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Hour Lunches Research Paper

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At Blackfoot High School, there is a banner system to provide incentives to keep a clean campus as well as reward students for positive behavior. All students earn an hour lunch if they are on green banner—the campus stays clean and there are no major disciplinary violations—for five days (BHS Student Handbook). Rewarding students with an hour lunch for good grades rather than positive behavior would be better because it would encourage students to get good grades, make students responsible for their own hour lunch, and avoid punishing all students for a few students bad behavior. By rewarding students for good grades rather than positive behavior or a clean campus, each student is 100% personally responsible for whether or not they will get an hour lunch. It is completely up to them. When hour lunches are given for a clean campus, many students don’t think about picking up garbage they see around the school because they think, “That’s not mine. I always throw my garbage away,” or “Oh, somebody else will get it. I don’t need to worry about it.” They know there are plenty of other students in the school and don’t feel as responsible to clean things up, especially if it’s not theirs. …show more content…
Often, only a small group of students is responsible for everyone being punished and losing the hour lunch. All other students may have been behaving exactly like they should be, but they are still being punished. This type of punishment doesn’t motivate good individuals to behave “better” when they’ve already been behaving. It’s also very unlikely that good students will be motivated to police fellow students to avoid punishment. What teenager wants to be accused of “ratting out” their

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