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SFDPH Management Profile

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SFDPH’s top management profiles include various number of leaders. We will go through the top management profiles which includes the members of the Health Commission and health officers. The health commission is a group of community leaders from various backgrounds that come together to review new health laws and anything that affects health related issues in San Francisco regarding San Francisco residences’ well-being. The health commission serves as the governance for San Francisco health department. Their job is to debate and provide feedback if the communities’ needs and goals are being met with new laws or direction in plans and policies. They oversee everything that happens in the health department but do not share day-to-day management …show more content…
Chow M.D who holds many positions in the community such as the board advisor to the Chinese Community Health Care Association, senior advisor for the Chinese Community Health Plan, Treasurer of the Board of Directors of the Institute of medical Quality, and a subsidiary of the California Medical Association. David B. Singer who is the vice-president of the commission and additionally responsible for Maverick’s Private Investment globally, and serves on the boards of private and public companies in the fields of healthcare information technology, healthcare delivery, and biotechnology and other duties as well. The commission also has 5 other members. Cecilia Chung who is the President of the United Sates People Living with HIV Caucus, chairs the Finance and Planning Committee and a member of the Laguna Honda Hospital Joint Conference Committee and the Community and Public Health Committee. David Pating is a psychiatrist and Chief of Addiction Medicine at Kaiser San Francisco. Judith Karshmer is the Dean of the School of Nursing & Health Professions at the USF. David J. Sanchez, Jr. is a professor Emeritus at UCSF. Belle Taylor-McGhee is a consultant with JLM Management Group, a multi-disciplinary consulting firm (Health Commissioner Bios,

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