...Hoover Dam Located in the middle of America’s Southwest desert, seven hundred feet high, weighing 6,6 million tons and creating a huge lake, stands Hoover dam, which is impressive creation. Ironically it is fitted in the most dry place on earth, in Nevada’s desert nearby Las vegas. Building the Hoover dam was the largest government project ever attempted. Hoover dam had to provide: fluid control, irrigation, drinking water and electricity. Without controlling the river Colorado into Hoover dam there would not be any possibility to build up cities like Las vegas. Hoover dam is one of the primary attractions for the visitors Las vegas from the whole world. More than one million tourists per year come here to see the spectacular piece of human work. The river Colorado is the same river, which carves the worldwide famous natural sight the Grand Canyon. The watercourse is 14 hundred miles long and it flows through seven states: Wyoiming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, California, Arizona and New Mexico. The river ends into the Gulf of California. Robet Walsh from Bureau of Reclamation says, that the early settlers who were trying to build up their own economy were ruined in the spring, because of the flood, which had been caused by melting tons of snow in Rocky Mountains and in the summer when the farmers really need the water they could not get enough to irrigating. So they had to take the control over the devastating river and the first idea about dam was born. In the beginning...
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...The hoover dam, Now why was this dam created? First of all it was created as an national historic landmark. This was as made for, so people can make hydroelectric machines and so everyone can have fresh water, another reason is that, it was to control floods, and rivers to make sure they don’t get out of hand. Next, is the Lincoln assassination. This happened because lincoln went to Ford’s Theater. Some guy named John Wilkes Booth, he had access to go to Lincoln. Firstly, the hoover dam. This dam was made so it can hydroelectric machines, as another way to make electricity and control rivers and floods, so they don’t get out of hand. The dam was also created for another reason such as fresh and clean water for everyone, so everyone doesn’t...
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...Unique Rabbit? Unique Up On It 2. How Do You Catch a Tame Rabbit? Tame Way, Unique Up On It 3. How Do Crazy People Go Through The Forest? They Take The Psycho Path 4. How Do You Get Holy Water? You Boil The Hell Out Of It 5. What Do Fish Say When They Hit a Concrete Wall? Dam! 6. What Do Eskimos Get From Sitting On The Ice too Long? Polaroids 7. What Do You Call a Boomerang That Doesn't work? A Stick 8. What Do You Call Cheese That Isn't Yours? Nacho Cheese 9. What Do You Call Santa's Helpers? Subordinate Clauses 10. What Do You Call Four Bullfighters In Quicksand? Quatro Sinko 11. What Do You Get From a Pampered Cow? Spoiled Milk 12. What Do You Get When You Cross a Snowman With a Vampire? Frostbite 13. What Lies At The Bottom Of The Ocean And Twitches? A Nervous Wreck 14. What's The Difference Between Roast Beef And Pea Soup? Anyone Can Roast Beef 15. Where Do You Find a Dog With No Legs? Right Where You Left Him 16. Why Do Gorillas Have Big Nostrils? Because They Have Big Fingers 17. Why Don't Blind People Like To Sky Dive? Because It Scares The Dog 18. What Kind Of Coffee Was Served On The Titanic? Sanka 19. What Is The Difference Between a Harley And a Hoover? The Location Of The Dirt Bag 20. Why Did Pilgrims' Pants Always Fall Down? Because They Wore Their Belt Buckle On Their Hat....
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...Clark—all traveling the globe to explore. It only makes sense that once the world has been identified that we continue our exploration further into a world beyond our own… Right? Wrong. Traveling to destinations where you know people could possibly or already do exist is much different than traveling to a place where you know that a human would not survive. Both dangerous and risky, not only are you putting a person’s life at risk willingly, but you’re paying billions of dollars—money that could be used on society or other sciences that are much less dangerous—to do it. That’s right; despite the fact that supposedly space exploration prices are at an “all-time low” right now, financially, what does that really look like? Picture the Hoover Dam between Nevada and Arizona, a structure of pure concrete 726 feet tall. Now picture eight-hundred of them. That’s the cost of a space exploration trip to Mars at the moment. To afford this kind of exploration would require the cutting of health-care benefits, education spending, or tax raising. In the end, many of those that never asked for this trip to be done would be paying for it. It almost makes more sense to just put all the money you own in a rocket and send it up in space to see what would happen—that’s basically what we would be doing anyways. With current technology and prices, a trip just doesn’t make sense right now. That isn’t to say that it isn’t possible in the future! After a few years or a decade or so, more research...
