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How Did Andros Influence His Government

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Sir Edmund Andros was the previous governor of New York from 1674-1681. He was recalled due to the colonists believing him to be unpredictable and perhaps egotistic. He then went back to England. He returned to the Americas in 1686 quickly assuming power. He was to be commissioned the Dominion of New England. He was appointed by James II as the Dominion of New England. This is said to be one of the most important highlights in the history of Andros. James II also appointed him as governor of New York, being the Duke of York at the time. The territories included were: The Massachusetts Bay colony, the Colony of Plymouth, the Province of New Hampshire, the Province of Maine, and the Narraganset Country (present-day Washington County, Rhode Island. It went on to include Connecticut and Rhode Island. Finally on April 7th 1688 New York and East and West Jersey were also added to the dominion. …show more content…
He assumed a lot of responsibility when he accepted this entitlement along with too much land for a single individual to look over. He was given the right to suspend members of council as long as he had given a good reason for doing so. He assumed the responsibility to create and pass laws that were to be suitable for the colonizers. He could also have a say in the punishment in both civil and criminal cases, and could appoint the judge in such cases. He had the full power by and with a majority of the council to impose, assess, and raise and levy taxes as long as he felt it was necessary for the greater good of the government. It is said he was to do so in a fair and equal manner. Also it was included in the commission that the people had the right to appeal any royal person if they were

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...IMPORTANT This electronic version of The Century Vocabulary Builder (1922) has been prepared by Serenson Pty Ltd for This PDF follows the pagination of the original (hard copy) book and includes hypertext links that we have inserted, which look like this. Please do not remove links. Reformatting the original text into this PDF has been no easy task; it is possible that the process has introduced errors or caused omissions. As a result, we make no guarantee about the accuracy or completeness of this version of the Vocabulary Builder. If you find an error or omission in this PDF, please check the original book and contact us so that we can fix the error or omission. Please check your local copyright laws before accessing this PDF. If you are serious about building your vocabulary, we highly recommend you try the popular vocabularybuilding program called Ultimate Vocabulary Want the ultimate vocabulary builder? Click www.write-better-english com/ultimate-vocabulary.aspx THE CENTURY VOCABULARY BUILDER BY GARLAND GREEVER AND JOSEPH M. BACHELOR NEW YORK THE CENTURY CO. Want the ultimate vocabulary builder? Click www.write-better-english com/ultimate-vocabulary.aspx PREFACE You should know at the outset what this book does not attempt to do. It does not, save to the extent that its own special purpose requires, concern itself with the many and intricate problems of grammar, rhetoric, spelling, punctuation, and the like; or clarify...

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