...Introduction The troubles facing the Green Mountain resort are to do with staffing issues /concerns and the problem with turnover. Although the location of the resort is not ideal (located in the poorest area of the state), the management had attracted a group of hard working employees. Yet due to lack of promotion and advancement at the resort, the excellent members of the staff have moved onto other resorts leaving behind the novices and poorer workers. This is where the underlying problem arises, as the staff turnover rate was so high due to new employees having to be hired, that the added training for the variety of assignments staff would undertake was crippling management. This sort the management to find a solution to fix their high turnover rate. A consultant (although not an expert in the industry) was brought in to help fix this problem. The consultant aided the management in figuring out what they were actually looking for and the execution. The management found that older employees spoke so highly of the training and opportunities given to them by their resort that word got around creating a platform of newer ambitious people began to apply for positions with Green Mountain. This allowed the management to embrace not only the high employee turnover rates, but also the companies new title of being a building block, in return for high employee work and service rates. Case Questions 1. From the six change images, which Gunter held? Gunter was an owner and the resort...
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...negative or untrue assumptions and thoughts into ones that promote adaptive behavior and lessen anxiety.” (Grohol, 2011) The intent of this writing is to explore the change images found in the Green Mountain Resort Case Study. The specific goals are to identify the change image portrayed by Gunter, the hospitality literature, and the consultant. Also covered is how the change image influenced how to deal with the turnover problem. The next challenge is to select a different change image and describe how it would influence the situation described in the case study. Finally, this writing will summarize the benefits of reframing the change manager’s perspective to solving or not solving a problem. According to Cha-International, the employee turnover rate is the highest in the hospitality Industry. (Cha-International, n.d.) In Green Mountain study, Gunter, the partial owner of the resort, believed the high turnover rate was a major problem, and he was determined to change it. Gunter believed he could fix his “chronically sick organization” by using benefits and promotion opportunities as incentives to convince employees to stay. As described in the book, Management Organizational Change, Gunter performed as a director of change by believing his change action would result in an intended outcome, (Palmer, Dunford, & Akin, 2009, p. 40). Gunter may have been using the empirical-rational strategy of change. Empirical-Rational change strategy assumes “people are rational...
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...Providing Quality Service Strayer University Quality Service Assurance HTM150 Dr. Cecily Anthony August 23, 2014 In the hospitality world quality service is the key difference between good, bad, and indifferent hospitality companies. When you have good customer service people will come back, bad customer service will drive people away and keep the company from attracting new guests. What a company can do is devise a guest strategy that gets the guests involved (Lewis, 2004). Some ways that the guest can be involved in hospitality are: consultant or source of expertise and quality information, marketer, part of the environment for other guests, co-producers of the experience, or as a manager of the service providers and system. Some of these sound absurd but they are very prevalent in the hospitality industry (Lewis, 2004). GUESTS AS UNPAID CONSULTANTS Many organizations will use different ways to get feedback from the guests, such as guest cards to get the guests likes and dislikes. When this happens the guest becomes an unpaid consultant and even act as quality control inspectors. As the input from the guests as to their experience becomes part of information that managers will use to make changes to the delivery system, environment, and the service product, that makes the guests consultants as the give important feedback to company (Ford, Strurman, & Cherrill, 2012). This strategy is not new as many originations use feedback from their customers to help make...
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...Running head: STRATEGIC PROGRAM MANAGEMENT PLAN Strategic Program Management Plan University of Phoenix Strategic Program Management Paper This document will discuss a hospitality service chain, Friar Tucker International (FTI) that provides management to a chain of 35 entertainment and cuisine establishments. The 35 entertainment and cuisine establishments consist of 10 sports entertainment establishments, 15 cuisine establishments, 8 family entertainment establishments, and has entered into an agreement with two hotel chains. Friar Tucker International employs an estimate of 1200 staff members and generates revenue in the amount of $300 million. Friar Tucker International has a vision of joining the top ten hospitality providers of service and to serve families through the business of entertainment; basing the service on superior levels of marketing and innovation. The Friar Tucker International mission is to “attract more visitors and customers through food and entertainment facilities and ensure a great family experience” (Friar Tucker International scenario, 2010). Friar Tucker International, Chief Executive Officer, Ricardo Bellini negotiated and accepted many contracts with hotel chains. The contracts resulted in the management of the establishments and the to implement and carry out projects and manage the implementation of numerous projects. Over the previous years, this company has increased its success rate and has felt the results of growth. Many...
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...difficult for the organization to prosper because they were spending more money on training and hiring new staffs (Palmer, Dunford & Akin, 2009, p. 40). As I examine Green Mountain Resorts, we will explore the identification of which image identified the assumption about changing. First I will start by discuss the six dominant Images a manager of change can use. He or she may utilize mental maps as a director of change, which can be a dictator, and one who has a plan and intend on caring it out, a navigator of change, and a care taker of change which falls under the category of management as control- historical characterization of management activities such as planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling, and the organizational structure hierarchical. The next three images of managing, image of change coach, interpreter, and a nurture, which fall under the category management as shaping. Which has a recent origins, and one that sees managing as shaping and what happen in it, participative style of managing in which people are encouraged to be involved in decisions and treats the organization like an living, breathing, organism or person ( Palmer et al, 2009, p.25). Mr. Gunter change image can be identified as a Director of change – The Director of change is one who believes he...