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...The Greatest Achievements of Human Kind Matrix It goes without saying that humans have had some remarkable achievements over the course of humankind. For this assignment, please identify 3 projects and 3 programs that represent some of these great achievements. For each achievement, complete the matrix below and provide justification in project management terms on why you think this achievement is either a project or a program in 25-30 words. This description should provide some specifics about schedule, cost, key stakeholders, uniqueness, specific objectives (requirements). Example: Achievement Number |Name of Achievement |Established objective (yes or no) |Defined beginning and end (yes or no) |Involvement of several functional departments or specialties (yes or no) |Unique (yes or no) |Specific time, cost and performance requirements (yes or no) |Project or Program. 25-30 word justification for this classification |Instructor Comments | |1 |Great Wall of China |YES |YES |YES |YES |YES |PROJECT: The Great Wall of China’s primary objective was to keep out invaders from Mongolia. Although the project lasted hundreds of years, it had clear requirements, beginning/end times, involved many workers with different specialties, and remains unique as the largest wall in the world still today. |This project meets all criteria in the definition of a project. | | Assignment: Achievement Number |Name of Achievement |Established objective (yes or no) |Defined beginning...
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...2) great wall represents china and hoover dam america All countries have symbols or unique history that set them apart. Constructed during the Qin Dynasty, the Great Wall of China’s significance stems from its unique history; the architecture was incredible for its time. Similarly, a powerful symbol in The United States of America represents American ingenuity and is also a amazing architectural feat, the Hoover Dam. Consequently, the Hoover Dam of the United States of America and the Great Wall of China are comparable. Similarly, they are both considered wonders of the world; therefore, they are obviously incredible. Because the Great Wall of China and the Hoover Dam of America were such large projects, they both required lots of manpower....
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...The Booneville Dam was a major engineering feat that was authorized in 1933 as one of President Roosevelt’s public works programs. These were projects funded by the government with the intention of putting people to work while simultaneously providing a service for the people. This article does not focus on the Great Depression aspect of the project; rather it focuses on three principle design innovations that made the Booneville Dam a successful project. This was a project unlike any previous dam and presented many challenges throughout the design and construction. This first major engineering issue faced was curing the concrete without cracking caused by heat released during the curing process. Traditionally, concrete was poured in five...
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...for disease proliferation, nutrient capture, algal bloom potential and the release of toxicants from inundated sediments. Some water quality problems relate to activities within the catchment beyond the direct control of the proponent but which can cause water quality problems when compounded with the power station operations. Flooding of biomass, especially forests, results in underwater decay. In deep lakes that tend to stratify, colder de-oxygenated water at depths in the lake have in some cases released metals from the sediments e.g. methylmercury. Deep intakes can in some cases result in deoxygenated and hydrogen sulphide rich releases out of the power station tailrace into the downstream river system. Particularly high hydropower dams have in cases had problems with gas supersaturation resulting in fish deaths. In shallow lakes, water quality problems can under certain catchment conditions result from wind-induced sediment re-suspension, eutrophication and algal blooms. Water temperatures in the discharged water...
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...Infrastructural Deficiency in the United States Matt Bys Western Governors University The Golden Gate Bridge and the Hoover Dam are some of the greatest parts of infrastructure in the United States of America. America would not be as great as it is without these astounding structures. The dams provide safety and bridges provide the public with faster transportation to new areas. America’s once great infrastructure is being taken for granted and deteriorating quickly. Research suggests American infrastructure requires more devotion from the government because the safety of American lives are at risk and the economy would improve from building better infrastructure. According to researcher Walter, America’s infrastructure is crumbling(2013). American infrastructure has been graded by the American Society of Civil Engineers and received a D in 2009. The elderly American infrastructure is putting the nation’s well-being at risk and is getting worse each passing year. The Minneapolis bridge collapse and New Orleans failing levees during hurricane Katrina are just a couple of devastating examples that show the state of American infrastructure(Walter, 2013). The bridge collapse in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 2007 had been designated structurally deficient just like 77,000 other bridges in America(Stawicki, 2007). Minnesota officials had known since 1990 that the bridge was considered structurally deficient. Officials had done patchwork on the bridge since then and did inspections...
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...water diversions AP Environmental Science Water Diversions Purpose: - Analyze the effects of water diversions on surrounding ecosystems and human communities. - Compare and contrast the problems and successes of various water diversions and describe possible remediation. Introduction: Humans have been diverting water for irrigation, flood control, and a constant drinking supply for thousands of years. When populations were small, the diversions were small. Over the last 150 years human populations have grown rapidly and our technical abilities have vastly improved. These two changes, worldwide, have led to many large-scale projects that have altered the environment of sizable regions. This investigation focuses on three major water diversions- the Salton Sea, Aral Sea, and the Colorado River. Part 1: The Salton Sea 1. Describe the location of the Salton Sea. What is the climate and geography of the area? 2. How did the Salton Sea form? Explain what role humans played. 3. What is the present condition of this body of water? How has it changed over the last 25 years? Why? 4. Describe several ways the Salton Sea has altered the ecosystem of the region. Explain the stability of that ecosystem. How is it changing over time? 5. Outline 3 environmental and 3 economic reasons the Salton Sea is important. 6. What steps are being taken to remediate the Salton Sea? What are the chances of success? Explain...
