...preventing housing dispossession. I will be examining literature that intersects with gender, race, barriers to the legal system, and housing dispossession. I will begin by introducing the issue of housing dispossession with an emphasis on the San Francisco and Oakland community. Both are highly populated cities of the Bay Area with high amounts a renting population and income inequality. Then, I will shift the focus, to interacting with the literature of poor and low-income women of color and factors that contribute to their likelihood of facing an eviction. Next, I center women of color’s barriers to the legal system within the work. After, I discuss the role legal aid organizations have in supporting women of color. Leading to the last portion of the review, where I investigate various interpretations of the widely-used phrase “access to justice.” Bay Area Housing Dispossession To situate my work within...
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...San Francisco Chinatown after the 1906 earthquake. Before I heard about the San Francisco encountered with the big earthquake and the Chinatown in SF was rebuilt. From the Richard Gonzales works as a writer in National Public Radio news website, in his article, Rebuilding Chinatown After the 1906 Quake, he mentions that, “But no one knows how many people died in the densely packed blocks of Chinatown, with an estimated population of 14,000.Racism against the Chinese was rampant in that age. Chinese immigrants had come to work in the railroads and mines and were widely viewed as a competitive threat to the working class, says California historian Kevin Starr”(Gonzales). 14,000 is a big number in that period because in the 19th century, it’s hard for Chinese people going abroad and working in another...
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...Immigration and Naturalization Service makes every effort to send her back to Nicaragua where she faces the same ridicule (Garvin, 2003). Formal complaints have been lodged with the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors by Espinoza and other transgender prisoners. They are stating the Sacramento Sheriff’s Department habitually violates the rights of transgenders. The grievances are the beginning to civil lawsuits and outline constant incidences of discrimination against Espinoza and other transgender inmates, prejudiced comments by jail employees and steady sexual harassment. This paints a picture of transgender people singled out for cruel and unusual chastisement in Sacramento’s main jail. Espinoza stated the San Francisco jail has more experience in housing transgender inmates. There is a separate location to where all transgenders are held. They were never required to parade around topless (Garvin, 2003). The policy that needs to be addressed is the treatment of the transgender inmates. Are their civil rights violated and if so, what steps need to be taken to resolve these problems. Most prisons have...
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...Living in San Francisco, many people have concerned about the increasing population spending nights on the streets. It is surprised that 25% of homeless population consists families with children although we often don’t see them out of streets. In fact, most of these families living in shelters, cars, in cheap by-the-night hotels in the city’s poorest neighborhoods, or staying temporarily with friends or family members. The report points out primary causes of homelessness among homeless families in San Francisco are domestic violence (27%) and job lost (23%), and it is high risk for single-mother households with children under the age of six to experience housing crisis (). This issue is urgent to be addressed and be solved by providing proper...
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...Money, Purpose and Function Antonio Carter ECO 212 January 31, 2011 Dr. Sam Hancock Money, Purpose and Function In this paper, Team C will explain the purpose and function of money. Money is considered to be a heavily thought about issue. The religious people say “money” is the route of all evil. The rich lose their minds when they lose their money. The poor people spend money on lotteries and gambling in the attempt to become rich. The few people who win the ‘Big Payoff’, and they are few and between, are soon poor again because they do not know or understand how to handle money and make the money work for them. The definition of money is described by how people are commonly keen to accept as a reward for services produced or compensation of services owned (Hubbard & O'Brien, 2010). Assets are commonly defined as important possessions owned by a person or a firm (Hubbard & O'Brien, 2010). If 100 different people are asked what is the purpose or function of money, the result would receive at a minimum 50 different answers. It perceived in many situations how some people will use money to manipulate people and situations in their favor. Some people have just enough money to live on until the next paycheck arrives, and some have just about enough to juggle and pay their bills bi-monthly. Reported instances were published describing people who must have the best everything. The best cars, Cadillac Escalades, Mercedes; the name brand clothes and purses, Doonie...
