...Shays’ Rebellion was an armed uprising of farmers in Massachusetts from 1786 to 1787. Farmers in Massachusetts rebelled against the United States government. This occurred because several farmers incurred high debts from creditors, that they could not afford to pay off. Farmers also suffered from high taxes, that the government imposed in attempt to pay off debt from the Revolutionary War. Massachusetts did not respond to farmers asking for help, so the rebellion transpired. The main conflict of Shay’s rebellion was farmers in debt versus the state of Massachusetts’ government. Shays’ rebellion was quite similar to the American revolution, it was citizens resisting the government when nothing was done to fix the nation’s issues.The Articles of...
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...Edonis Shehu History1301 12/7/12 Professor Troy Shays Rebellion January 25, 1787 was a day that played a huge factor in making the young nation, America, think very carefully about its form of government. Snow was falling eminently that day as the group of farmers and ex-revolutionary soldiers marched through it. All the ammunition and gunpowder the rebels needed to go to Boston and over throw the government was inside that federal arsenal. They had just one thing standing in there way, nine hundred militia troops. In this essay, we’re going to take a look at all the factors that led to Shays Rebellion, go in deep depth of how it all went down and show why this incident is one of the most important events of the United States. America after the Revolutionary War was in shambles. Americans had paid a very heavy toll for this independence. Thousands of men had died, homes and farms had been destroyed, and the nation was governed by a Congress which was governed by the Articles of Confederation; which was a really weak system of central government. Daniel Shays was born into poverty in Western Massachusetts and worked as a farm laborer most of his life. Shays goes into the Revolutionary War as a Private, spends five years fighting and leaves the war as a Captain. Marquis de Lafayette honored him with a sword because he thought Shays did a superior job under him. Soldiers were paid for the war they entered, but were paid in currency that depreciated very quickly, which was...
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...life or better identified as the Whiskey Rebellion. This rebellion and many events prior to it would reform the United States government into the three branches that exist today with the ratification of the Constitution. At the same time it would cause the nation’s capital to be relocated as an attempt to join a divided nation and become the very first federal tax placed on any domestic product. Having recently defeated the British in the Revolutionary War, the newly founded United States of America struggled in efforts to produce an equal balance on its stride to liberty and freedom of oppression from England. After the Revolution the United States chose to differ from...
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...George washington in his response aims to shine the light on how if actions related to shays rebellion aren't stopped at once it will become a snowball effect and lead to America's turmoil. He believes that if some farmers feel this compassionate about how the government is being ran something must be wrong and needs change. During the time period of Shays’s rebellion George Washington was already in retirement, but he had a reputation from before of being a military leader in the American revolution. Henry knox a friend from the war wrote him to ask for his advice knowing and trusting his ideals. Washington was a well respected man and his opinion was important to other members in power whom were still in the public's eye. Although, Washington wanted to retire and live the rest of his life out of the public’s eye shays’s rebellion was the reason he decide to come out of retirement and work to create a...
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...body modifications to create same-ness and the perfectly pretty white race. Second, I will analyze Ally Condie’s Matched series, where social order to determined by sorters who decide vocation and spouses. All teenagers attend a ceremony where a person’s perfect match is determined by a computer program. Lastly, I will use Veronica Roth’s Divergent series to explore how the world is constructed by personality type. Youth choose to participate in factions that are determined by a psychological examination that detects a youth’s instinctual predilections when facing their fears. As readers begin to figure out the rules to this new society, they are challenged to make comparisons to their own world. We are forced to wonder whether or not, as educators, we reinforce stereotypical constructs of adolescence despite our interaction with seemingly critical texts. In the last few years, there has been a tremendous increase in the number of dystopian novels marketed to young adults. The story always begins in media res, where some kind of travesty, disease, war, or alien invasion forced those in power to re-consider how to maintain order and control. The characters...