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...made it difficult for the organization to prosper because they were spending more money on training and hiring new staffs (Palmer, Dunford & Akin, 2009, p. 40). As I examine Green Mountain Resorts, we will explore the identification of which image identified the assumption about changing. First I will start by discuss the six dominant Images a manager of change can use. He or she may utilize mental maps as a director of change, which can be a dictator, and one who has a plan and intend on caring it out, a navigator of change, and a care taker of change which falls under the category of management as control- historical characterization of management activities such as planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling, and the organizational structure hierarchical. The next three images of managing, image of change coach, interpreter, and a nurture, which fall under the category management as shaping. Which has a recent origins, and one that sees managing as shaping and what happen in it, participative style of managing in which people are encouraged to be involved in decisions and treats the organization like an living, breathing, organism or person...
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...support their effectiveness. Different managers will have different images of what managing change means for them (Palmer and Dunford, 2002). These images are likely to be based on the assumptions they make about what can be achieved (intended, partially intended and unintended change outcomes) and how they think they should approach the change task (controlling activities or shaping capabilities). At least six images of change management can be and these are: directing, navigating, caretaking, coaching, interpreting and nurturing. Application Analysis Green Mountain Resort (Dis) solves the Turnover Problem is a case study found in the textbook: Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspectives Approach written by Ian Palmer, Richard Dunford, and Gib Akin (2006). Green Mountain Resort and resort manager Gunter were confronted with a worker retention problem. To solve the turnover problem, three series of image changes have to be implemented with the hospitality literature playing the role of the navigator, Gunter the manager as a coach and the consultant as the interpreter. Gunter In this case Gunter's role can be identified as that of the coach. He becomes a mentor to new students who provide excellent service at his resort so that they get good training. The training helps them...
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...THE PERCEPTION OF THE BSHRM STUDENTS ON JOB OPPORTUNITIES Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION What possible job awaits me after I graduate? That’s the first thing that comes to the mind of students who are about to graduate. To find and to have a job is the main purpose of the students in studying. But how high is the possibility of college graduates to find jobs especially those BSHRM graduates? A lot of people are saying that the work of an HRM graduate isn’t easy. There are people who despise this course because most of the HRM graduates end up being a cook or a waiter. But these people are mistaken because they don’t know that the BSHRM program assures that every graduate are efficient, competent and globally competitive. In other words, there are numerous opportunities that await the BSHRM graduates because many private and public sectors here in the Philippines and even in other countries that require workers with adequate knowledge and skills in accordance with the profession they wish to fill. Thus, many upcoming college students are encouraged to take up this course because they saw that there are a lot of great opportunities that awaits them after graduating. 3 Statement of the Problems This research paper provides information about the perceptions of the students of the course BSHRM about job opportunities. BSHRM students think that they will be provided information about the possible job opportunities and to give ideas to the students of what jobs they could...
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...rate as having a negative impact on the organization. With the navigator image, the control is still seen as the crux of the management actions. However, at the same time, there are also a variety of external factors that will affect the turnover rate. This means that, despite Gunter doing everything he can to attempt to minimize the turnover rate himself, there will still be other situations that will arise that he cannot control that will contribute to the turnover rate. Therefore, Gunter wanted to be at the control of a situation that he ultimately could not find a viable solution to as he attempted to find different solutions to keeping the turnover rate low but was unable to do so. b. The hospitality literature? The hospitality literature ultimately plays the role of a navigator. This is due to the fact that the literature had identified turnover as a chronic problem that the industry continues to endure and made a number of suggestions as to how to help reduce the effects of turnover. c. The consultant? For the consultant, the change image that would be the best match is number 4 – Change Manager as Coach. Due to the fact that Gunter, upon explaining the situation to the consultant, had done everything that he could to change the environment of the company in order to reduce the turnover rate without success, the only thing that the consultant could do is come in as a coach and do his...
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...university | Providing Quality Service | | | | This paper outlines methods, strategies, and tools in the hospitality industry to deliver the “wow” factor and enhance the guest experience. | Providing Quality Service The guest can be involved in several ways to provide quality service which includes being a consultant, marketer, co-producer of the experience or a manager of the service providers and systems (Ford, Heaton, & Sturman, 2012). When the hotel industry takes an assessment of the guests experience using surveys to give feedback on their stay or create small focus groups on how to improve their services, the guests becomes a consultant or expert. When the guests have an experience whether good or bad, they instantly become a marketer by word of mouth, or social site review. This is a very significant marketing tool that is orchestrated by the guest and must be managed and addressed by hotel management. Likewise, the industry can also use guests in co-production which is when guests become participants in the production and service delivery. This might involve having the guests self serve at a buffet, elect not to have their sheets changed or participate in a green program. If the guests are allowed to co-produce the experience, then it can increase the quality of service and at a lower cost. One service standard that the hospitality industry uses to meet customer expectations is when the guests make their initial reservations. A service standard...
