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How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect America

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The Industrial Revolution was a period of major industrilization that occured in the years between the late 1700s and the early 1800s. It began in Great Britain and slolwy exapanded its way into the United States. During the beginning of this era, it brought about inescapable , cultural and social changes in the United States. These changes affected the daily lives of Americans across the social spectrum in many ways. One of these ways was that it formed distinct classes. These classes included Economic Elites, The Middle Class and The Working Class.
The Economic Elites was a class that consisted of wealthy merchants gained more social and political attention in the United States due to the fast growing economy that helped increase their wealth. …show more content…
They even were able to achieve respectability in the midle class. Due to their lack of wealth, they feared that they would earn the same wages as working laborers who were a class below them. Due to this fear, they tried to improve the status of the middle class through their children. They did this by valuing things like cleaning, discipline, education, and good manners. they even valued hardwork because thy believe dthat hardwork and education would help their chidren become successful in life. Instead of working in places like factories, children that grew up in the middle class attended school and engaged in activities that included many activities that dealt with slef-improvement. As years went by, the number of children became limited. While the children of the middle class did not work in factories, it was very different for adults. For instance, they did not work for wages and instead of working in factories their jobs were to look after their children. Their job was also to stay at home and make sure that the houses were clean. Most people in the middle class had different views on slavery. Some believed that slavery was a symbol of achievement through hardwork and dignity. The people in the middle class not only had different visions on slavery bu they also promoted temperance. Temperance is another term for abstinence from alcohol. They also supported …show more content…
The people in this class formed their own neighborhoods that later on suffered during economic slumps. The Industrial revoltion brought the lives tot he people of this class some improvements but these improvements did not benefit them as much as they benefited the middle class and the elites. Although they only had little imporvement, they still continued to live a precausious existence. In this class, men tried to imitate the style of the middle class by keeping femaes and children from working in factories. This lead an economic situation that lead to othermembers of families to ontribute support. This meant that children in the working-class would attend school for only a few years. Children would only be able to attend school for a few years because due to theincome, education had to be sacrifice. SInce education was sacrificed, children ended up working in factories . The wives, on the other hand, did piecework at home that was related to the fmlies income becaus ethey did not work for ages just like the wves in the middle class. Although, the working-class coud not afford s many goods as the other classes could, they did experience a great influence over culture. One influenece was that taverns served as important places that peoplewent to in order ti forget thw lng working hours in factories and their wages. Alcoholism was also high throughout the working class. People in the working

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