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...Economy Two economic indicators that reflect the strength of the economy are the inflation rate and interest rates. A stable and low inflation rate, for instance, is viewed worldwide as a necessary means to keeping the economy strong. Banks worldwide, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan, and the European Central Bank have published directives stating their primary objective for monetary policy as being “to maintain price stability” (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 2006). Others, such as the Bank of England, the Bank of Canada, and the Central Bank of Chile, have a similar goal to “keep inflation low and stable” (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 2006). Maintaining a stable inflation rate allows governments to strengthen their economies by ensuring that monetary policies are able to contribute to rising living standards for all. Public opinion polls reveal that inflation is viewed as one of the most significant national problems (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 2006). When allowed to run rampant in an economy, it can be damaging not only economically, but also politically and socially. Interest rates also contribute to...
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...offerings. Skilled in building community support, key coalitions and strategic interagency partnerships. Backed by solid credentials (MSW) and equal strengths in program, personnel and case management. [pic] WORK EXPERIENCE Service Coordinator / Lead Case Manager / Case Manager 8/1999-Present, ABC Homeless Shelter, San Diego, CA Progressed through a series of promotions, culminating in responsibility for the coordination of five transitional housing programs. Supervise a team of 12 social workers, case managers, group facilitators and direct-care staff. Develop and maintain strong community alliances with county/state agencies, police departments and youth-service programs. Program Contributions: • Demonstrated outstanding case management (caseload of up to 78) and dedication to clients, as evidenced by repeated promotions throughout tenure. • Achieved a record of 95 percent enrollment in college/job-training programs among clients, propelling both individual and program success through subsequent income generation. • Provided highly visible, caring client service that resulted in 100 percent of assigned clients remaining eligible for housing during tenure (zero evictions). • Led turnaround of emancipated youth program from a 90 percent monthly turnover rate to a 10 percent monthly turnover rate within three months. Motivated program participants to earn high school diplomas/GEDs, enroll in community college or secure full-time...
Words: 637 - Pages: 3
...health laws and anything that affects health related issues in San Francisco regarding San Francisco residences’ well-being. The health commission serves as the governance for San Francisco health department. Their job is to debate and provide feedback if the communities’ needs and goals are being met with new laws or direction in plans and policies. They oversee everything that happens in the health department but do not share day-to-day management...
Words: 780 - Pages: 4
...Gentrification and Personhood The gentrification of the Tenderloin District of San Francisco epitomizes how those “entitled” possess space which displaces the mostly minority, original inhabitants of the community. I will be analyzing gentrification through a wider processes of inequalities in personhood, where the possessive individualism of some is defined by the denial of personhood to others. I will be in dialogue with “Feral Theory: Editors’ Introduction,” by Kelly Struthers Montford and Chloë Taylor, to construct who is viewed as “unruly” subjects, who don’t “own” or “regulate” themselves. In addition, I will also use Aimee Meredith Cox’s Shapeshifters: Black Girls and the Choreography of Citizenship, chapter titled “Narratives of...
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...America Wilder Research Wilder Research Wilder Research Report prepared for the RWJF Commission to Build a Healthier America by Paul W. Mattessich, Ph.D. Wilder Research Saint Paul, Minnesota Ela J. Rausch, M.P . .P Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Minneapolis, Minnesota With support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation June 2013 Creating Healthy Communities Cross-sector partnerships are sparking widespread action to improve community health COATESVILLE , PA SEATTLE, WA Access to healthy foods Access to preventative care and healthy housing LOS ANGELES , CA Quality early child care and education CHICAGO, IL Data and evidence to build health into all policies and practices MIAMI , FL Opportunities for physical activity and healthy living health community development • community development finance • community planning • early child care/education • human services • housing Introduction “ Building a healthier America is feasible in years, not decades, if we collaborate and act on what is making a difference.” —Robert Wood Johnson Foundation In 2008, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation convened a commission of nonpartisan leaders to identify opportunities to improve the health of all Americans by creating environments that protect and actively promote health. Their report, Beyond Health Care: New Directions to a Healthier America, included 10 recommendations for improving the health of our communities, several of which focused...
