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How Did James Madison Contribute To The Constitution

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On May 25, 1787, a well dressed man stood on the steps of a building in Philadelphia waiting for the doors to open to the Constitutional Convention . He was holding his notes and his hat. This man is James Madison, also known as “The Father of The Constitution”. In the months ahead, he would play a central role in developing a formal government. Madison lived during the American Revolutionary War and was involved in forming our nation. Madison took part in drafting the U.S. Constitution and giving people freedom and prosperity. He was born on March 16, 1751 in Virginia and grew up there. Madison helped draft the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which helped us because it gave the U.S. a better government that has lasted until the present day. He also made laws that ensured the rights of the people. James Madison was also known for being the fourth President of our country. …show more content…
Madison was the oldest of seven, and his parents names were Eleanor and James Madison Sr. Eleanor taught him how to read and write until he was old enough to go to boarding school. When boarding school was over, Madison went to Princeton University. While there, he started to do a lot of work with politics. After he then became a representative for the U.S. Constitution. Madison then was elected as one of the delegates of Virginia. This led Thomas Jefferson and Madison to create Virginia’s plan of the state Constitution. Jefferson and Madison stayed great friends. Madison was influenced and was helped by his parents and friends, which helped him have a lot of important

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