...understand why the founding fathers decided on three branches of government. It is also important to know what obstacles the division of power present for enactment of important legislation and how conflict has been characterized between supporters of a strong federal government and the supporters of state rights both in the past and now. The U.S. Constitution was written in 1787 by James Madison. This is considered the main law of the land. Any laws made for the country must agree with the Constitution. James Madison is the father of the constitution. Madison was the one that came up with the conspire that one branch could not have complete control. “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether on or a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-pronounced to very definition of tranny” (Spaeth & Segal 1999). This is when our three branches were born. In the Executive Branch we have our President, vice president, and all of the cabinet. Our president is allowed to make or laws, pass, or veto them. The legislative Branch has 435 representatives and 100 senators forming a party of 535 members of congress. This branch writes the laws and bills, then they sent out the law to the senator then to the representative and lastly to the president who can veto or sign it. The last branch is the Judicial Branch. This Branch explains and applies the laws. In any legal case this branch will do the hearing and eventually make a decision...
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...Omar Sharif Should the Electoral College be abolished? The invention and approval of the electoral college by the Constitutional Committee in 1787 resulted in an electoral system whereby the election of the president, every 4 years, is determined by members of the electoral college and not the popular vote. Each state receives a number of electoral college votes (number of state congress members) and this is amended every 10 years to reflect changes in state populations. However, there is a growing movement to abolish and replace the current Presidential electoral system with a more democratic system that more accurately reflects the popular vote. Firstly, to understand why the electoral college became the chosen system, it is important to understand the issues faced by the Constitutional committee. James Madison wrote at the time "There was one difficulty however of a serious nature attending an immediate choice by the people. The right of suffrage was much more diffusive in the Northern than the Southern States; and the latter could have no influence in the election on the score of Negroes. The substitution of electors obviated this difficulty and seemed on the whole to be liable to the fewest objections." Therefore, whilst many members acknowledged that a nationwide popular vote would be ideal, state conflict over the rights of slaves, which divided the nation, was the ultimate deciding factor in the choice of electoral system. However, there were other highly influential...
Words: 1903 - Pages: 8
...APUSH Study Guide 8 A weak Confederacy and the Constitution, 1776-1790 Themes/Constructs: The federal Constitution represented a moderately conservative reaction against the democratilizing effects of the Revolution and the Articles of Confederation. The American Revolution was not a radical transformation like the French or Russian revolutions, but it produced political innovations and some social change in the direction of greater equality and democracy. The American Revolution did not overturn the social order, but it did produce substantial changes in social customs, political institutions, and ideas about society and government. Among the changes were the separation of church and state in some places, the abolition of slavery in the North, written political constitutions, and a shift in political power from the eastern seaboard toward the frontier. The first weak government, the Articles of Confederation, was unable to exercise real authority, although it did successfully deal with the western lands issue. The Confederation’s weakness in handling foreign policy, commerce and the Shays Rebellion spurred the movement to alter the Articles. Instead of revising the Articles, the well-off delegates to the Constitutional Convention created a charter for a whole new government. In a series of compromises, the convention produced a plan that provided for a vigorous central government, a strong executive, the protection for property, while still upholding republican...
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...there was a large turnout I would say a hundred or people attended the event. My initial reaction upon arriving was did I make the correct choice in choosing this exhibition, Augusta has so many Museums and I didn’t realize it until I started passing back them as I was headed to the Museum of History, I ask myself which cultural event do I want to attend, will this exhibition that I’m attending be interesting and full of attractions that are captivating, exciting and ideal. Throughout, my visit to the Augusta Museum of History the most rewarding experiences that I’ve gathered are quite intriguing. One of which is the exhibition of the late Mr. James brown, known as “The Godfather of Soul.” “World-renowned music star James Brown (May 3, 1933 - December 25, 2006) called the Augusta-area home his entire life. Born in Augusta and maintaining a home in Beech Island, South Carolina until his death on Christmas Day in 2006, Brown maintained a business presence in Augusta while managing a steady international touring schedule. Local honors to the legendary musician include the renaming of the Augusta-Richmond County Civic Center to James Brown Arena in September 2006, the renaming of 9th Street to James Brown Boulevard in 1993, and a life-size statue of the singer installed on Broad Street in May 2005.” (http://chronicle.augusta.com/topics/people/james-brown#more) The exhibition featured rare memorable and personal artifacts which vividly tell the story of Brown’s...
