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How Did The Articles Of Confederation Guard Against Tyranny

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After the Revolutionary War, the United States needed a functional government, the Articles of Confederation failed and was dysfunctional in every way. The Articles of Confederation didn’t have court system, the government couldn’t tax, and the government didn’t have anyone to enforce the laws, it was complete chaos. Finally after a year, the people decided that the Articles of Confederation was not working, so 55 delegates from 11 separate states came together to make the best government out there. They had to ask if it was possible to frame a government that was strong enough to hold the country together but, a government that didn’t create any type of tyranny. They ensured this promise by separating the powers of government between the central government, and the states, by giving them separate duties. Second they split the central government into 3 separate powers the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. Lastly, they guarded against tyranny by giving the state’s power in the central government by, having fair representation to all states. The reframed government …show more content…
So, they decided to split the Legislative branch into 2 houses the Senate and the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives, will be represented by the population, the more people there are the more representatives, but the Senate has 2 senators per state no matter how many people are in the state. According to Document D (Constitution of the United States of America), “Clause 3: Representatives… shall be apportioned… according to… (population)... Clause 1: The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state,...” This guards against tyranny by giving each state equal representation no matter how big or how small. But, it also helps bigger states be represented for their population. Both houses are equally as important, but now there is equally

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