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How Do You Summarize Alexander The Great's Speech To His Military

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Alexander the Great’s encouraging speech to his army is well written and well supported. Alexander begins his speech with a question, catching his listeners’ attention. “I have asked you to meet me that we may come to a decision together: are we, upon my advice, to go forward, or, upon yours, to turn back?” Then he begins to list out the many other cities and territories he and his troops have conquered. Alexander continues addressing his troops by asking the question; “With that all accomplished, why do you hesitate to extend the power of Macedon-your power-to the Hyphasis and the tribes on the other side?” This tactic is Alexander's way of pointing out to his audience that there should be no reason to not continue to advance into India. …show more content…
He goes on to explain that they may very well be sentenced to beginning their endeavor again if they do not conquer tall critical territories in a timely manner. “…if we withdraw now there is danger that the territory which we do not yet securely hold may be stirred to revolt by some nation or other we have not yet forced into submission. Should that happen, all that we have done and suffered will have proved fruitless-or we shall be faced with the task of doing it all over again from the beginning.” Alexander concludes this paragraph with the uplifting words, “Stand firm; for well you know that hardship and danger are the price of glory, and that sweet as the savior of a life of courage and of deathless renown beyond the grave.” Alexander then points out that “you and I, gentlemen, have shared the labour and shared the danger, and the rewards are for us all.” He continues by announcing that once Asia is conquered, he will “go further than the mere of our ambitions: the utmost hopes of riches or power which each one of you cherishes will be far surpassed, and whoever wishes to return home will be allowed to go, either with me or without me. I will make those who stay the envy of those who return.” Alexander promises immense reward for his troops after they

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