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...The Science of Disasters EAS 201 – Written Assignment 5 1. What is the difference between a flash flood and a regional flood? Are the causes the same? Are the effects the same? Flash Flood; are walls of water, set up in a matter of hours by a large convective storm. Many automobile related deaths in a flash flood are in 2 feet of water due to the buoyant lift and current of the water. In 1997, in Antelope Canyon a flash flood took 12 hikers, tumbling them down the canyon as helpless on lookers could only watch. A wall of water builds due to steep topography, channeling the water and striking a particular area in a thunderstorm. In Big Thompson Canyon, Colorado in 1976, a thunderstorm remained stationary in the canyon for four hours. The topography fed the flash floods and carried many hikers and tourist down the canyon to their death. Many survived by fleeing their cars and climbing to safety, seeking shelter along the canyon walls. Those who chose to stay with their cars were swept away in the flood and died. The weight and proximity of the vehicle couldn’t allow them to achieve the safety they required. Regional Flood; different from flash floods, regional floods inundate an area with rainfall over several weeks, causing fewer deaths and often more damage. Occurring in areas of large river valleys and low topography, these heavy rains often result due to cyclonic systems. Their can be many contributing factors as to why a particular river may flood; geological...
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...quickly and with little warning. These flash floods can be extremely dangerous, instantly turning a babbling brook into a thundering wall of water and sweeping everything in its path downstream. There are many causes of flood. Typhoons may cause flooding to coastal areas. When there is a typhoon, the atmospheric pressure is low. Sea level rises and affects the volume of water flowing from the river to the sea. This indirectly leads to flooding. Flooding always occur in coastal areas. Because whenever there are high tides or storms, the sea level will raise. If the sea level is higher than the level of the coastal lowland, flooding will occur. Heavy rainfall raises the water level. When the water level is higher than the river banks or the dams, the water comes out from the river, there will have flooding. But even small amount of rainfalls in our country may cause flood. This graph says that ten percent of the fatalities during natural calamities are caused by flood. 788,572 are the number of people who are affected by this phenomenon. This tells that almost two million dollars cost of private and agricultural properties are damage and devastated Most flood destruction is attributable to humans' desire to live near picturesque coastlines and in river valleys. According to these statistics, flooding is a...
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...John Cauley Research Paper Dr.Babaie November 25th 2012 Dammed If We Do Dammed If We Don’t In our everyday lives we rarely think of how we get our drinking water or where it even comes from. If we were to do a little research we would most likely come to the conclusion that it came from, or was in some part due to the use of a dam. Dams are part of everyday life and impact us in more ways than we can even express. First there are the general purposes we all think about: recreation (boating, swimming, etc.), drinking or water for irrigation, and possibly energy production better known as hydroelectric power generation. Yet there are many more active, passive, and even religious ways that dams effect the many cultures, whether effluent or poor; around the globe (Abraham). * Going back to ancient Rome there is mention of retaining and trapping water for public and civil uses. They created the first aqueducts not to far off from the systems many countries still use today to deliver their water for drinking and other public uses, such as filling fountains and using for mill power. It was said that no matter how much of a drought or shortage of water in Rome, the fountains were the last thing to be shut down (public drinking water, even water for the senate was shut off) were the public fountains, to show Rome’s great power and prestige in case of invasion, and for public image also. * Today we live in a much more complicated world. A world filled with...
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...needs. They also started making water wheels out of cast iron. People were always looking for ways to make it more efficient and some inventions were very successful like the cast-iron gearing which brought all wood construction to an end. Since they were always looking for more efficient ways this also brought to people inventing turbines and even windmills. Even now a days small companies use water wheels instead of turbines because they are more affordable and the payback is greater. They are also very affordable to maintain. If it wasn’t for this early machine that started it all maybe we wouldn’t have evolved so fast in this technology. Maybe they would have been grinding grains by hand for a couple hundred years more. Hydro-electric dams are descendants from water wheels, as they also take advantage of the movement of water downhill. This is why I think that the water wheel helped to shape modern society. References http://www.top-alternative-energy-sources.com/water-wheel-history.html http://www.top-alternative-energy-sources.com/water-wheel-history.html...
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...on a long term basis like dams to be constructed on the rivers in the Northern Gujarat. The project would bring about many positive changes like increased in irrigation and productivity but one issue persisted. This issue was of great importance as it was concerned with the famous Bhavnath temple falling in the middle of the reservoir. After a lot of discussion and negotiation, assurance was given to safeguard the interests of the people. The government later proposed an increase in the dimension of dam because of higher promised returns, but this would lead to submerging the temple. This caused resistance and hence the negotiations failed. Situation Analysis In 1947 after independence the government directed all their plans towards all – round economic development of the country. The country was economically very weak at the time of independence. The Bombay province understood the importance of agriculture and thus decided to build earthen dams across the rivers of Lokmata and Sadmata to increase the economic conditions of the country. In order to go ahead with the project the government had to rehabilitate the people getting affected and also the temple would be lost and so the only solution was to relocate the temple and its deities. This was opposed by the natives and locals even after negotiations about relocating and preserving the temple. The dam was to be built in the order to provide irrigation to the agricultural fields. The series of dam to be built in Northern Gujarat...
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