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...Class Book Chapter: Judicial Review—Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association (Final Draft) Nichole L. Horner 3118434 LSTD497—Senior Seminar in Legal Studies Professor James Barnery Two hundred and thirteen years ago the Supreme Court presided over the case Marbury v. Madison, in a unanimous decision the court found in favor of Marbury. The court stated that Marbury had a right to his commission that was promised by President Adams before his exit from office . But, ironically Marbury would not receive his commission even though the courts had found in his favor. Marbury v. Madison had opened a door that went beyond Marbury’s commission, the case established a major historical precedent. The courts identified that the Judiciary Act of 1789 was in direct conflict with Article III of the Constitution . In Chief Justice Marshall's opinion, he identified that Congress could not give the Supreme Court the power to issue an order granting Marbury his commission. In the court’s ruling they found that the Constitution was...
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...Both sectionalism and nationalism are very prevalent in American history. James Monroe and John Adams, both previous political figures of the United States, are nationalists. What is sectionalism and nationalism? Sectionalism is the placing of the interests of one's own region ahead of the interests of the nation as a whole. Nationalism is the ideology that national interests come before regional and foreign concerns. Monroe takes pride in America, saying, “If we look to the history of other nations, ancient or modern, we find no example of a growth so rapid, so gigantic, of a people so prosperous and happy.” Adams is also nationalist, but is wary of the sectionalism taking place, saying, “I take it for granted that the present question is...
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...We, the Federalists, under the leadership of George Washington, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton, believe in a strong central government to run this nation. We believe in a nationalistic view of our nation and in the cooperation and support of the citizens living in on this land. The laws, rules, and acts that are enacted under this government are made to benefit the nation, not to oppress the people. We hope to establish a nation that is well off, one that is stable in all aspects. As Federalists, we understand the importance of certain acts that are being passed, such as the Alien and Sedition Acts. We understand the need for Hamilton’s Financial Plan, a plan that will overall help this nation prosper, and we understand the need for...
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...Federal Government Exam 1 Review: The first exam will consist of questions generated from the following review sheet. Make sure you understand each of these topics before proceeding to the test. The exam will be timed so you will not have the ability to peruse your notes or retake the exam. The exam itself will consist of 30 multiple choice questions and you will have 35 minutes to complete the exam. Federalism: The Basic elements of a Federal system of government (i.e. how is it structured/how power is shared) • Layers of gov • Equal power • Distinct powers Powers of the federal government: delegated powers, implied powers (necessary and proper clause), and concurrent powers. • Delegated Powers: (expressed/enumerated powers) powers given to the federal government directly by the constitution. Some most important delegated powers are: the authority to tax, regulated interstate commerce, authority to declare war, and grants the president role of commander and chief of the military • Implied Powers: Powers not expressed in the constitution, but that can be inferred. “Necessary and proper clause” • Concurrent powers: powers shared by both levels of government. Ex: Taxes, roads, elections, commerce, establishing courts and a judicial system • Reserved powers: powers not assigned by the constitution to the national government but left to the states or the people. Guaranteed by the 10th amendment. Include “police power”-health and public...
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...New Nationalism and Teddy Roosevelt: The new ideals of federal intervention, social justice and economic welfare for the Nation. Abstract In 1901 when President McKinley was assassinated, Roosevelt confronted sentiment, especially from the older members of the Republican Party, that he was not the right person to lead the country, often referring to him as “His Accidency.” Roosevelt was interested in quickly changing the mood of the country and establishing his legitimacy to his new position. He did so by introducing a “New Nationalist” form of Progressivism. When Roosevelt was sworn in, the Progressive Party had already been developing and growing since the end of the 19th century. It advocated for reforms and the lead of the government in changing society’s problems in response to socio-economic and political imbalances. Such thinking was a radical change in the country’s mindset, with earlier efforts supporting private efforts to solve the nation’s ills. The Progressive party had a broad platform, but the overall goal was for government to implement and lead efforts to alter societal inequalities. The Progressives called for eliminating corruption in the federal government as well as supporting a social welfare program, the women’s vote, penal system reform, and prohibition. Although the issue of civil rights for African-Americans was of concern of some members, this issue was not formally included in any of the Progressive party’s literature. With the support of...
