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Houston Public Library Case Study

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Reality Based Education: Organizing The Houston Public Library is a vast organization that has a common purpose. The purpose of the Houston Public Library is “To fulfill our mission, Houston Public Library provides access to a broad range of information resources, including those available through the internet. We make this service available as part of our mission to be the community’s place for learning, fun and adventure, access to innovate technology, creative solutions to information needs, and service excellence empowering personal and professional growth”. It’s employees work together to accomplish the common purpose of the organization. To better achieve our common purpose we have division of labor.
Division of labor helps its employees …show more content…
We all hold important positions to keep the library running and working together to fulfill its mission. All employees report to the manager, and the manager reports to higher authority and so on. For example, I hold a customer service clerk position, my job description is to handle the customer service area. If a customer needs any assistance on whether it be processing library cards, paying fines, looking for materials such as specific books or any other internet base information, I would be able to assist them. The hierarchy of authority: the chain of command, is a very important part of an organization to keep things running smooth and efficiently. The Houston Public library has a very detailed hierarchy of authority which lets us know who is who in the chain of command. The chain of command comes in handy when there might be a situation going on within the library employees. For example, a situation has arisen in our branch were a current employee that has been transfer from another location into ours has been causing some problems with

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