...CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Information A hotel is an establishment that provides lodging paid on a short-term basis. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities For the purpose of this work a guest house is (also guesthouse) is a kind of lodging. In some parts of the world a guest house is similar to a hostel, bed and breakfast, or inn whereas in other parts of the world (such as for example the Caribbean), guest houses are a type of inexpensive hotel-like lodging and a hotel is a commercial establishment providing lodging, meals, and other guest services, both of which can be used interchangeably For this Project I would be using The Covenant University Guest House as my case study The Covenant University Guest house has 80 rooms which are divided into three categories; Executive deluxe rooms, mini suits and standard rooms. All rooms have intercoms, internet services and satellite television, it has a standard restaurant serving continental and national dishes,24hours room service, a mini mart, a gymnasium, laundry service with modern dry cleaning equipment, 3 large halls for exhibitions and conferences and a large secure cark park The Covenant University Guest house has 5 departments namely: 1. Housekeeping department 2. Laundry department 3. F&B(Food and Beverage) department 4. Accounting...
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...Electronic Intelligent Hotel Management System For International Marketplace Md. Noor-A-Rahim1, Md. Kamal Hosain2, Md. Saiful Islam3, Md. Nashid Anjum4 and Md. Masud Rana5 1,3,4,5 Electronics & Communications Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Khulna, Bangladesh. 2School of Engineering, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria 3217, Australia. E-mail: mash_0409@yahoo.com1, mhosain@deakin.edu.au2, sirajonece@yahoo.com3, nashidzone@yahoo.com4, and mamaraece28@yahoo.com5 Abstract—To compete with the international market place, it is crucial for hotel industry to be able to continually improve its services for tourism. In order to construct an electronic marketplace (e-market), it is an inherent requirement to build a correct architecture with a proper approach of an intelligent systems embedded on it. This paper introduces a web based intelligent that helps in maintaining a hotel by reducing the immediate involvement of manpower. The hotel reception policy, room facilities and intelligent personalization promotion are the main focuses of this paper. An intelligent search for existing boarders as well as room availability is incorporated in the system. For each of the facilities, a flow chart has been developed which confirms the techniques and relevant devices used in the system. By studying several scenarios, the paper outlines a number of techniques for realization of the intelligent hotel management system. Special attention is...
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...Hotel Management System We have been operating a local hotel for years, successfully, without the use of a computer system to automate many of our day-to-day tasks. Up to this point our current manual system has been acceptable. Lately, because of pressure from many of the large hotel chains moving into our area and our recent expansion (100 rooms), the management of the hotel without an automated system has become an unwieldy task. We would like to automate many of the common tasks of the hotel staff and management. We have been able to break the tasks we would like to automate down in to three major categories. The first is a reservation and booking system to help keep track of reservations and room availability. The second category is the tracking and selling of food. The third is our general management services and automated tasks the system should handle. Most of our day-to-day work involves the making of reservations. Customers call our representative to place reservations. These reservations should be recorded in the new management system. Some of the information we would like to capture concerning these reservations is first name, last name, number of occupants, assigned room, default room rate, phone number, whether or not the room is guaranteed, credit card number, confirmation number, automatic cancellation date, expected check-in date and time, actual check-in date and time, expected check-out date and time, actual check-out date and time, and customer...
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...DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMPUTERIZED HOTEL BUSINESS BILLING SYSTEM. (A CASE STUDY OF MODOTEL HOTEL LIMITED ENUGU) ABSTRACT This work is carried out to identify and discuss the need for a computer system in hotel business billing system. A hotel business is a hospitality industry which caters for both leisure and well being of its guest. The duties of hotels are to offer accommodation to their guest and to render services to them. These services are usually personal. The focus on this topic is to introduce computer in the allocation of rooms and billing system of a hotel. The current process of billing is being operated manually and due to this procedure numerous problem are been encountered. A design was taken to computerized the manual process in order to check this problem. The problems were identified after series of interviews and examination of documents after which analysis was made and a computerized procedure recommended. This project will also suggest how to successfully implement the computerized procedure and to overcome the obstacle that would hinder the successful implementation of the system. The new system was designed using Microsoft visual basic 6.0 programming language. This language was chosen because of its easy syntax and features for developing windows based applications. TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover page Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledge Abstract Table of content CHAPTER...