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...Most thinkers, educational practitioners, and parents acknowledge that children are born helpless and need the care and guidance of adults into their teens and often beyond. More specifically, children need to learn how to live harmoniously in society. Historically, the mission of schools has been to develop in the young both the intellectual and the moral virtues. Concern for the moral virtues, such as honesty, responsibility, and respect for others, is the domain of moral education. Moral education, then, refers to helping children acquire those virtues or moral habits that will help them individually live good lives and at the same time become productive, contributing members of their communities. In this view, moral education should contribute not only to the students as individuals, but also to the social cohesion of a community. The word moral comes from a Latin root (mos, moris) and means the code or customs of a people, the social glue that defines how individuals should live together. A Brief History of Moral Education Every enduring community has a moral code and it is the responsibility and the concern of its adults to instill this code in the hearts and minds of its young. Since the advent of schooling, adults have expected the schools to contribute positively to the moral education of children. When the first common schools were founded in the New World, moral education was the prime concern. New England Puritans believed the moral code resided in the Bible...
Words: 1981 - Pages: 8
...Constitution is not so much that the law is foreign, but that it is modern. He would (and does) object equally to citations of modern American legal trends to inform constitutional interpretation. Justice Scalia's Modernist Argument Against Foreign Law in Constitutional Interpretation But what if one is not an originalist? Although he did not admit it during his discussion with Justice Breyer, in many areas of constitutional interpretation, even Justice Scalia makes no effort to square his views with the original understanding. For example, Justice Scalia has written important First Amendment opinions--such as the 1992 decision in R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul, which invalidated a hate-speech ordinance--that appear to expand free speech protection well beyond what the framers envisioned. (Perhaps an argument could be fashioned that James Madison and his contemporaries held the view reflected in R.A.V., but Justice Scalia's opinion in that case made no effort to present such an...
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...there are a wide variety of interest groups that are organized for the sole purpose of exerting influence on the political and legal systems. These groups play a central role in deciding who gets what, when, where and how in legislative and budget processes. They also play a significant role in deciding which values will be promoted and enforced by the government. When individuals have common interests, it often makes sense for them to join together in pursuit of those interests. When this happens, a special interest group is formed. These groups then compete for a share of the limited resources distributed through the political process. While many groups are formed to compete for economic resources, others are formed to support their positions on issues like abortion and gun control. The limited resource these groups compete for is not money or real estate but rather the use of governmental power to enforce a particular set of values. At the group level, it makes sense for groups to form and do the things they do. However, at the individual level, there are powerful incentives to be a free rider. If a group is pursuing your interests even though you, as an individual, are not contributing your time or your money to the group, what incentive do you have to contribute time or money to the group's efforts? Some people join groups because they are strongly motivated by the group's goals or, perhaps, they believe they can exercise power within the group that they would not otherwise...
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...|[pic] |Syllabus | | |College of Humanities | | |HIS/115 | | |U.S. History to 1865 | Copyright © 2011, 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course provides an overview of the social, political, economic, and global events that have shaped the American scene from colonial times through the Civil War period. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class...
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...The Right to Keep and Bear Arms: A Right to Self-Defense Against Criminals and Despots by Robert Dowlut[*] If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. -- James Madison[1] INTRODUCTION A written constitution is a reminder that governments can be unreasonable and unjust. By guaranteeing that "[a] well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed," the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution provides the citizens a means of protection against the unjust excesses of government.[2] The Framers placed this guarantee in the Bill of Rights because they considered the right to keep and bear arms peculiarly important and also uniquely vulnerable to infringement. The Amendment's command protects individuals against even popular conceptions of the public good. In addition to this protection within the United States Constitution,[3] the constitutions of forty-three states guarantee the right to keep and bear arms.[4] Despite the constitutional authority for this right, legislators and judges have consistently attempted to devalue it. Methods such as giving misleading labels to select firearms like "assault weapons"[5] or "Saturday Night Specials"[6] have been used to justify incremental disarmament.[7] American jurisprudence has deliberately devalued the right...
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...| Course SyllabusCollege of HumanitiesHIS/115 Version 3U.S. History to 1865 | Copyright © 2011, 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course provides an overview of the social, political, economic, and global events that have shaped the American scene from colonial times through the Civil War period. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Schultz, K. M. (2012). HIST2, Volume 1 (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. All electronic materials are available on the student website. Week One: Contact, Settlement, Slavery | | Details | Due | Points | Objectives | 1.1 Describe the clash of cultures that took place in North America between the Native Americans, colonists, and Black slaves. 1.2 Describe the establishment of early colonies. 1.3 Describe the development of regional differences among the...
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