Words: 940 - Pages: 4
...submission of assignments Please complete all of the following details and then make this sheet the first page of each file of your assignment – do not send it as a separate document. Your assignments must be submitted as either Word documents, text documents with .rtf extension or as .pdf documents. If you wish to submit in any other file format please discuss this with your lecturer well before the assignment submission date. |Student Name: |Samara James | |Student ID No.: |22078393 | |Unit Name: |Tourism and Hospitality Research and Analysis | |Unit Code: |MNG00415 | |Tutor’s name: |Martin Young | |Assignment No.: |2 | |Assignment Title: |Research Proposal and Literature Review | |Due date: |April 11th 2014 | |Date submitted: ...
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...vision and mission statements to reflect the current status and direction of the organisation, then email the relevant stakeholders to: * outline changes to the vision and organisational values * describe the strategic planning process and identify where input can be provided. Procedure For the case study information provided in this assessment, you need to summarise: * the established (written) vision and mission of the organisation * current practices of the organisation and, in particular, whether they support the mission objectives of the organisation, or point to potentially new objectives for the organisation. After you have developed this summary, you need to meet with a key stakeholder/strategic planning consultant (your assessor) to discuss the vision and mission as you have identified it. You should also check that they agree with your findings. Summarise, in dot-point form, your discussions with the key...
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...Table of Contents 1. Project background 2 2. Project purpose 2 3. Project overview 2 4. Project objectives: 2 5. Project scope 3 6. Project deliverables: 3 7. Project stakeholders 3 8. Project constraints 4 9. Project assumptions 4 10. Project team organisation 4 11. Work breakdown structure 5 12. Project schedule 7 13. Resource leveling (develop observation matrices and report findings) 7 13.1. Original schedule - matrix 7 13.2. Resource levelling within available slack - matrix 7 13.3. Resource levelling outside of available slack – matrix 7 14. Resource utilization 7 14.1. Original schedule with resource hours pre levelling - matrix 7 14.2. Resource reporting 7 15. Impact of quick sell-out 7 16. Measures of success 7 17. Conclusion 7 18. Abbreviations and definitions 7 19. References 7 20. Appendices 7 21. Attachments 7 1. Project background A famous band named billboard which has a great history of playing their band for over 20 years is about to celebrate their farewell concert at newly constructed Gig Park. At an estimated attendance of 20000 people on February 28th 2015 2. Project purpose The purpose of the project is to plan a farewell concert to the billboard as a tribute to their 20 years of music excellence. The fare well concert will take place at a newly constructed gig park with an estimated attendance of 20000 people which consists of groups from baby boomers to gen z 3. Project overview The project...
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...conversion rate and traffic is high with thousands of visitors daily. Our site is not just a place where candidates come to look for jobs but a place where they evaluate and explore their career path. Our Strengths Our Strength is derived from the motivation - of delivering service of a high order. And working towards it, is our team - dedicated, innovative and with a keen sense of competition .The team is a result of the coming together of qualified professionals capable of providing the best of creative intellectual innovative and cost effective packages for varied requirements. We offer vacancies for IT Business Consulting Customer Relationship Management Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Engineering Services ERP and Business Analytics Infrastructure Services Microsoft Hospitality Catering and Hospitality Chef Recruitment Hotel and Leisure Corporate Reception Trending jobs Intoduction : Software development Jobs offer incredible open doors for junior experts who figured out how to discover them. Programming engineers in the United Kingdom get to chip away at incredible undertakings while procuring a living. Contingent upon the businesssector part they are working inside, a product engineer...
Words: 722 - Pages: 3
...Course Project: Stage II Name HRM340: Human Resource Information Systems INTRODUCTION Various types of HRIS systems and processes have been reviewed to help Jay Morgan and Family Castle Restaurant run more efficiently as a business. Jay Morgan the Operations Manager, have been using outdated methods for scheduling, recruiting, hiring, and answering questions from its employees. Maintaining accurate books and keeping constant communication with the Managers have been a challenge for Jay Morgan. If an accurate HRIS system can be implemented, Jay Morgan will be able to achieve more in business with less time and travel. BUSINESS ASSESSMENT Castle Family Restaurant is a family friendly dinning facility that has 8 locations, employing some part time employees and over 40% of fulltime employees. The locations are strategically located across the state of Florida in the hearts of neighborhoods that are suitable for any family. Castle Family provides a simple, old fashioned and pleasant dining experience. “Togetherness” is the culture that is promoted and the goal is to mimic the old fashioned restaurant environment where the family can sit, laugh and enjoy a meal together. Restaurants compete for customers every day, and proficiency is critical to providing quality customer service. In Rasmussen Reports, National Survey of 1000 Adults, more than 50 percent of Americans reported in 2011 say that they ate at a restaurant at least once a week, with...
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