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...Running head: Constitution Timeline Julie Haire Grand Canyon University: POS-301 June 29, 2012 Paul Oranika Constitution Timelines The great nation we live in is unlike any other because of “liberty, equality, individual rights, self-government, and lawful powers” that are afforded to its people through the United States Constitution (Patterson, 2011, p28). Since we began our journey away from parliamentary government, the colonists who created this nation worked hard to create a nation that would be fair to all who lived here. Americans enjoy the pursuit of happiness, freedom of living and equality because of our Constitution. The foundation for our constitution can be traced back as far as medieval times and the Magna Carta. Even then people were fighting for the rights of the people. Through the signing of this document the King could not infringe upon the rights of the people in any unfair or unjust way. The colonist used many ideas from this document to help create our first constitution it helped to create the due process of law. “This concept, embraced by the leaders of the American Revolution, is embedded in the supremacy clause of the United States Constitution and enforced by the Supreme Court”( Edsitement, 2012, parg 1). As time passed many who lived in England began to feel conflict with in the country they lived in and set sail for a new land called the America’s. Upon arrival they began to build colonies. During this time the Mayflower...
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...H.L. Mencken, an American journalist, once said, “It doesn't take a majority to make a rebellion; it takes only a few determined leaders and a sound cause.” (Mencken) Throughout American history, there have been times of oppression, sadness, and doubt. In these grave situations, inspiring historic leaders have stepped out of the masses to help lead America to be one of the top economic, political, and social countries in the world. The leadership of some Americans over the first centuries as a country is awe-inspiring. In periods throughout history, when America believed the country was on the brink of failure, determined leaders stepped in, to assist the country back to full success. After wars between countries, oppression of citizens,...
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...The Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution DeVry University The Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution are the historical documents that have been the building blocks of democracy that America is known for today. The Articles of Confederation are in many way an extension of what makes up the United States Constitution. In 1777, there wear a combination of thirteen states that came together to mold a type of government document that the United States could determine as “central” style of government. These states included New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. By late 1787, the Articles of Confederation were replaced by a more complete United States Constitution. There are several differences and similarities that lead to this American government transformation. The origination of the Articles of Confederation were a dynamic that was set into place in order to safeguard the union of states from any foreign control. It was a time in which the newly born states were yearning to be a set of sovereign states but stay independent from British colony control. Thus, the Articles of Confederation were originated. There were several important aspects of the Articles of Confederation that helped the United States reach a somewhat government goal. In the articles, states were allowed to collect taxes from its citizens...
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...weak Confederacy and the Constitution, 1776-1790 Themes/Constructs: The federal Constitution represented a moderately conservative reaction against the democratilizing effects of the Revolution and the Articles of Confederation. The American Revolution was not a radical transformation like the French or Russian revolutions, but it produced political innovations and some social change in the direction of greater equality and democracy. The American Revolution did not overturn the social order, but it did produce substantial changes in social customs, political institutions, and ideas about society and government. Among the changes were the separation of church and state in some places, the abolition of slavery in the North, written political constitutions, and a shift in political power from the eastern seaboard toward the frontier. The first weak government, the Articles of Confederation, was unable to exercise real authority, although it did successfully deal with the western lands issue. The Confederation’s weakness in handling foreign policy, commerce and the Shays Rebellion spurred the movement to alter the Articles. Instead of revising the Articles, the well-off delegates to the Constitutional Convention created a charter for a whole new government. In a series of compromises, the convention produced a plan that provided for a vigorous central government, a strong executive, the protection for property, while still upholding republican principles and states’...
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...articles, the state delegates tried to revise the articles, but instead, constructed the Constitution. There were so many changes made and very little remained the same. Unlike the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution had a greater sense of central government. In the Constitution a president was the executive. The president was the person that can approve or veto the new rules. After gaining independence from Great Britain, the United States was operating under the “Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union.” Under the Articles, the states retained sovereignty over all governmental functions that were not relinquished to the federal government. The American Revolution did not overturn the social order, but it did produce substantial changes in social customs, political institutions, and ideas about society and government. Among the changes were the separation of church and state in some places, the abolition of slavery in the North, written political constitutions, and a shift in political power from the eastern seaboard toward the frontier. The ideas of liberty and equality also affected many areas of society, but stopped short of promoting true equality for women or ending slavery (except where it was weakest, in the North). The first weak national government, the Articles of Confederation, was unable to exercise real authority, although it did successfully deal with the western lands issue. The Confederation’s...
