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How Did Ancient Civilization Use Astronomy

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Ancient civilizations used astronomy by studying the sky for centuries. When they did this, they recorded what they had seen. By doing this they could predict a lot of things such as lunar eclipses and solar eclipse. Because of all the information they had by studying the sky, they were able to make a calendar. It involved solar years and lunar months.
Scientific studies have influenced the decisions of where people want to live. Scientists say that climate change has a lot to do with certain extreme weather events that have been happening lately. Climate change affects major storms such as hurricanes and typhoons. The storm that is most affected by it is tornadoes. Ever since these studies came out, people have been careful on where they want to buy their house. …show more content…
They were all well known astronomers. The outcome of them working together was the discovery of many things that are in the sky. William Herschel discovered uranus and then he and his sister had discovered the most comets ever seen. Harlow Shapley was the first one to determine how big the earth is. Charles Messier had built an early tool to help observers of the sky.
The ursa majors biggest nickname is the big dipper. How the Ursa major started was a myth on how a nymph, Callisto, turned into a bear. Hera, who was Zeus’s wife, had done this. Castillo had to stay as a bear for 15 years. When she was about to get shot by a hunter, Zeus saved her. He sent a whirlwind that sent Castillo up to the skies and that’s how the Ancient Greeks believed that was made.

One of the star names in the Ursa major is the dub-he star. It is 124 light years away. Its visual magnitude is 1.81. It also has an orange tint to it. It’s temperature is 7640 degrees in

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