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The Monster In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Science brings us immense discoveries, many that are of the utmost welfare for humanity, however just because scientists have the aptness and resources to perform these herculean experiments, doesn’t mean they ought to implement them all. We can indeed say that for once, God has competition. Scientists have infringed a societal boundary, and we, as the general population, do not have an opportunity to debate the social, ethical, and all other environmental implications of synthetic life. Like the creations of synthetic biology, Victor Frankenstein’s creature was a prime example of a ‘monster’ in this sense. A meticulous example of synthetic biology, which is currently being practised and adapted by scientists, is the very first performance of a head transplant surgery for humans. This is by far surpassing the boundaries of humanity which God set for us in …show more content…
In this scientific case, it is easy to acknowledge that it is being used in a sinful way. We as human beings are endeavouring to “playing God”. Nonetheless, he is the only one with the veritable right to give or take life, nevertheless since it is in our sinful nature, we seek to defy God and strive to do likewise. When it comes to science, the sky seems to be the limit, however just because we can do it, does not mean that we should. Whereas we are living in a very secular world lacking all the values we ought to possess, researchers will do whatever it takes no matter what’s at stake, to uncover what they want and falsely believe they need. Much of mankind perceives science and God at war or enemies if you will. The main purpose of all the controversies is the yearning for leadership in our current modern culture. On the other hand, others visualise science and religion as “completely separate and unrelated facets of life” ( Due to the world’s current anthropocentric point of view, we are self-centred by trying to exclude God and taking him out the

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