Words: 10523 - Pages: 43
...The inclusive dates for the fiscal year for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the City of San Francisco, CA are 2010-11. The independent auditor for San Francisco’s CAFR is Macia Gini & O’Connell LLP (MGO) located at 505 14th Street in Oakland, California. The auditor states that their audit was in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those statements require the planning and performing of the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. The auditor did express unqualified opinions based on the audit and the reports of other auditors, on the respective financial statements of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, the aggregate discretely presented component units, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information. However, the financial statements of the San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco Water Enterprise, Hetch Hetchy Water and Power, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, San Francisco Wastewater Enterprise, San Francisco Market Corporation, and the Health Service System were not audited. The City of San Francisco’s organization chart contains several levels: the citizens elect a mayor and the city administrator is appointed. Also elected is the assessor/recorder, Board of Supervisors, City Attorney, District Attorney, Public Defender, Sherriff, Superior Court, and the Treasurer/Tax...
Words: 2064 - Pages: 9
...Problem Statement Introduction The Midway Village Housing Complex is an affordable housing project in Daly City, California that is mainly home to low-income minorities. Since the very establishment of the housing complex in 1976, its residents have experienced numerous major and minor health concerns that have since been linked to the contaminated soil on which Midway Village was built. While residents have long fought for compensation and recognition of the environmental injustice they face, both government organizations and the involved industries argue that there is not sufficient evidence to prove negligence or discrimination on behalf of either party. History From 1906 to 1913, a Pacific Gas and & Electric gas manufacturing plant stood next door to the site that today is the Midway Village Housing Complex. This plant produced tar-like residue that was thought to contain potentially hazardous chemicals. Close to 30 years later, during World War II, the federal government took control of the gas plant and hired government contractors in order to build housing for the military soldiers stationed there. In order to build the complex, workers...
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...health and happiness. Winters are bitterly cold. Summers are unbearable without air conditioning. California is the land of sun and fun, unless you actually live there. Then it becomes the land of bumper to bumper traffic. Whether you live in the greater Los Angeles area or the San Francisco Bay area, hours trapped in a car are realities of every work week. In Los Angeles the fog and pollution concoct irritating smog to up the stress level even more. In San Francisco fog may envelop you any day of the year. LA may have mild winters, but the summers can be blistering. San Francisco...
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...Russell 3/13/12 Role model My father overcame a lot in his life to get to where he is today .His name is Uriah. He is 68 years old. He works for the City and County of San Francisco Health and Human Services Department as a social worker. He helps homeless people find housing. I find it inspiring that he overcame a lot in his life to get to where he is today. Growing up my father experienced various hardships. My father was born in Toledo,Ohio. He was the second youngest of four children. He grew up the projects of Toledo. His parents struggled to put food on the table.When he was fourteen he contracted a blood infection that almost killed him. He was in the hospital for four months. Despite all the hardships he faced he managed to overcome all of them. He played football in high school and was so good he earned a scholarship to the University of Illinois which is a Big Ten program.He played on the team that won the 1968 Rose Bowl which, for those of you reading this who are unaware, is a big deal in college football. He became the first person in his family to graduate from college. He then went on to get a masters degree. He was hired by the City and County of San Francisco Health and Human Services Department as a social worker. He remains there to this day helping homeless people find housing. I hope the people reading this learn that no matter what your upbringing is you can make something of yourself.Because of his guidance I am inspired to get an education...
Words: 298 - Pages: 2
...organizational survival (Greco, 2011). The financial model below demonstrates how Housing Helpers will support its home improvement work for low socioeconomic status households. Budge Responsibility A key component of financial sustainability is the commitment of board and staff to financial management that includes timely review of financial reports and advance planning. One way that board and staff plan for income and expenses in the future is by creating a budget. Approval of the annual budget is one of the fundamental building blocks of sound financial...
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