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How Did George Washington View America

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George Washington was the first president of the United States of America while
Abraham Lincoln later on became the sixteen president. Comparing Washington presidency toward Lincoln view of America are different by society, culture, and politics. The time difference between both presidents show the difference perspective of how they view America. Beginning with Washing, during 1789 through 1797. America was facing against getting their independence from Great Britain from the Revolutionary War. At that time there was no active movements or groups against slavery or women’s right compared to Lincoln presidency. Therefore, having slaves was not a big issue like it was during Lincoln time.
Lincoln’s presidency was till 1860-1865 (assassinated …show more content…
Therefore, southerners felted threaten about Lincoln and withdraw from the Union. Washington’s view of America was being free from Great Britain and protecting
Americans (white) away from foreign countries. Shifting from Lincoln’s view of America as uniting as one and not dividing, while getting rid of slavery at the same time. Coming from different background. Washington and Lincoln cultures were different from each other. While Washington come from a wealthy family, Lincoln came from a poor one.
Even from different places they were able to become people that changes history. Washington
Like any other southerners have his own plantation that contain slaves while shifting to Lincoln who believed that slaves are meant to be free. Washington believe America is done with British rule shifting to Lincoln who wanted to united every states to be one instead of two. Where one side id free states while the other is slave states. Washington’s views of America politics were different compare to Lincoln. Washington
Wanted to stay away from foreign countries because he did not want to get involved with another
War. However, Washington created a national government, and secured America by

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