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...Bill of Rights and Amendments Paper Jeremy Hall, Sheila Henderson, Sondra Lettsome, Elvina Scott, Desmond Thomas University of Phoenix U.S. Constitution HIS/301 Dr. John Theis November 10, 2011 Bill of Rights and Amendments Paper The founding fathers of our country had it right when they put in place an irrefutable plan of action and order. Although many things have changed since the inception of the original documents, the process and ways of which something must be done and adopted remains viable to us today. This example is not only found in the legislative democracy but also in the educational, religious, and social genres of the world. The constitution shares with all who take the time to peruse, the reasoning behind it, the amendments that are attached, and the rights of each person living the American Dream. After Congress proposes an amendment, the Archivist of the United States, who heads the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), is charged with responsibility for administering the ratification process under the provisions of 1 U.S.C. 106b (Archives.Gov.) If two-third of the number of votes of both the Senate and the House of Representative are in favor an amendment can be proposed by the Congress. Otherwise, two-thirds of the legislatures of the fifty states can call for a constitutional agreement for the purposes of proposing amendments to the Constitution. After an amendment to the Constitution has been proposed, it must be ratified...
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...A Writ of Habeas Corpus as outlined in our book is that of a legal act that calls for an individual under seizure to be brought in front of a court of law for an inquiry to essentially decide if they are guilty or not of the suspected crime (Levin-Waldman, 2012). The Writ of Habeas Corpus explicitly brings up the right to contest one's arrest and imprisonment. It is also a way for the government to force an individual to come before the courts. By permitting an independent judge to analysis the legitimacy of the individual’s confinement and instruct that the detainee be freed if the circumstances are unlawful, habeas corpus functions as a safeguard against unlawful seizure, arrest, and torture. While habeas corpus has been upheld as a fundamental right of the imprisoned, this safeguard has been obstructed throughout our history, making the habeas corpus right, at times, a subject of our desire for refuge during times of emergency. The beginnings of habeas corpus can be traced to the year 1215 in the 39th article of the Magna Carta signed by King John, which says that: "No man may be restrained or confined except by the lawful declaration of his peers or by the decree of the land" (Rohde, S 2010). At first, habeas corpus was a resource used to summons an individual before the courts. However, by the turn of the 14th Century, higher courts were using the Writ of Habeas Corpus as a way of examining the surroundings of an individual’s confinement by the lower courts (Farrell, B...
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...times of crisis. Constitutional Principles Several constitutional principal are expressed through habeas corpus, the foremost being checks and balances and that the accused are afforded due process. The framers of the Constitution knew that governments become abusive of the rights of citizens when there is no power to check that abuse and when the treatment of the accused is arbitrary. The use of habeas corpus is in fact one of the few constitutional rights enshrined in the main body of the Constitution instead of the amendments, and is established in each state constitution as well. Article I, Section 9, of the U.S. Constitution provides that the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended except in cases of rebellion or invasion, when the public safety may require it. In some states suspension of the writ is forbidden in any case (House). What the framers of the constitution hoped for was to...
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...during times of crisis. Constitutional Principles Several constitutional principal are expressed through habeas corpus, the foremost being checks and balances and that the accused are afforded due process. The framers of the Constitution knew that governments become abusive of the rights of citizens when there is no power to check that abuse and when the treatment of the accused is arbitrary. The use of habeas corpus is in fact one of the few constitutional rights enshrined in the main body of the Constitution instead of the amendments, and is established in each state constitution as well. Article I, Section 9, of the U.S. Constitution provides that the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended except in cases of rebellion or invasion, when the public safety may require it. In some states suspension of the writ is forbidden in any case (House). What the framers of the...
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...III) Articles of Confed a) Confederation b) Specific Terms c) General Results d) Shays Rebellion IV) Constitution a) 4 key debates B) Specific terms of the articles (about the national govt.) • Unicameral legislature • No power to tax • No power to raise army • No executive branch (could make laws but not enforce them) • No judicial branch • Unanimous vote needed to change Articles C) General results of the Articles • Weak and incomplete national govt. • Economic chaos o States fund the war by borrowing money from federal govt. o Govt. wants the money back o Economy dries up and leads to a “trade war” with competing interest o States taxes their own citizens since they can’t borrow money o People (mostly farmers) lose their possessions and property since they can’t pay taxes o Damages the economy even more since farm family is out of work • No sufficient national defense o Enemy 1 the British o French and the Spanish also potential threats o Native Indian tribes also potential threat • States are left largely on their own (13 separate states, no unity) D) Shay’s Rebellion 4 Key debates 1. Representation of the states (large population vs. small population) o States might be equal but not for individuals o Creates a Bicameral Legislation (2 houses) 1. Senate 2. House of reps (representation based on population) which is known as “the great compromise” o Defensive compromise; better at not getting stuff done than getting stuff done. 2. Slavery...
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