2014 to now: VP of the income exchange department at AIESEC UCD in Dublin PROJECT 10, 2012 to 06, 2014: team leader of a university level innovation project—the problem of universals. SKILLS Language: Chinese—Native English—Fluently IELTS: 6.5 (Listening 6, Reading 7, Writing 6, Speaking 6) on 24 Aug 2013 HONORS/ AWARDS 09, 2013: awarded with a scholarship of Studies Excellent Scholarship, School of Humanities in Huazhong University of Science and Technology. 06, 2013: awarded as an Advanced Individual of technological innovation, School of...
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...Evaluation As part of this coursework it is important to evaluate the activities and research we have done so that we can assess whether we have met our targets and reflect back on work we have done. Also to evaluate what we would change about it if there was going to be a next time. Enterprise activity In my opinion I think that our enterprise event was a success in many ways, firstly the sales turnover was a success, as we achieved a higher level of sales then predicted on an excellent day in our sales forecast. When we worked out how much money we were going to earn and how many products we were going to sell, we had a predicted sales turnover of 60 but we achieved a sales turnover of 90, this is excellent and i believe this is down to the location we picked for the stall and it was a reasonably warm day so many people would enjoy a refreshing ice cream. Secondly profit, again we earned more profit than we were predicted and after taking away all the expenses our profit was higher than most groups in our class. Our estimated profit on an excellent day was £24.95 but we reached £64.36, this is £30.41 over what we were expected to make. We had accurate stock in terms of the ice cream and cones as the last scoop of ice cream went to the last person in the queue at the very end of lunch. However the toppings did run out about half way through lunch which I think was down to George as he purchased the flakes and sauces. To overcome this, he should have bought double the...
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