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Topic:- Inventory Management System
Course code:-CSE 103T
Registration no:-110
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...ABSTRACT As the name specifies “HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is a software developed for managing various activities in the hostel. For the past few years the number of educational institutions are increasing rapidly. Thereby the number of hostels are also increasing for the accommodation of the students studying in this institution. And hence there is a lot of strain on the person who are running the hostel and software’s are not usually used in this context. This particular project deals with the problems on managing a hostel and avoids the problems which occur when carried manually. Identification of the drawbacks of the existing system leads to the designing of computerized system that will be compatible to the existing system with the system Which is more user friendly and more GUI oriented. We can improve the efficiency of the system, thus overcome the drawbacks of the existing system. Identification of the drawbacks of the existing system leads to the designing of computerized system that will be compatible to the existing system with the system Which is more user friendly and more GUI oriented. We can improve the efficiency of the system, thus overcome the drawbacks of the existing system. · Less human error · Strength and strain of manual labour can be reduced · High security · Data redundancy can be avoided to some extent · Data consistency · Easy to handle · Easy data updating · Easy record keeping · Backup...
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...Acknowledgement This report is entirely prepared in the form as required by the Faculty of Management (FOM), T.U. (Tribhuvan University) for the partial fulfillment of the BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration). This project is assigned to us as a part of our practical examination under Management Information System by Tribhuvan University, aimed at giving knowledge of practical working environment. Apart from the University Examination, this project is almost like on the job training. So the knowledge we had gained during this fieldwork study is very important for us. We are very thankful to many people who have helped us during our fieldwork. We would like to extend our heartily appreciation to Mr. Shailendra Khadka Yadav, Head of Department, for guiding and exposing some of the core ideas put forth in the project. We are very much thankful to him. We would also like to thank our principal, Mr. Ramesh Pandey, who helped us during the project. We owe our depth thanks to all the other persons who directly and indirectly helped us in completion of this report. Chapter I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction to Hotel Mount View This 95 room hotel is perfectly located in the center of the main tourist area and surrounded by shops, local markets and good restaurants. The hotel is regularly used by trekking companies thanks to its close proximity to many famous climb sites as well as base camp at the foot of Mount Everest. The guest rooms are spacious and...
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...CHAPTER 3 METHOD OF GATHERING DATA Find out system requirements and define project scope or boundary of project is important to anticipate the time of completion. By a clearly defined scope, specified time will be assigning to develop each module in the application. From here can conclude that, virtual tour on hotel room needing more time in completion. By well-organized task and duration, the application will develop on time. PARADIGM Waterfall paradigm is important to note a large successful of projects development. Without the structure and organization provided a waterfall paradigm method, development projects would be at severe risk of missing deadlines, escalating budgets and a low quality system. As a methodology, the water fall paradigm provides the structure method, controls and checklist needed to ensure successful development figure below show the phases in software process waterfall paradigm. Preliminary investigation Requirement analysis Design Testing Construction Implementation maintenance Paradigm: Waterfall Model Waterfall paradigm prescribes stages and activities performed in each stage are describe as fallows: a) Preliminary investigation The major requirement for online hotel reservation system is to provide back office forContent management, reservation management and housekeeping management. The online hotel reservation hotel system also expected to provide a better preview of the hotel rooms. These features are in order to enhance...
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...SES’s- GOI- FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT Course: MMS, Semester (II) Examination: Final Examination- 2013 Subject: Management Information System Date: 22/04/2013 Time: 2 hrs Maximum Marks: 30 Instructions: 1. Before starting to write the examination, make sure that it is complete and that there are no printing defects. This examination paper consists of 6 pages. There are 5 questions each of 6 marks, for a total of30 marks. 2. Read the questions carefully and answer what is asked, clearly and to the point only. 3. To assist you in answering the examination questions, the following glossary of terms is included. 4. All questions are compulsory and carry 10 marks each. Glossary Compare Examine qualities or characteristics that resemble each other. Emphasize similarities, although differences may be mentioned. Contrast Compare by observing differences. Stress the dissimilarities of qualities or characteristics. (Also Distinguish between) Criticize Express your own judgment concerning the topic or viewpoint in question. Discuss both pros and cons. Define Clearly state the meaning of the word or term. Relate the meaning specifically to the way it is used in the subject area under discussion. Perhaps also show how the item defined differs from items in other classes with an example. Describe Tell the whole story in narrative form. Diagram Give a drawing, chart, plan or graphic answer. Usually you should label a...
