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How Did Native Americans Cause The Trail Of Tears?

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Long before the white settlers came to America the land was inhabited by the Indians. The Cherokee Indian tribe owned a large piece of land in modern day Georgia. Despite this, Americans believe they have a right to this land. As a result, there has been a bitter, repulsive conflict between Indians and Americans ever since the first settlers. The worst result of this conflict was a Cherokee Indian massacre called the Trail of Tears. More than 15,000 Cherokee Indians were forcefully moved out of their home lands to their newly created land in Oklahoma. An estimated 4,000 Cherokee people died during this fatal journey. There were three main factors that played a role in causing the Trail of Tears. First, the Americans wanted to move into the Cherokee’s territory because it was valuable. Second, Indians were considered a people who didn’t deserve the equal rights. Third, the widely held belief of Manifest Destiny influenced Americans to take the land from the Cherokee people. …show more content…
Because of this the white people wanted to steal it from them. It had rich and fertile soil, a perfect place to do some farming. Not only did it have wonderful farming lands, but the land was also full of gold! The gold in these lands caused a gold fever frenzy. Greedy people did many unconstitutional things for the Cherokee land and gold. They tricked the Indians in many different ways. In many cases the Americans would take Indians to a bar, get them extremely drunk and trick them into selling their land for very cheap. This was just one of the many ways the Americans got their selfish ways by stealing the Indians land and did it in many other

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