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Submitted By mitchziel
Words 410
Pages 2
The Acceptability of Homosexuality
Homosexuality is a topic that has been mentioned throughout history and scientific research. In certain societies throughout history, homosexuality was a practiced concept and it was embraced whole-heartedly. In other societies, it was highly frowned upon and laws were created just for anyone who was homosexual. That does not mean that researchers have not found reasons behind why one person is homosexual and another is not. There was even artwork that depicted acts of sexual activities being conducting between older men and younger boys. Conflict of interest: There are things we must consider in a homosexuality; homosexual person can also share their thoughts and talent, you can also communicate with them, you can also form a friendship between a homosexual and a straight person. Transformation of gender: As a young homosexual grows into adulthood and enters the "real world" he or she will, without a doubt, encounter someone who "minds." Whether it be socially, legally, religiously, or even internally challenges will emerge. These challenges must be recognized, understood, confronted, and, hopefully, overcome. Some of these challenges cannot be confronted without taking legal action or changing the way another person thinks, therefore rendering the challenge, for most people, difficult or otherwise impossible to overcome. In these cases the individual's only method of overcoming the issue is through various resource organizations or support from friends and/or family.
Standing Against Church: Romans and the Christian Church began to see homosexuality in a negative light. Romans describe them as “highly feminine gay men who dressed flamboyantly, had showy hair styles and mannerisms, and cruised certain neighborhoods, searching for partners” (Rathus, Nevid, Fichner-Rathus, 2005). The moral issues would be that the Bible shows opposition to homosexuality. Let's face it. The Old Covenant religious leader, the priest of the Hebrews, could not possibly conceive of healthy normal, God centered same sex relationship why? These priests had only been exposed to same sex acts as practiced by their pagan neighbors and that always in association with idolatrous religious worship. Ministers also argue that Christians should remember Jesus never condemned homosexuality and the Gospels do not say anything about homosexuality.
Being homosexual is not a sin as long as it is under the complement of loving, committed and responsible relationship. What is wrong on the other hand is the act associated with it. Therefore, immoral acts of homosexuals must be condemned; one must recognize God’s law and Christian living.

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