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...Quality Management in Business Contents Introduction 2 Task 1: Different approaches to quality management 2 Task 2: Benefits of quality management 5 Task 3: Quality control and service improvement 8 Task 4: Quality management and organisational performance 10 Conclusion 14 Reference 15 Introduction Quality management is the act of supervising all duties and tasks within the organization which is necessary to maintain a successful level of supremacy. It consists of several basic elements. These are finding and applying quality planning, inspection as well as quality management and quality improvement. It is also known as “Total Quality Management (TQM)”. “The SAVOY” is the well-known Hotel in UK. It is established in 1889. The most marvelous thing is that it is situated near the river “Thames”. Other prestigious thing of The Savoy is it is very close to “British Museum” and “The Royal Opera House”. Now-a-days it has become the greatest refreshment place for the residence of London. It provides all the modern facilities to its customers like online booking opportunity, allow taking pet, Wi-Fi etc. People also visit here to celebrate anniversary, birthday party, mother’s day and the most interesting thing is visitors get the taste of River Thames cruise. These add a colorful dimension to their enjoyment. Task 1: Different approaches to quality management Multiple quality concepts of “The Savoy” Quality is a running system of establishing and retaining...
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...International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) The ISO 9001 certificate is a proof that a company is functioning in compliance with all international and national quality standards and that it regularly surveys the quality system that have been included in its business practice. The implementation of Quality Management System ISO 9001 in a hotel demands a lot of paperwork; it is time consuming and increases additional costs. In a research carried out by Adanur–Allen (1995), he stated that the main advantages of a successfully implemented ISO 9000 are improved business efficacy, greater consumer satisfaction and improved competitiveness. Since customers are very demanding when it comes to the quality of service in the hotel industry, organisations are competing to become quality leaders through ISO. The adoption of a quality management system should be a strategic decision of an organization. The design and implementation of an organization's quality management system is influenced by * a) its organizational environment, changes in that environment, and the risks associated with that environment, * b) its varying needs, * c) its particular objectives, * d) the products it provides, * e) the processes it employs, * f) its size and organizational structure. This International Standard can be used by internal and external parties, including certification bodies, to assess the organization's ability to meet customer, statutory and regulatory requirements...
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... | |Airline Reservation System | |ITEC 630 | |Fall 2008 | | | |11/15/2008 | North Central Airlines Airline Reservation System Proposal Phase 1 Background (Problem Statement): North Central Airlines is a small but growing airline that specializes in providing amenities that major airlines don’t (like children discounts, for example). The corporate executives feel that the Global Distribution System that they currently use and share with larger airlines doesn’t provide the extra services that North Central needs for their business to thrive. Their intent is to design and construct their own Airline Ticketing System. Originally, the two options for this systems was to use a COTS from a respected vendor, or to design an Object Oriented System that was constructed and built entirely by the staff at North Central. North Central...
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...Title: TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY , By: Saunders, Ian W., Graham, Mary Ann, Total Quality Management, 09544127, 1992, Vol. 3, Issue 3 Database: Academic Search Premier | | |TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | | | |Abstract Total quality management (TQM) has achieved notable success as a philosophy of management in manufacturing industry. This| |paper examines the differences between the manufacturing situation and that of service industry in general and the hospitality | |industry in particular to identify the similarities and differences and highlight the likely difficulties in implementing TQM in | |the hospitality industry. We conclude that the primary area of difficulty is in identifying appropriate quality measures. Some | |approaches to overcoming the problems are suggested and a case study of the application of measurement techniques in a hotel is | |described. | |1. Introduction | |Visualize the lobby of a hotel that is renowned for its quality service. The General...
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...Changing Role of Hospitality IT Hospitality business information technology systems have advance in technology because the older days of hotel telephone workers and recordkeeping by hand. Managers in the hospitality industry have influential devices or systems within hands reach. This allows them to achieve a bigger picture in the organizations operational environment and the financial situation by using the information technology systems. Hospitality services have increased throughout the years of time, making managers oblige to finding better technology systems and means to manage information technology produce by the organization’s daily operations. This modern technology is converting information into data, the managers can use this information to maximize revenue with the organization’s investments that was once impossible to compile by hand. Regardless of the geographical distance statability gives business rank managers the ability to access data instantly from numerous restaurant or hotel sites. This system uses web-base tools to gain and distribute data or information to the hospitality managers. Statability uses an assortment of data mining tools to mine data from hotel and restaurant hospitality systems in use worldwide (Nyheim, McFadden, & Connolly, 2005). The data generate in the reports by this application from the statistics gathered from the information technology system is accessible instantly, giving managers knowledge to act instantly. Corporate...
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... 07 7.VISION 08 8.WHY SAP? 09 9. IMPLEMENTATION 10 10.SOLUTION 11 11.BENEFITS 12 12.REFERENCES 13 ABSTRACT Management Information System (MIS) provides information for the managerial activities in an organization. The main purpose of this research is, MIS provides accurate and timely information necessary to facilitate the decision-making process and enable the organizations planning, control, and operational functions to be carried out effectively. Management Information System (MIS) is basically concerned with processing data into information and is then communicated to the various Departments in an...
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